Undying Life

Chapter 993 - 994: A True or False Wedding Interruption

Chapter 993: Chapter 994: A True or False Wedding Interruption

Yama City. Yama Hall!

In the Yama Hall, a large chair dominated the center, and on it sat a man with an extremely dark complexion, his appearance somewhat stern. The man looked to be around fifty years old in human terms, with a full beard, not particularly pleasing to the eye.

Only one person could sit on that chair in the underworld—King Yama!

In front of King Yama stood five or six subordinates, all bowing low in servitude.

"King Yama, tomorrow is your wedding day, so why do you look so troubled?" one of the subordinates asked.

"I'm thinking about Nian Youyou," King Yama replied with a frown.

"King Yama, with your status, you could have any woman you desire. Why are you suddenly so focused on Nian Youyou? She's beautiful, yes, but there are plenty of beauties in the underworld. Why insist on making her your queen?" the subordinate asked, perplexed.

"You don't understand. It's not just her appearance—it's her bloodline. That individual happens to be her ancestor... Damn it, do I need to explain myself to you?" King Yama glared at him.

"Yes, yes, I deserve to be punished. But there's no need for concern, King Yama. Nian Youyou has already agreed to the marriage!" the subordinate quickly reassured him.

"That's not enough. I don't just want her body; I want her heart as well! I can tell that she's only marrying me because of her two brothers!" King Yama shook his head.

"Oh?" one of the subordinates' eyes twitched with an idea.

"King Yama, I might have a suggestion!" the man suddenly spoke up.

"Oh? Judge Lu, you have a solution?" King Yama's eyes lit up with interest.

"Think about it, King Yama. We've judged so many female ghosts—what kind of men did they love most when they were alive?" Judge Lu smiled.

"Go on."

"Yes! Women love heroes, especially those who save them in times of danger. King Yama, what if you became a hero?" Judge Lu suggested with a grin.

"Oh? How would I do that?" King Yama was intrigued.

"We could stage a wedding interruption, where someone comes to steal the bride. At that critical moment, you, King Yama, would step forward, display your divine power, and defeat all the intruders! This would greatly enhance your image in Nian Youyou's eyes," Judge Lu explained.

"Hmm, not a bad idea!" King Yama immediately showed a hint of satisfaction.

"And I'll make sure to arrange for extremely ugly individuals to contrast with your brilliance, King Yama!" Judge Lu added, eager to please.

"Good, good, good! Hahahaha..."—

Later that evening, in a side hall near Yama Hall.

Nian Ben and the Crown Prince had just seen Judge Lu off.

"Big Brother, what's going on?" Nian Ben asked, surprised, looking at the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince thought for a moment and said, "King Yama mentioned that he has special arrangements for tomorrow. He said there will be a unique event and instructed us not to intervene, no matter what happens—he'll handle everything himself. This is indeed strange."

"Why wouldn't he want us to intervene?" Nian Ben frowned.

"If he doesn't want us to interfere, it means that whatever happens tomorrow is a setup, something planned by King Yama himself, and he's confident he can handle it," the Crown Prince speculated.

"What could he be planning?"

"We'll just have to wait and see. Since King Yama took the trouble to inform us, it's bound to be surprising. But whatever happens, we mustn't interfere," the Crown Prince said firmly.

"Hmm, I'm curious to see what tricks that old black ghost has up his sleeve."—

Yama City, in the largest inn.

Zhong Shan and his group rented a large courtyard to store the giant purple coffin; after all, they couldn't take the coffin with them during the wedding interruption.

Just after securing the purple coffin, Zhong Shan vaguely overheard a conversation coming from the neighboring room.

"Old Zhao, how did someone as ugly as you get recruited by King Yama?"

"Brother, don't mock me. This time, I've caught King Yama's eye—Old Zhao is about to strike it rich!"

"What's the good news?"

"Nothing much, just helping King Yama win over his new queen!"


As the conversation continued next door, Zhong Shan's eyes lit up.

"Luo Xingchen, capture everyone in the neighboring room and bring them here for questioning!" Zhong Shan commanded in a low voice.

"Yes, sir!"—

The next day, King Yama's wedding officially began.

Yama City was even more bustling and lively than the previous day.

The area around Yama Hall was more open than ever, allowing countless ghost cultivators and powerful beings to come and go, offering their congratulations.

However, most of the powerful beings didn't approach directly; they stayed on the plaza outside Yama Hall, creating a distant clamor.

Numerous ghost guards were stationed around, maintaining order.

Nian Youyou had not yet appeared, while King Yama stood on the plaza, welcoming guests from all directions.

"Maitreya Buddha? Your esteemed presence is a great honor, I'm sorry I couldn't greet you sooner. Please, please come in...!"

"Burning Lamp Buddha? The fact that you've come from the Great Thunderclap Temple graces Yama Hall with unparalleled glory. Please, please enter...!"

"Third Prince Nezha? The Heavenly Court sending the Third Prince is a gesture I deeply appreciate. Please, please take a seat...!"

"Bull Demon King? Welcome, please come in!"


From the world of the living—Three Mountains and Five Peaks, the Heavenly Court, and the Great Thunderclap Temple—everyone had received invitations from King Yama. Regardless of their feelings toward him, the existence of Yama Hall was not to be underestimated, so all these powers had sent emissaries.

From the Great Thunderclap Temple, Burning Lamp and Maitreya Buddha had come, having just arrived from their business at Sacred Corpse Mountain.

As for Nezha, he was still brooding over the events in the Wind Tomb Domain. Seeing his son's gloomy mood, Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, had sent him here to relax.

Of course, other forces had also sent their representatives.

King Yama's wedding was no ordinary event. The plaza in front of Yama Hall was filled with luxurious seats, reserved for these distinguished guests to witness the wedding.

King Yama had taken great care in planning this wedding, inviting many powerful figures.

As one prestigious guest after another took their seats, King Yama grew increasingly confident. The onlookers in the distance were also becoming more and more astonished.

So many powerful figures? So many factions? It was clear that King Yama wasn't joking around.

Yama Hall would soon have a new mistress.

Inside Yama Hall, Nian Youyou was dressed in a red wedding gown.

"Big Brother, Third Brother, can this really go on? Look at this—how am I supposed to escape?" Nian Youyou grumbled.

"We've come this far, Little Sister. You have to see it through. Once you get the item, we'll leave immediately!" Nian Ben urged.

"Leave? Can we really leave? I know you two are Ancient Immortals, but so are Maitreya Buddha and Burning Lamp Buddha. Can you really get me out of here? I don't believe it!" Nian Youyou retorted coldly.

"Little Sister, this isn't the time for doubts. This wedding is happening, whether you like it or not," the Crown Prince stated firmly.

As he spoke, the Crown Prince reached out and tapped a point on Nian Youyou's back.

"You!" Nian Youyou exclaimed angrily.

"Don't worry, I've only sealed your cultivation to prevent you from causing any trouble. Once the wedding is over and we have the item, we'll definitely take you away!" the Crown Prince assured her.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Nian Youyou shouted furiously.

The two brothers immediately retreated, leaving Nian Youyou alone in the hall, her expression cold and filled with resentment.

"Hmph!" Nian Youyou snorted coldly, her eyes flashing with a glint of icy determination.

Meanwhile, the Crown Prince and Nian Ben stepped out of the hall where Nian Youyou was being held.

"Big Brother, isn't this getting out of hand?" Nian Ben asked, concerned.

"You don't understand the importance of the Book of Life and Death. Sacrificing Nian Youyou for it is worth it," the Crown Prince replied sternly.

"Hmm!" Nian Ben nodded in agreement.

"Let's go outside and wait for Nian Youyou, and also see what tricks King Yama has up his sleeve!"


King Yama greeted the powerful guests from various realms, who had all taken their seats. Feeling satisfied, King Yama turned to look at Judge Lu.

Judge Lu gave King Yama a reassuring nod.

Seeing this, King Yama felt completely at ease. He was slightly excited—this wasn't just about establishing himself as a hero in front of Nian Youyou, but also in front of the entire world. He was eagerly waiting for the bride-snatching to begin. Come on, bring it on! King Yama could hardly wait!

"The auspicious time has arrived~~~~~~~~~!"

The master of ceremonies announced loudly, and the gathered crowd immediately fell silent, while the drums and trumpets blared energetically from all directions.

"Bring out the bride!" the master of ceremonies called.

An elderly woman in red, holding a red ribbon, slowly led out Nian Youyou, who was dressed in a red wedding robe.

Nian Youyou, already stunningly beautiful, looked even more radiant after being adorned for the occasion. Wearing a bejeweled phoenix crown, she captivated countless men with her appearance.

"No wonder King Yama is infatuated with her—she's incredibly beautiful!"

"Yeah, if I could marry a woman like that, it'd be worth dying for!"

"Aren't you already dead since you're a ghost?"


Voices of admiration echoed from all directions, filling King Yama with immense satisfaction.

"Lord Yama, I, Granny Meng, have brought you the bride. Hold on to her tightly!" The elderly woman in red handed the other end of the red ribbon to King Yama.

"Hmm!" King Yama nodded.

"Quickly now, prepare to bow to Heaven and Earth!" Granny Meng said with a smile as she stepped back.

"Congratulations, Lord Yama!"

"Congratulations, Lord Yama!"

Cheers of congratulation resounded from all sides, and King Yama responded with a beaming smile.

However, beside him, Nian Youyou's mood was extremely gloomy. In that moment, she felt utterly helpless, devoid of the joy others imagined she might feel, instead filled with deep sorrow. A tall figure in a black robe kept surfacing in her mind. If only he could appear now, how wonderful that would be.

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