Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 293 Right there

Outside of Imperial Hospital, Yue Ling’s white BMW x5 comes to a screeching stop. From inside the car, she sees the scene and her face drain of all colors.

Why are the police and military here?

Police officers and soldiers surrounded every inch of Imperial Military Hospital. Doctors, nurses and patients were evacuated outside creating a crowd.

Yue Ling quickly gets out of the car and ignores the sick looking Liu Shan.

In a quick pace, she makes her way towards the hospital entrance.

"Miss, you can’t go in!"

A man in police uniform quickly blocks her way. He pulls her back and shook his head.

"We are still securing the premises. No one is allow to go in."

Yue Ling looks at the officer and her eyes dim dangerously.


The police man frowns and he continues to block Yue Ling from entering. She only said one word, but it caused chills to crawl on his spine when he heard it. He also swore that her expression alone can kill someone. However... he takes a deep breath.

"Miss, we are currently in a dangerous situation, I cannot let you enter."

"Yue Ling!!"

From the side, a woman calls out to Yue Ling. The woman wore a police uniform and she walks over to them.

"It’s okay, she can go in."

The policeman furrow his brows and looks at Yue Ling. He is hesistant in letting her go in or not. She doesn’t look like a person in the police force, so why....

"Detective Zhi, our order is to not let civilians inside."

Zhi Yilan looks at Yue Ling then the policeman.

"Let her in. I will inform the higher ups."

Still in the car, Liu Shan finally calms himself from wanting to vomit. He opens the passenger door and steps out of the car.

Seeing how his boss is stuck at the door by two police officer, he quickly makes his way to help. However, just when he took one step forward....


The sound of gunshots echo into the clear blue sky as everyone froze in place. Quickly, officers and soldiers start to evacuate the people to safer ground.

"Everyone move! Get to safety!"

"Doctors, move the patients this way!"

"Oh God, did someone get kill?"

As the shouting and crying start, Yue Ling could only feel her feet frozen in place and she slowly looks up to the roof of the hospital. Her face turn transparent after hearing the gunshots.

It wasn’t only the gunshots that she heard, there was also the faint dreadful cry of Uncle Nuo’s voice that followed.

No... yeye.. grandmother Nuo...

She quickly pushes her way through without caring about Zhi Yilan and the policeman. Her mind turn into worry and she only thought about getting to the roof. She has to make sure that nothing happens to her yeye and grandmother Nuo.

Seeing her run in, Liu Shan quickly reacts and rushes in after her.

He knows that when it involves the military, Grandfather Ji will always be there. Not only that, he knows how Yue Ling is.

If anything happens to the old man, she will never in her entire life forgive that person.

However, running behind a few feet behind her, he notice that she had suddenly stop running. He furrow his brows and slow down.

Yue Ling stood in place as she stares ahead. She could feel her heart pounding from the worry that creeped in her.

From ahead, groups of police officers and soldiers make their way down the stairs. The sound of their thick boots echo in the hallway, but Yue Ling does not move.

Looking at each face that passes her, she looks for the people important to her.

She sees a soldier she is familiar with and grab his arm.

"Liangcai, where is my yeye?"

Liangcai is taken back by surprise to see Yue Ling here, but hearing her question, he finally understood. He sighs and point in the direction behind him.

"General is fine. We also have the suspect in custody."

Hearing that her yeye is fine, Yue Ling felt the weigh on her shoulders lifted. However, she looks at Liangcai again and she swallow with pain in her heart.

"What about---"

Before she could finish asking her question, she sees a glimpse of Uncle Nuo amongst the crowd of uniforms. Letting go of Liangcai’s arm, she does not say a word, but slowly make her way through the crowd.

Liangcai furrow his brows and takes a step forward to stop Yue Ling, but before he could do so, Liu Shan stop him first.

"I’ll go. You go and assist outside."

Liu Shan does not wait for a response and follows after Yue Ling.

From behind, Liangcai stare confusingly at the two people who left him alone. Ignoring the soldiers and officers walking pass him, he scratch his head and mumble to himself.

"Why does the young miss look so sad? Did she think..."

Shaking his head, he turns around and follow the others out of the hospital. Maybe he saw wrong. Maybe he was overthinking what he saw. He already said the General is fine.

Yue Ling felt her legs turn heavy as she takes each step closer to Uncle Nuo. Her heart became heavy and her mind had turn completely blank.

When she finally stop at Uncle Nuo’s side, she lift her hand and pat the man on the shoulder.

"Uncle Nuo..."

However, before she could say any more words, she sees grandmother Nuo sitting on a chair and Doctor Dong treating her for any wounds.

She sigh in relief and the aching pain in her heart disappears.

If anything had happen to grandmother Nuo, she swore to God, she will make sure the Xie family suffer the most painful life ever.

Behind her, Liu Shan also sigh in relief. Who knows what kind of wrath his boss will unleash if someone dear to her is hurt.

Oblivious to Yue Ling and Liu Shan’s thoughts, Uncle Nuo turns around and when he saw Yue Ling, his lower lip tremble tremendously and he burst into tears. He does not care about the people around.

"Miss Han... wuuuu.. my mother... wuuuu...."

Yue Ling smiles faintly at the middle age man and she gives him a hug. Her hand gently patting his back.

"Everything is fine now. No more harm will come to you and your family."

Uncle Nuo’s cries become louder upon hearing Yue Ling’s words. Despite his old age, he cries like a child who has been found after being kidnapped.

After a long minute, he finally calm down and move away from Yue Ling. His cheeks turn red in embarrassment of how he cried in his benefactor’s arms.

"Thank you, Miss Han. I am alright now."

Yue Ling sighs a smile and she turn her head to look for her yeye. However, the old man is not in sight at all.

She pout her lip and looks at the middle age man, who now has red eyes, but looks like he never cried at all.

"Uncle Nuo, where is my yeye?"

Hearing her question, Uncle Nuo smiles at her and points in the direction behind Yue Ling.

"The General is right there."

Following his finger, Yue Ling turns around and looks in the direction given.

Coming down a set of stairway a few feet away is her yeye. Despite his old age, when he is in uniform, he continues to look powerful and what others would consider a leader.

Seeing him fine and not harmed, the corners of Yue Ling lip arc upwards with a long sigh.

She walks in the direction of the stairs to greet her yeye, but....

Following after the old man was a God like figure. His dark aura and handsome looks caused Yue Ling to stop in her tracks.

The man’s expression is cold like he does not care about anyone or anything in the world. His hand is holding the arm of Doctor Xie who is hand cuffed.

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