Undying Life

Chapter 961: The Most Difficult Time

Chapter 961: Chapter 961: The Most Difficult Time

"I have said all that needs to be said. This tomb will now drift towards the Infinite Void, to the deeper end of time and space," Fuxi said calmly.

Dense fog surrounded them, severely limiting Zhong Shan's visibility, but he could still feel the movement of the plaza beneath his feet.

Heading towards the Infinite Void? Wouldn't that mean it would gradually disappear?

Feng Xingyun looked devastated.

"Do not worry, this is the 'Heavenless Burial,' allowing Nuwa and me to completely return to nothingness. It is the grandest burial of ancient times. Naturally, you cannot accompany us. Once you leave this tomb, you cannot return to the world between heaven and earth. Hold onto the Demon-Summoning Banner; it will guide you out. Remember, the Demon-Summoning Banner belongs to Qingqiu; you must return it to Qingqiu, understand?" Fuxi instructed.

As he spoke, Fuxi's projection began to fade, signaling the end of his recorded message.

Feng Xingyun solemnly kowtowed several times to Fuxi.

At that moment, the Demon-Summoning Banner emitted a cyan light again.

Zhong Shan and Feng Xingyun naturally grabbed onto the Demon-Summoning Banner. The banner released a massive burst of cyan light, enveloping the two of them and gradually lifting them away from Nuwa's gigantic tomb.

Surrounded by the cyan light, they were unaffected by the outside environment.

Watching as the massive tomb drifted farther and farther away until it finally vanished from sight, they found themselves enveloped in a cocoon of light formed by the Demon-Summoning Banner, transforming into a streak of light traversing the starry sky.

Zhong Shan and Feng Xingyun each sat cross-legged, meditating as they waited. To their surprise, it took an entire year for the light cocoon to dissolve.

When the cocoon finally dissipated, they found themselves in a valley. Nearby, ruins lay scattered, the aftermath of a catastrophic event.

"This is... the Snake Queen's domain?" Feng Xingyun exclaimed, eyes wide.

The Snake Queen's domain had been reduced to rubble. The sky above showed no sign of the entrance to Nuwa's realm.

"Saint King Zhong, thank you for your assistance. I will remember this favor," Feng Xingyun said, turning to Zhong Shan.

"No need for thanks; it was an enlightening experience for me as well," Zhong Shan replied, nodding.

"I have other matters to attend to. If fate allows us to meet again, please return the Demon-Summoning Banner to Qingqiu," Feng Xingyun said earnestly.

"Rest assured, I will. Until we meet again."

"Farewell!" Feng Xingyun said, flying towards the ruins of the Snake Queen's domain before heading off in another direction.

Zhong Shan looked around. Although he didn't know exactly what had transpired, he knew a significant amount of time had passed. The Demon-Summoning Banner had taken a year to bring him back, and who knows how long it took to reach the end of time and space in the first place?

While most people had left, finding a few stragglers wasn't too difficult.

Before long, Zhong Shan found a cultivator and, amid the cultivator's astonishment, learned that it had been nearly five years since his battle with Old Ancestor Xue Mei.

After leaving Nuwa's realm, there had been a period of chaos and bloodshed. Eventually, things settled, and most people left. A year ago, when the Innate Eight Trigrams Diagram emerged, Nuwa's realm suddenly collapsed. Those remaining gradually departed as well.

Nearly five years? Zhong Shan was shocked. Determining his next course, he wasted no time and quickly set off—

In the mortal realm, heroes vied for control over the territory of Da Zhen!

The land of Da Zhen had now become a coveted prize. Although its fortune had dissipated, the land itself remained. Accumulating territory could slowly nurture new fortune!

Moreover, Da Zhen had more than just fortune; talent was also key. Over time, Da Zhen's military strength had left a deep impression on people. This Da Zhen was not to be underestimated.

In the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, a third of the ministers were absent from the morning assembly. Where had these ministers gone? Killed? In the court, it was impossible; they must have left on their own.

The remaining ministers persisted in their duties.

Shui Wuhen sat on his throne, gazing at the assembly of ministers.

"I am pleased. Today, only a Deputy Minister of Rites left. Da Zhen is facing its most difficult time, but I firmly believe that the Saint King will return. I think those of you who remain share my belief," Shui Wuhen said solemnly.

Comforting the ministers had become Shui Wuhen's daily responsibility. When the fortune vanished, Shui Wuhen could still stabilize the court, but after the news from Nuwa's realm spread, and even some memory crystals circulated, many ministers began contemplating leaving. The Saint King was dead, truly dead, as recorded and witnessed by all. What was the point of holding on?

What could they do by staying in Da Zhen? Wait to die?

Consequently, some officials were enticed by high positions and salaries from enemy dynasties and defected from Da Zhen.

As days passed, more and more people left, and the chances of Zhong Shan's survival seemed increasingly slim. Shui Wuhen's pressure mounted.

"Reporting to King Zichen, an envoy from the Taiji Holy Court requests an audience!" a guard reported upon entering the hall.

Shui Wuhen's eyelids twitched. This was the nineteenth time. The previous eighteen envoys were either not received or directly killed. But this nineteenth time?

The ministers all turned their gaze to Shui Wuhen, awaiting his decision.

From their eyes, Shui Wuhen saw a sense of concern. This nineteenth envoy must be seen. Otherwise, there could be significant trouble, as these envoys might specifically visit the ministers next.

"Let the envoy in," Shui Wuhen commanded.


Soon, an envoy from the Taiji Holy Court entered, followed by two subordinates.

"Envoy of Taiji, greetings to King Zichen and all the ministers!" the Taiji envoy greeted with a smile.

"What is your purpose here?" Shui Wuhen asked in a deep voice.

"The Taiji Holy Court has ceased all military actions against Da Zhen. This is a gesture of sincerity from Taiji," the envoy said.

Beside him, Shui Jing nodded. Indeed, reports from all directions confirmed that the Taiji Holy Court's troops had halted, leaving only the troops of the other heavenly dynasties roaming Da Zhen's lands.

"Hmm," Shui Wuhen said solemnly.

"Our Saint King deeply regrets the news about Da Zhen's Saint King. Zhong Saint King was a remarkable and visionary leader. It's truly a pity. I believe you all understand this as well. Clinging to false hopes is futile," the envoy said with apparent regret.

Many ministers frowned, unwilling to accept Zhong Shan's death, yet unable to deny it.

"Da Zhen's fortune is gone. What does the Taiji Saint King want now?" Shui Wuhen asked coldly.

"Our Saint King believes that Da Zhen's territory cannot hold out much longer, at most four years, perhaps even less," the envoy said with a smile.

Shui Wuhen's eyes grew cold, but he did not refute it, as this was no secret.

Shui Jing and Lin Xiao also frowned deeply. Four years? At most four years!

"Our Saint King sent me here as a messenger. Would you be willing to join Taiji? Our Saint King seeks talented individuals with great eagerness. You are all pillars of talent. Joining the Taiji Holy Court will provide you with far better treatment than any other heavenly dynasty," the envoy proposed.

"Oh? Recruitment? The Taiji Saint King really values us, doesn't he?" Shui Wuhen said with a cold laugh.

"It's not about valuing you; it's the reality. Da Zhen has been a mere name for the past five years. Yet King Zichen, Shui Jing, Lin Xiao, and the ministers have kept it stable. Such talent is rare in the entire Feng Tomb domain. Join Taiji, and you will be rewarded with titles and lands. You will be needed and valued in our court," the Taiji envoy said with a smile.

Among the ministers, most maintained their firm gazes, but a few showed signs of wavering.

Aligning with a heavenly court was vastly different from aligning with a sacred court. Previously, a third of the ministers had defected to heavenly courts. Now, with the sacred court offering, some were tempted.

Prime Minister Shui Jing and General Lin Xiao remained silent, their faces unreadable.

The Taiji envoy frequently glanced at Shui Jing, Lin Xiao, and Shui Wuhen. The success of this recruitment hinged on these three individuals, not because they held power, but due to their immense talents. The imperial decree had stated that recruiting any one of these three would result in a promotion. Recruiting two would result in a double promotion, and recruiting all three would result in a quadruple promotion. Such an enticing offer!

"Thank the Taiji Saint King, but tell him that Da Zhen's ministers will always belong to Da Zhen!" Shui Wuhen said coldly.

The Taiji envoy glanced at Shui Wuhen. He had anticipated that the first attempt at recruitment wouldn't be easy, but he had devised a sinister plan to sow discord, hoping to at least recruit one of the three key figures.

"Whether you agree or not is up to you. However, regarding Da Zhen's situation, I have a suggestion. Would King Zichen be willing to hear it?" the Taiji envoy asked with a smile.


The ministers also looked at the Taiji envoy.

"Right now, public morale is low. With Zhong Shan gone, it's nearly impossible to resist external enemies unless fortune returns to Da Zhen. King Zichen could take another step forward, declare himself king, and unite the realm, thereby accumulating fortune and resisting enemies!" the Taiji envoy suggested slyly.

Self-proclaiming as king? Usurping the throne? Changing dynasties?

This plan was indeed insidious, shaking the ministers' hearts. Shui Jing and Lin Xiao bowed their heads, fists clenched, but said nothing.

Changing dynasties? Reuniting fortune to resist enemies?


Shui Wuhen's roar echoed through the hall, startling the ministers and even surprising the Taiji envoy.

"Audacious Taiji envoy, how dare you incite rebellion within Da Zhen? Your crime is punishable by death! Guards, drag this man to the South Heavenly Gate and execute him as a warning to others!" Shui Wuhen commanded.

"Yes!" Several guards rushed forward.

"I am an envoy! You can't do this! You can't do this!" the Taiji envoy shouted in panic.

"You came with two others who can relay the message. As for you, you will die!" Shui Wuhen decreed.

"You can't kill me! You can't kill me!"

The Taiji envoy's cries echoed as he was dragged away, while the other two envoys retreated in fear.

Shui Wuhen looked at the ministers and declared solemnly, "Da Zhen will always belong to the Saint King. Anyone who harbors treasonous thoughts will have their nine generations exterminated! Court is dismissed!"

With that, Shui Wuhen swept his sleeve and disappeared from the Hall of Longevity.

The ministers exchanged glances before gradually dispersing.

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