Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 248 Tainted as you

Sitting inside the head doctor’s office, Yue Ling and Lu Tian sat on one side. Across from them is Doctor Dong.

The door knob open after a knock came to the ears. Entering the room was a nurse with Uncle Nuo following behind.

"Head doctor, I’ve brought Mr. Nuo as you asked."

"Mm, thank you. You may leave."

The nurse nod her head and walks back out of the room as Uncle Nuo enters the room. He looks at the head doctor and he swore he felt his blood had been clogged. Who knows what they will say about his mother... However, when he saw Yue Ling also seated inside, he relaxed.

"Uncle Nuo, sit here."

Yue Ling stood from her seat and smiles with her hand gesturing to the chair next to her. She knows the man is afraid to hear what might be wrong with his mother. Anyone would be.

"Miss Han..."

Looking at the middle aged man, Yue Ling sighed inside. Knowing the stress that’s been brought upon the man and his family, she assures the man to not be afraid.

"Don’t worry, everything will be alright. We will listen to the report on the diagnose."

Hearing this, Uncle Nuo nod his head. He sits down beside Yue Ling and looks up at Doctor Dong.

"Doctor, I am ready to listen to the report."

Sitting alone on the other side of the desk, Doctor Dong looked to the three people he has come to face. He sighed inside and hope that Doctor Xie did not misdiagnose or did anything stupid. If the man did, he is clearly digging his own grave and giving the two guns a reason to shoot him.

Clearing his mind quickly, he press a number on his land phone.

"Doctor Xie, please come to my office."

He hung the phone and looks at Yue Ling. For some odd reason, he felt something is not right. How is the granddaughter of the general related to the Nuo family?

When they first arrived to the hospital, he was already confused at the situation. There has never been any family outside of the military to ever be admitted to Imperial Military Hospital.

*knock knock*

The door opens and Doctor Xie enters the room with a folder in his hand. His head held high like he is looking down at the people in the room. He sits down on a chair next to Doctor Dong and place the folder down.

"Here is the diagnose reports for Mrs. Nuo."

He opens the folder and hands a piece of paper to the head doctor.

"From what I can see, Mrs. Nuo’s condition is fine. For an old lady, she must be too tired and doesn’t want to wake up."

Doctor Dong read the lines of the diagnose report and he pursed his lip. Everything seems normal and nothing is out of the ordinary. Could it be that the Nuo family is making a big deal out of nothing?

"Lies! I don’t believe this at all! If my mother is fine, why hasn’t she waken up? She is sleeping as if..."

Uncle Nuo roar in anger, but he could not finish his words. He dares not continue to say that his mother is sleeping as if she is dead. Unable to continue his words, his shoulders slouch and his head dropped.

"Uncle Nuo.."

Yue Ling slightly turn to the man and she reach a hand out to touch his trembling back to soothe him. She looks up at Doctor Dong and her expression dimmed.

"Are you sure?"

Setting the paper down, Doctor Dong couldnt help but get a feeling of doubt inside him. He glance at the paper and then back to Yue Ling.

"According to report, Mrs. Nuo fainted due to shock during in the incident. However, she should gain consciousness any minute now. I will have her stay in the hospital for a few more days and keep an eye on her condition."

Hearing this, Doctor Xie snort and cross his arms over his chest.

"No shame at all. Don’t think you can fool us doctors just because you have money. I am not stupid to be blinded by your little scheme."

"Doctor Xie, as a doctor, this is no way to speak to the family of your patients."

Doctor Dong glares at the stupid man for speaking improperly. As a doctor, they are to reassure their patients, not discourage or look down upon them.

Even worse, did Doctor Xie forget who is still in this room at this moment?

He looks at Lu Tian and he felt beads of sweat slowly fall from his forehead. With great difficulty, he gulp in fear for Doctor Xie’s life.

Doctor Xie ignores the head doctors words. He grabs the piece of paper and put it back in the folder. Without any fear, he stands up and snort at Yue Ling and Uncle Nuo.

"I am a doctor. My patients are well taken care of by me, but I will not fall for anyone’s dirty scheme. Especially if that person is from the entertainment industry."

He sized Yue Ling up and continue his words.

"Everyone knows how dirty the entertainment world is. There is not one person in that career who is not tainted."

As the man continue to speak his mind, Uncle Nuo lift his head and glares at the doctor. His hand clench into tight fists and he argues back.

"You’re the one who is dirty! Everyone in Imperial knows that you didnt get your position because of hard work. It was your wife’s background that got you here!"

Doctor Xie scoff at Uncle Nuo. He could care less about what anyone has to say about him. So what if he didnt work hard to be a doctor, at least he still got somewhere with his life.

"Mr. Nuo, if I were you I would keep my mouth close. Who knows what kind people you will cross the line with in the future."


Uncle Nuo stood from his chair and press his lips tightly together in anger. He points at Doctor Xie but could not continue his words.

"Doctor Xie."

Sitting still in her seat, Yue Ling’s angelic voice comes to surface. She looks at Doctor Xie and smiles at the man.

"You are correct about the entertainment industry being dirty."

Hearing this, Doctor Xie was even more confident in himself. He humf in ignorance and lift his chin higher. However, Yue Ling’s next words made him tongue tied.

"Except, not everyone is as tainted as you."

Yue Ling calmly stood from the chair and her sweet smile disappears.

"In the future, I suggest you not to curse others without knowing who you are dealing with."

She turns to Uncle Nuo and helps the man steady himself from falling.

"Any miscalculation and the sun won’t be so bright on your end anymore."

No longer wanting to speak to Doctor Xie, Yue Ling looks to Doctor Dong and she nod her head lightly.

"Sorry to trouble you for this, head doctor. I will have my assistant contact you soon."

She turns around and leaves out of the room with Uncle Nuo. If her leaving without excusing herself is impolite then what would you call Doctor Xie’s rudeness as a doctor?

Watching the two figures leave, Doctor Dong sighed inside. He swore the meeting was only a few minutes, but why did it feel like his hair had turned even more white?

Suddenly, he remembers something and he looks to the other person left in the room. He force a smile and speaks to the man.

"Mr. Lu, about this..."

Lu Tian didnt respond but nod his head to Doctor Dong. He had not spoken a word because he knew his wife could handle it. Except....

He looks at Doctor Xie and his eyes turned murderous. To think this old man actually dares to curse his wife in front of him, is he courting death?

"Doctor Dong, I hope you will take another look at the report. Any miscalculation and the water keeping the fish alive will be empty."

Not seeing a reason to stay as his wife already left, Lu Tian also leaves the room.

From behind, Doctor Xie stare in confusion at the man. Thinking of something, he runs after Lu Tian to try and convince the man to not be trick by Yue Ling.

However, he was quickly stopped by Doctor Dong.

"Doctor Xie, have you not cause enough trouble since you’ve been here?"


He looks at the folder in Doctor Xie’s hand.

"Leave the folder behind. I will have another look at this diagnose report. I hope everything is as you said."

Doctor Xie frown at the head doctor, but knowing his position is inferior to the old man, he place the folder back down.

There is nothing to fear because he had already made sure everything he did was destroyed with no trace of evidence.

Turning away, he also decides to leave the room. If he can catch up to Lu Tian, he still has a chance to persuade the man to go on a blind date with his daughter. There is no way he will believe that Lu Tian is married.

Just as he was about to take another step out of Doctor Dong’s office, the old man’s voice spoke from behind.

"Doctor Xie, I will monitor Mrs. Nuo from here on."

Hearing this, Doctor Xie sneer inside. Did he want to monitor poor people? Of course not! If Doctor Dong wants to then so be it.

Without showing his inner feelings, Doctor Xie turns back to Doctor Dong and nod his head like respectful subordinate.

"You are the head doctor here, I will follow your orders."

The door closed and Doctor Dong was left alone in his office. He looks down at the folder and he sighed.

Lu Tian’s words were firm. Any miscalculation and the man can turn a person penniless. Doctor Xie is definitely digging his own grave.

He sighed again, but he quickly remembers something. Ignoring the distraught incident, he giggle like a little girl and reach for his phone.

Putting the phone to his ears after dialing a number, he continued to giggle until he heard the other line click in answer.

"Old Ji! I have something to tell you, lets meet at the golf course this weekend."

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