Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 284 Watch the lanterns

’I am the daughter of my father and my father is the son of Fate’s leader.’

Lu Tian stare into his wife’s eyes. He does not say a word, nor does he show a change in expression upon hearing her story. The only thing he thought about was her words as they repeated in his mind.

His wife really is the granddaughter of Fate’s leader...

From the moment they came back from Retro, he had his suspicions, but he didn’t think much of it....

Now hearing her say so herself, it’s even more of a shock for him. It’s not that he cares, but when he first met her, he really did thought she was a normal person.

After unexplainable encounters, he kept questioning her background, but never asked...

However, to know her true background.....

Lu Tian took one last look at his wife and he turn his head to look at the unlit lantern on the table.

Taking steps away, the faint lights of the lit lanterns on the grass illuminates behind him.

He stare down at the paper lantern in a long silence.

"People always say I have everything, but the truth is, in their eyes I am a person who is cold blooded.."

He takes a step forward and reach down to get the unlit lantern.

"Because I am the oldest son and the heir of Lu Corps, I am always targeted. I had to prepare myself everyday for the unimaginable, so I distant myself. When I did, I started to realize the true colors of those around me and I learned to cut them out of my life. It wasn’t me who they wanted to know, it was my wealth and connection they were after."

He turns around and looks at Yue Ling. He held the lantern in one hand and the candle in his other.

His expression was still as cold as ever and there was not ounce of emotion that can be seen.

"I never understood why my father loves my mother so much..."

He takes a step forward and it wasn’t until he stops a feet away from Yue Ling did his expression soften.

"It wasn’t until I met you that I realized a lot of feelings I never I had."

Yue Ling quietly stare at Lu Tian and she could feel her eyes start to tear up. His words were comforting and honest. They live in different worlds, yet so similar at the same time.

"I started to understand what life really means and you became the light in my life, lighting everything for me."

Lu Tian faintly smile at her, but Yue Ling could see the affection in his smile. It was the smile of accepting, a smile that could ease her heart. She looks down at the lantern in his hand and she carefully takes it from him.

He carefully use the candle to light the fuel and he place the candle down on the table.

Both individuals held one side of the lantern’s end. When the fuel burn completely both their hands let go at the same time and allow the faint wind to slowly carry the lantern upwards.

Yue Ling’s gaze follow the lantern and her head tilt back. She stare at the lantern as it flies higher into the night sky.

At the same time, Lu Tian did not look at the lantern, his eyes never left his wife and he takes a step forward to hold her hand.

"I once said to you, if you need a shoulder to lean on, I will lend you mine. If you need someone to listen to you, I will give you my ears. If you need strength, I will be your strength."

Hearing Lu Tian’s words, Yue Ling looks away from the lantern and back to Lu Tian. Those words he said were the reason she found him her safe haven. He is the reason why she could love someone whole heartily again.

Lu Tian leans closer to her and he plant a kiss on her red lip. As quickly as the kiss came, he pulls away and takes a step back.

"No matter who you are or what your family background is, it does not matter to me."

Yue Ling watch him in silence and she could feel her heart beat pound louder and louder.

"The moment I met you, I didn’t need the world...I just need you."

He spoke as he slowly took to one knee and takes out a small jade like box from his suit jacket. He opens the the box and his eyes met her eyes again.

"Will you grow old with me?"

In that moment, thousands of glowing lanterns slowly start to ascend the night sky from all directions around them. Each one creating a magical spectacle unlike anything, making the atmosphere unique and a lifetime memory.

Yue Liang felt her heart beat faster than ever and she couldn’t find the words to say.

This surprise was more than when she received Balance and even more than when she saw the new garage.

Everything that happened today was.....

Her lips tremble and she covers her mouth as tears began to fall.

She never saw this coming at all. The day Shin died, she swore to never get marry. She told herself to never love again because love for her will not be the same....

However, she met Lu Tian and fell in love...

He didn’t understand love and she let go of love, yet, they somehow cross paths and met.

He stood by her side without knowing anything about her and she told herself that if he decides to leave after knowing, she will understand, but.... even now, he still wants to stand by her side after knowing who she really is.

As her tears continue to fall, she could not speak a word.

Slowly, she nod her head in response to his question.

If God is willing to grant her a second chance at love, she will accept and cherish it.

Seeing her response, Lu Tian’s heart flew out to the sky and back. He felt the insecurity that was forming in heart lift and he relax.

He takes the ring out from the jade box and he stood up. Taking his wife’s hand, he puts the ring on her wedding finger.

Bringing her hand up, he kiss the back of her hand before pulling her into his arms.

"I really do love you, Yue Ling."

He embrace her tighter and he put his head on her shoulder. His movement was as if kneading her to become one with him.

"No matter what happened in your past or what the future holds for us, I will continue to love you."

Lu Tian pulls away from her, but his arms still wrap around her. He looks down at his wife and seeing her tearful face, he felt like beating himself up. If he had known proposing was going to make her cry, he would of just taken her to city hall to register.

However, he wants to make this memorable for her and imprint it into her memories.

He sigh a faint smile and he wipe her tears away.

"If you keep crying, you won’t be able to watch the lanterns anymore."

Hearing his words, Yue Ling scoff a chuckle and she nod her head with a sniffle. She calms herself down and use the back of her hand wipes her remaining tears away from her eyes.

"Who told you to surprise me so much in one day."

She spoke sarcastically to him in a somewhat hoarse voice from crying, but the moment she lift her hand, she felt her heart stop.

Yue Ling’s eyes falter and she stare in disbelief at her hand that is starting to tremble.

She lower her hand and look down at her hand while her other hand touch the ring.

Seeing her do this, Lu Tian did not think much and smiles.

When he propose to her, due to the area being dim, he knew that Yue Ling wasn’t able to clearly see the ring. So, seeing her reaction now, he had already expected it.

"I wanted to give you the perfect ring." He holds both of her hands and gently squeeze it. "This ring is the symbol of what you mean to me, because you are--"

"L’amour de ma vie....."

Before Lu Tian could finish his words, Yue Ling subconsciously interrupts him. Her head remains down as she stares at the ring on her finger.

Hearing her sudden words, Lu Tian furrow his brows.


Without thinking, he whisper the word ’how’. If it was someone else, he would not think much because L’amour de ma vie is a ring known to many... But the way Yue Ling said its name was different.

She sounded like someone who had decided to give away something she treasured but it was returned to her....

Just as he thought of this, his eyes slightly waiver and everything around froze for him.

L’amour de ma vie..... The love of my life.....

His mind wonder off to many things, but he does not let go of Yue Ling’s hand.

Oblivious to Lu Tian’s feelings, Yue Ling stare at the ring then she looks up at the cold man. Seeing the look in his eyes, she already knew what he is thinking.

She faintly smiles at him and lift her hand to caress the side of his face.

"L’Amour de ma vie was created by Shin."

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