Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 290 10 million

"Do you not know who I am?!!"

A woman with blonde curly hair shouts as she tries to pass Sophia. However, Sophia reacted with quick reflexes and stops the woman again.

Sophia pout her lip at the woman. She eyes the woman and tries to think of the people her boss meets, but she cannot recall this woman as being one of them.

"Miss, I am sorry, but you need to schedule an appointment."

Hearing this, blood rush to the woman’s face. Her expression turns crimson red and her breathing becomes rapid. She glares at Sophia and stomps her feet causing the entire lobby to echo in the clacking of her heels.

"Appointment?! One word from me and I am capable of closing this entire company!"

From the side, Yue Ling who had not said anything arch a brow. She stares at the woman and shook her head.

Standing next to her, Liu Shan stare dumbfounded at the woman, then he turn his head to look at Yue Ling.

"No wonder you said she’s someone who likes attention."

Saying this, he sighs and shake his head.

"She says, she’s able to close us down? Hah. I wonder how."

Yue Ling still does not say anything, but remain quiet. However, seeing that Sophia is a smaller person than the woman and is running out of ideas, she sighs and takes a step forward.

"Sophia, what is going on?"

Her tone of voice sounded worried, but her expression shows other wise. She walks up to Sophia and the woman.

At the same time, Sophia sigh in relief when she heard her boss, however, the woman eyes Yue Ling from head to toe. Seeing how simple Yue Ling was dressed compare to her, she held her chin higher.

Everything she has on is from high end designers. Everything is also limited editions that not anyone can get their hands on.

As the woman continue to eye Yue Ling, Sophia takes a step back and slightly bow to Yue Ling.

"Miss Han, this lady... she.."

Before she could finish her words, Yue Ling smiles politely to her and gives a little gesture with her hand.

"It’s alright, Sophia. I’ll take over the situation now."

Sophia quickly nods her head and takes more steps back to give way. However, seeing her boss and the crazy woman, she couldn’t help but feel that the situation won’t be good.

Now standing face to face with the woman, Yue Ling’s expression from politeness went straight to indifference.

"If I remember correctly, you are the person I met at Lu Corps. Am I right?"

Hearing this, Qian Li Li smirks at Yue Ling. She is the daughter of a rich family in Imperial, yet, someone of no background like Han Yue Ling actually dares to talk down on her?

"We did by chance meet at Lu Corps. I am Qian Li Li and Mr. Lu sent me here to have a private chat with you."

She cross her arms over her chest and raise her chin as if to look down on Yue Ling. However, due to their height difference, her little movement does no justice to her.

Yue Ling continues to stare down at the woman and swore inside, if she was not trying to be in boss mode, she would of burst into laughter.

Of course, she needs to maintain her image as the boss here, so she cannot do anything inappropriate.

She light nod her head when hearing Qian Li Li’s words.

Taking a step to the side, she smiles a smile that reach her eyes as she gesture with her hand.

"Miss Qian, let’s discuss this private matter in the conference room."

Seeing this, Qian Li Li hmmf and moves her hair away. Without looking at anyone else, she walks in the direction Yue Ling pointed. Her head held high and her heels clacking behind.

Judging from the scene and how the workers are looking, she is sure Yue Ling is scared to have any rumors about her get out. Not only that, she can see that Yue Ling does not want her boss to hear about this.

At first she planned to cause a scene, but seeing how Yue Ling is already scared, she’ll go in the conference room and proceed with what she came here for.

Coming to the conference room, Qian Li Li enters the room and Yue Ling after, but before Yue Ling enter the room, she stops and looks at Liu Shan, who is still standing in the same spot.

She gives him a quick nod and enters the conference room.

Although it was a simple nod, Liu Shan, who has been around Yue Ling knows what it mean. He turn his head from the conference room and to the workers. Taking a step forward, he clap his palms together.

"Alright, the show is over. Everyone get back to work if you want to start your vacation soon."

Hearing Liu Shan’s words, everyone who gathered in lobby quickly disperse to what they were doing before. If they finish their work early then that means they can leave early!

However, unlike the other worker, Sophia continues to glance in the direction of the conference room. She bit her lower lip and couldn’t help but worry about her boss.

Although she hasn’t worked in De L’amout for a long time, she knows her boss is a good person. Yet, that woman just now looks like someone who brings disaster whereever she goes.

Just as Liu Shan was about to head back to his office, he sees Sophia still standing in place with a blank stare. He looks at her then follow her eyes to the conference room.

He let out a sigh and walks over to the young girl.

"Sophia, get back to work."

Coming back from her thoughts, she looks at Liu Shan and she pout her lip.

"But... boss... will she be alright?"

Liu Shan sigh a chuckle and pat the young girl on her head.

"She’ll be fine."

Finishing his words, he gives her a reassuring smile and walks away from the lobby.

Left alone in the lobby, Sophia felt her cheeks burn. Lifting a hand, she touch the place Liu Shan had pat and her cheeks flush more.

Liu Shan has always been nice to everyone. If possible, she would want to find a man like him.

Inside the conference room, Yue Ling sat on a white couch and Qian Li Li on the once across from her. Not wanting to beat around the bush, Yue Ling gets straight to the point.

"What brings Miss Qian to De L’amour?"

Qian Li Li cross her leg and leans back on the couch. She acted like she is the owner of the place, while Yue Ling was an employee under her.

"Miss Han, I’m sure you know what my position at Lu Corps is and how important I am. I didn’t want to say this, but you left me no choice. Lu Tian is only playing with your feelings. Once he is done, he will throw you away."

She cross her arms over her chest and raise her chin.

"As a toy for him, do you think someone with a position like yours is fit to be the wife of Lu Corps’ CEO?"

Hearing this, Yue Ling’s brows arch up and her eyes slightly widen. Her expression looked like someone who is in shock and disbelief.

Seeing this expression on Yue Ling’s perfect face, Qian Li Li felt even more confident. She straightens her posture and reach into her handbag.

"Miss Han, we are both women, but we love the same man. However, due to the difference in our background, I am the better choice. Judging by your retirement from the entertainment industry, your life now isn’t that well."

She takes out a thick envelope and gently set it on the table in between them.

"So take this as a token and leave Lu Tian to live a better life than working here."

Qian Li Li smiles in full of self confidence. She stares at Yue Ling and she slightly leans forward.

"Inside is 10 million yuan, I’m sure this enough for you."

Qian Li Li acted high and mighty, knowing that anyone who is given 10 million yuan would not skip out on such luck. Of course, Yue Ling is the same as everyone else.

Plus, only she, Qian Li Li is fit to be Lu Tian’s wife and only she understands him more than anyone else.

Her eyes glance to the thick envelope on the table and she felt more confidence rise inside her.

After her meeting with Ning Xingyu, she found out that the once renown super model is now working as an employee at De L’amour. Since Ning Xingyu wants Yue Ling and she wants Lu Tian, it is only right that they cooperate together.

Due to this, Ning Xingyu was the one who gave her the money. Also, she saw how the place looked, although it is nice for a small company, money is still the answer to everything.

Throughout the entire conversation, Yue Ling did not spoke a word. Her expression did not change at all.

However, when Qian Li Li mentioned the 10 million yuan, she arch a brow in amusement at the courage the woman has. Of course, she is also going along.

She looks down at the thick envelope and hesistation appear on her face.

"You said 10 million?"

Qian Li Li sighs a conceited scoff at how Yue Ling thought she was lying. She pushes the thick envelope towards Yue Ling and smiles.

"Do I look like someone who would lie? You can check if you want."

Hearing this Yue Ling furrow her brows. Her expression was as if trying to fight her hesitation and just take the money.

After thinking throughly, she reaches for the envelope.

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