Unfathomable Senior

Chapter 721

As the United Element Sect's armada closed in on the colossal floating city, a tense silence enveloped the Golden Palace. The massive azure walls of the Long Clan's capital loomed ever larger, casting a shadow over the hearts of those aboard the ships. It was a daunting sight, a testament to the Long Clan's centuries-old dominance.

The city's intricate carvings and ornate spires glinted in the sunlight, a stark contrast to the battle-ready ships approaching it. Zhang Dong knew that breaching these formidable defenses would be no easy task, even with their newfound allies and the information they had gathered. He could feel the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, knowing that the fate of not only his sect but also the entire empire rested on their success. Zhang Jin, his grandfather and trusted aid, approached him and spoke with a firm resolve.

"Dong’er, we have come a long way, and we have overcome many challenges together. This might be our final test, and we will face it head-on. The fate of the sect depends on our victory and for all it’s worth it has been an honor to fight alongside you. The heavens have truly blessed me by giving me such a splendid grandson!”

He turned towards Zhang Jin, a man he had encountered at the beginning of it all. The old man had been a source of both trouble and invaluable advice. Without his presence, he wouldn't have been able to navigate the sect's politics effectively. While family matters posed challenges for him, in the realm of battle tactics and advice, Zhang Jin was undoubtedly one of the best.

“It seems you doubt whether we'll all return unscathed. Have more faith in your grandson.”

As the two reminisced about the old days, the armada of ships began to assume formation, meticulously aligning themselves in preparation for the impending assault. Each ship was armed with powerful offensive and defensive arrays. Their crews were primed for battle, ready to confront the inevitable chaos that awaited them.

A palpable mixture of anticipation and anxiety hung in the air aboard each ship, yet there was an unspoken, collective conviction that they could accomplish the seemingly impossible victory. The Long Clan had cast a shadow over the Empire for generations, and their current actions left many in a state of disbelief. They were determined to either carve their place in history by establishing a new dynasty or meet their end in the attempt . This was a harsh reality they had come to accept.

“I have faith! I don’t think any of us would be here if we didn’t have faith in our grand victory… Just imagine, our small Zhang Clan will go down in history as the ones that defeated the Azure Dragon!”

“Don’t forget about the Feng Clan you old bastard, if it wasn’t for us then you wouldn’t be here!”

Feng Maling along with some other elders appeared to chime in. She didn’t seem too happy at Zhang Jin’s words that implied that he was able to achieve all of this with only the Zhang Clan’s help.

“I know you old bat, but it is my grandson that made it all possible and he is of the Zhang Clan!”

“Is he now? Last time I heard, they were calling him Long Dong and not Zhang Dong. I feel bad for that Long Clan woman that you tricked. However, at least your fickle loins managed to be of help for a change…”

“You’re just jealous that it wasn’t one of yours!’

Zhang Jin couldn't help but chuckle as he exchanged a scornful glance with the old raisin. However, they quickly set aside their differences, recognizing that this was not the moment for petty bickering. They were not alone in their presence; all the other elders were there as well. Even Huo Qiao had made a reappearance, accompanied by Huo Qiang's father. Both of them appeared fixated on the massive floating city, which seemed eerily empty and lacked any visible defenses.

“I don’t like this…”

Their entire approach encountered minimal resistance, leading Zhang Dong to raise his hand in caution. Although the entire armada had successfully encircled the city, they remained several kilometers away from where the defensive formation should have been positioned. As the scouts had described, there was a conspicuous absence of any visible inhabitants. The once-thriving city appeared eerily deserted.

‘This should be the right spot, the ground under it is proof…’

Initially, Zhang Dong pondered whether they had stumbled upon a decoy city designed to deceive them. However, as he gazed downward, the unmistakable scar from the massive laser blast met his eyes. The chasm extended for countless kilometers, and he vividly remembered his narrow escape by teleporting to safety. It was the very location where the Azure Emperor had once held him captive, providing irrefutable confirmation of his suspicions. This had to be the exact region where the city resided but everything pointed to some type of trap or event that he was not yet aware of.

‘I really hope that the Overseer isn’t involved yet. Could they have just erased the citizens in the city or did they just evacuate into a safer location?’

Zhang Dong's mind raced as he considered the possibilities. The mysterious absence of the city's population could indeed be a sign of something more sinister. Perhaps the Long Clan had evacuated its citizens to protect them, but it was equally likely that they were preparing for an ambush or used those citizens for something nefarious.

"This is not right. It's too quiet, too empty.”

Zhang Jin nodded as he voiced his opinion.

“We should send out some people to investigate the issue before we proceed…”

“You’re right then I will…”

Before he could finish the sentence he noticed that the group of people were looking at him with concern. His wife seemed somewhat made while Zhang Jin was just shaking his head.

“What are you talking about? Have you not learned anything from the last time you went out alone?”

“I… I see, you’re right… We should probably let someone other handle this issue.”

Zhang Dong had always borne the weight of burdens on his own shoulders, and for the most part, it had yielded favorable outcomes. However, his last attempt had proven disastrous. Nearly meeting his demise at the hands of the Azure Emperor and inadvertently leading some of his comrades into a deadly trapping formation, he had learned a harsh lesson.

While he was forcefully taken inside, it was always possible to keep a distance and arrive at the battlefield a little later, just like his brother did. However, Zhang Dong's approach was different; he refused to use his armies as mere pawns. While his forces struggled under immense pressure, Long Qing would eventually make his entrance. His opponent had no qualms about treating his armies as expendable resources, but Zhang Dong's conscience wouldn't allow such ruthlessness.

He was willing to place himself in perilous situations if it meant saving lives, a trait perceived as a significant character flaw by other cultivators who believed that the strongest among them should be the last line of defense. If he were to perish in a large-scale conflict, it would have profound repercussions. Only as long as he remained alive could the sect continue to operate as the well-oiled machine it had become.

“Very well, send in the special unit first. Let them investigate the issue first…”

Zhang Dong's orders were swiftly carried out. A specially trained reconnaissance unit, composed of skilled cultivators, embarked on small airships and descended towards the city. Their mission was to assess the situation, gather intelligence, and ensure that there were no hidden dangers lurking within the seemingly abandoned metropolis.

It didn’t really sit well with him but too many lives were at risk here. At this stage of his life, he already knew that sometimes sacrifices had to be made and that it was better for these less important people to endanger themselves instead of him who was the sect’s Patriarch and leader.

The small reconnaissance vessel, under the guidance of the cautious elder, advanced with utmost vigilance. They stood prepared for an immediate retreat, equipped with teleportation devices on board. Zhang Dong, too, kept his system window open, ready to expend his spirit points either to hasten to their aid in case of an emergency or to forcefully return them if necessary.

Nevertheless, as they inched closer to the tranquil city, an eerie stillness prevailed. Even when they were a mere hundred meters from where the defensive formation should have activated, there was no sign of any activity. They had anticipated a barrage of spirit bullets or, at the very least, a barrage of verbal reprimands from the Long Clan elders, but there was nothing.

“Did they actually decide to abandon their city and run? But where would they hide? At the Heavenly Crane Sect?”

Zhang Jin stood stupefied, his gaze fixed on the holographic image displaying what their scouts were witnessing. Their people had drawn close enough to discern the eerily vacant streets and buildings. In a place that had once been home to hundreds of millions, there was no trace of life, not even a solitary animal roaming the streets. However, when Zhang Dong examined the scene, he couldn't help but notice something suspicious.

“That looks strange…”

“Did you spot something? Are they hiding in that vast emptiness?”

“No, I don’t think they are there, at least not in the outer city. Take a look at that, doesn’t that seem strange to you?”

Zhang Dong enhanced the image, zooming in on the nearest residential area. As they focused on that area, they finally spotted some discarded items. Initially, Zhang Jin couldn't grasp what his grandson was getting at, but it soon dawned on him.

"Are those... robes and clothes?"

"Yes. It appears the citizens were teleported away, leaving even their clothing behind. By all the scattered items on the ground, it doesn’t look like they were expecting this to happen either…"

As the image grew sharper and clearer, some of the mystery began to unravel. It was evident that some form of teleportation had indeed occurred. However, the crucial question of where the citizens from this city had been transported to remained a puzzling enigma that they needed to solve. However, before they got to this mystery Zhang Dong felt something, without thinking much about it he quickly shouted.

“Order the scouting unit to return, something is coming!”

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