Undying Warlord

Chapter 152 Flood of Darkness

Several hours passed in the blink of an eye. Not a single Tierless Ascender had even the slightest bit of stamina left to move.

But even if they were incapable of moving and were gasping for breath, they were overjoyed.

“Oh my god…A Rare occupation appeared as a new Ancient Path of Advancement!”

At first, it had only been one Ascender who was fortunate enough to be able to choose a Rare Ancient Path of Advancement to advance to Tier-1 but after some time had passed the others received the same opportunity.

Some even obtained the same occupation, which Dilan believed to be due to the fact that the Ascenders met the conditions to advance with the said Rare Ancient Path of Advancement!

It was great that so many Ascenders had the choice to pick a rare occupation as it would increase their strength by leaps and bounds once they advanced.

As they had absorbed enough Essence and Status points, the Ascenders weren’t missing out on much to initiate their ascension, with high stats at that.

“They’ll be able to fight low-leveled Bronze monsters once they advance.” Dilan figured with a faint smile on his face.

Kathrine just nodded her head, while sweat trickled down her cheeks. She stood next to Dilan, who was extremely calm and not even the slightest bit exhausted.

Even if Dilan had not fought many monsters actively, he had defeated every single Bronze Tier-1 monster they encountered so far.-.

Kathrine was sure that she would be able to defeat them by herself but Dilan ignored her when she spoke about finishing off all of them by herself.

Dilan needed the Bronze Essence crystals of Tier-1 monsters, which was why he couldn’t care less if Kathrine was confident in defeating them or not.

It was already midnight on Milarn and most survivors were sound asleep while Dilan, Kathrine, and the other Ascenders reached the deeper parts of the Krendel’s Underground Valley.

Because they were not in the Rian mountainside hospital, they were oblivious to the incident that was currently underway in the hospital.

Something huge was happening; something that could be considered the reaction of the Universe’s Faith that had appeared on Milarn.

Oblivious to the incident that was just happening on Milarn, Dilan and the others were far away from the hospital to hear the roars, squeals and footsteps of thousands of mutated animals that emerged from within the mountainside’s forest.

Hundreds of old trees were destroyed as the mutated animals stampeded through them. It was almost as if they couldn’t see the trees or didn’t care what trampled beneath their feet.

They were scared beyond means and were simply running over everything that stood in their way, just to keep increasing the distance from the mountain.

Something within the mountain scared them, something that didn’t allow them to stay inside the mountain fearing that they would die at any moment.

Upon hearing the rumbling of thousands of mutated animals, mythical beasts, and other monsters, everyone inside the Rian mountainside hospital was dragged out of their sleep.

Not a single survivor felt safe inside the hospital after hearing the rumbling footsteps and growls of the monsters. The majority of weak-willed survivors were not able to endure the pressure building up due to the horde of powerful beings that rushed past the hospital.

They slumped to the ground and stayed there, lying motionless. The remaining survivor, who didn’t collapse, felt that the slightest movement would expose them to the monsters, giving away their hiding spot for the monsters to approach and attack them.

A deep fear struck their minds, preventing even Williams, Xenia, and the rest of his people from doing anything.

Nobody dared to move a muscle and they tried standing like a statue, forcing themselves to not even breathe until their breath was taken away.

Gasping for air after an entire minute of utter silence had passed within the hospital, the first survivors dared to get up from their bed, or the ground they had fallen to in shock.

The survivors realized true terror only when they had approached the windows that were the closest to them.

In the darkness that was barely illuminated by the weak light of the moon, they couldn’t see much.

However, the moving outlines in the dark night of seemingly ordinary midnight made it seem as if a flood of darkness was rushing towards the hospital.

Parts of the flood brushed past the hospital to enter the outskirts of Rian, while the remaining flood either reached the Shikan plains or collided with the Rian mountainside hospital’s walls.

At first, it looked like the hospital’s walls were strong enough to endure the impact of several smaller and larger animals, who didn’t even notice that they were running straight into an obstacle. However, it was only when a group of boars that were three times the size of ordinary boars collided with the hospital’s building that the walls crumbled.

Nobody was able to sense this at first because the hospital’s walls that were the furthest away from the survivor’s shelter were affected.

It had been at the tower across their tower, which was quite reassuring because there were more than enough additional defensive measures the survivors had installed for the worst-case scenario.

Thus, when Williams and the others noticed what had just happened, their shock was quickly wiped away.

“They are not even trying to attack us, they’re just fleeing… must be a mass relocation caused by fear about something that emerged in the mountain…”

William’s face was grave, his expression filled with frustration and annoyance about the unknown danger in the mountain. The flood of the fleeing monsters stopped after merely ten minutes had passed.

More than ten thousand mutated animals and other beings had passed by the Rian mountainside hospital. Meanwhile, only two walls collapsed, but luckily both were of the farthest tower.

The damage was far less than what they had expected but that was not something Williams could be truly happy about.

Before the appearance of the flood of monsters everyone had been dead-tired. Almost every single survivor had worked hard throughout the day.

But even if they had been dead-tired before, right now, nobody felt like returning to sleep.

Williams and his group had to pay their entire attention to calming the masses and this was much harder than one could think.

Too many survivors had been traumatized by the horror that was unleashed upon them with the advent of the Primordial Ascension.

Every change that occurred around them frightened the already scared survivors.

After having calmed down a bit from the terrifying events of the last two weeks, the survivors had begun to adapt to their new way of living and settle down.

Yet, right now with the occurrence of another horrifying event, the survivors were once again desperate and their mind was in chaos.

That made things even more difficult for Williams and the others.

However, the worst was the fact that not even Williams was able to stay unaffected after witnessing the flood of monsters.

Nobody had been able to see everything outside the hospital clearly but what Williams had been able to perceive was more than enough to shock even Dilan.

After all, there had been existences amongst the escaping monsters that had already attained the prowess of Tier-2!

The rank alone was terrifying, but the most confusing factor was that existence with the combat prowess at Tier-2 was running away for their lives and trying to put as much distance between themselves and the mountain!!

‘What the hell is inside this fucking mountainside? Just what is going on? Did something enter the mountainside, or did something about it change?’

Numerous questions squirmed through his mind, but there was not a single answer. Nothing pointed out the truth of what happened just now, or what might happen in the future.

Meanwhile, as Wiliams was bothered about the incident that had just happened, Dilan, Kathrine, and the few Ascenders, who were by their side at the Krendel’s Underground valley, couldn’t help but feel astonished.

They had reached the deepest parts of the mineral cave’s tunnel and had entered a brightly illuminated room filled with numerous Lumina crystals.

However, that was not everything. Rather, it was just a means to highlight the thing they found in the center of the small cavern hall.

The corners of Dilan’s mouth twitched as a single question swept through his mind.

“Is that edible?”

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