Unfathomable Senior

Chapter 776

In the emptiness of space, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded. On a lifeless planet, nothing more than a cold ball of ice, a radiant aura began to emerge. Two figures, the sole living beings in this desolate universe, faced off against each other - one clad in white, the other in black.

It wasn't much of a fight, as the man dressed in black simply cackled. His opponent, Zhang Dong, could barely move as he floated helplessly towards the outstretched hand of the figure in black. The moment the two made contact, a strange phenomenon began to take shape. Zhang Dong's body pulsated with a blinding radiance, illuminating the dead planet and the surrounding space, as if a new sun was being born.

“Yes, I can feel it... I will be able to reach the new step like this. All those billions of years were not in vain. I will finally be able to know, I will know everything!”

The man in black declared triumphantly as Zhang Dong struggled to maintain himself. His body began to collapse into pure energy particles, starting from his hands and feet. Little orbs of light flew towards the man, supposedly his true self, someone who had set a strange plan in motion to ascend to a realm beyond his current existence.

As the merging process unfolded, Zhang Dong found himself bombarded with a torrent of memories and emotions that were not his own. He witnessed the godlike being's struggle within a desolate realm, a place devoid of life and light, where time seemed to lose its meaning. The being had attempted various methods to escape, experimenting with different universes, creating worlds and civilizations, but all efforts proved futile.

The memories delved further back in time, revealing the origin of it all, and Zhang Dong was finally able to piece together the puzzle. One of the earliest memories of this person mirrored his own - they all took place in the same home, his home. His parents were there, along with his siblings, and just like in his own timeline, he decided to leave to be by himself and cut everyone off. However, this version of himself, the Prime Matthew, was somewhat different; he seemed to carry a considerable burden and placed blame on everyone but himself for his current dilemma.

His tale differed a bit; there was no random email that sent him on a journey into a magical world, at least not until much later. His life extended beyond his forties, where he faced a massive setback when his company fired him. The company wasn't going under; they were simply letting go of older personnel to hire younger individuals at lower wages. This marked the moment when Matt's life spiraled out of control.

Unable to rekindle ties with his family, he had no one to turn to for help. He spent time searching for a replacement position, but no one was willing to hire an older, balding man past his prime. His pride prevented him from accepting a position below what he was accustomed to; working at a fast-food restaurant was not something he could bear. Soon, he was burdened with debt and nowhere to go. In a state of depression, hungry and purposeless, he found himself wandering the streets.

His mind was a whirlwind of regrets and animosity toward other people, particularly his family. In a way, he blamed his current situation on them and how they had pushed him into becoming the recluse he had become. However, his life would abruptly change after a fateful encounter with an approaching cement truck. As it spiraled out of control, it collided with the malnourished Matt, taking his life almost instantly. Yet, this was not the end of his story but just the beginning, as he was quickly reborn in a strange place with all of his memories intact.

It was a classic reincarnation story, and he found himself with a guide that took the form of another system. This one was more basic than the ones Zhang Dong had encountered, it assigned various small quests and rewarded Matt with various things upon their completion. The world he entered resembled the one Zhang Dong had joined, with cultivators and spirit beasts coexisting.

His second life had begun, offering him a second chance. The old memories fueled his hunger for success, and with the help of the system, everything became more manageable. Although he started as a low clan member, he quickly surpassed all the other children. Overcoming trials and tribulations, his talents were recognized, and he ascended to join a high-profile sect, a path guided by the system.

His life felt like a game, with most of his choices influenced by the strange system. At times, he pondered why he was given this gift, but as more successes followed, he eventually forgot about his old life and fully embraced his newfound powers. Over time, he ascended in cultivation levels but chose to keep to himself. Sect life, where he had to watch out for other cultivators, didn't suit him. Instead, he became a renegade cultivator, taking what he wanted and fleeing from formidable masters afterward.

As Zhang Dong delved into these memories, he could feel the deep-rooted bitterness and loneliness that had fueled this person’s actions. The pain of abandonment and societal injustice molded him into a being desperate for power, control, and a way out of the desolation that plagued his existence. The merging process continued, and Zhang Dong’s consciousness became entwined with the godlike being's.

He experienced the highs and lows of Prime Matthew's life, celebrating triumphs and enduring moments of despair. Eventually, he achieved it all, reigning as the Emperor of the entire cultivation world before ascending into immortality, where another realm awaited him with more adventures. Despite this immense success, he never felt satisfied. Something was missing - a certain lack of connection to others who only saw him as a being of power, not as a person. Even after having a wife and children of his own, he didn't feel a true connection.

The memories of his old life returned, and the people in them felt more authentic. The individuals in this realm could only perceive him as the Emperor, not just a person like them. Even as he indulged in all the carnal desires with multiple wives, he couldn't find solace in this life. The system couldn't provide him with what he truly wanted, and soon he found himself pondering the big question: Why was he even born, and what was all of this for?

Having attained great power, he became aware of the existence of other realms and worlds. The prospect of returning to his old home became his primary focus, but to others, it was a curse. He laid waste to everything, conquering worlds and searching for a way back to his old family and the source of it all. He desired to understand why this had happened to him and to punish the one responsible. Similar to before, he began blaming everyone but himself, and countless years passed until he finally achieved a breakthrough that allowed him to return.

This memory was vivid, and Zhang Dong could sense the profound loneliness and desperation that the God Emperor experienced. At this point, he was a being billions of years old, and even someone as ancient as him couldn't bear the thought of returning to an empty void without anything. Although he had come back, there was nothing left. The universe that was once rich with life had vanished, leaving behind only ice planets encased in frost.

In a fit of rage, he obliterated it all. The conquered worlds that he had ruled over for millions or billions of years were eviscerated in a matter of seconds. His obsession with returning to his roots had ended in disappointment, but he glimpsed a possibility. If he gained more strength, perhaps he could pierce through the veil and ascend even higher - to a point where he could confront the being that had created the system, which had stopped working after he arrived in this lifeless universe.

Thus, many worlds and systems were created within his own body. He had recreated many of the worlds he had once conquered. Life began anew, and he became the God of these worlds. Initially, it gave him a new purpose, but eventually, everything became more automated and took on the form of what Zhang Dong had witnessed. The system holders were there to provide him with more insights into the worlds, as he eventually absorbed everything they had amassed back into himself.

The plan bore fruit, and he became even stronger than before. However, eventually, it slowed down to a crawl. To address this issue, he devised a peculiar plan. He split his soul into many empty shards and recreated the setting that once produced him - the God Emperor of the Universe. By giving his shards the same background and a close relation to his soul, he hoped to gain better insight and a way to amass power. Thus, the current Matt was created and eventually transformed into Zhang Dong.

Each shard was slightly different from the others, given slightly different starts and systems. Some embarked on their journey early, while others mimicked his entire life. Zhang Dong ended up somewhere in the middle. He had been aware of his revolt from the beginning and had allowed him to gain power. He wasn't the only one to discover the truth, but he was the strongest. With his own peculiar cultivation, he had reached a similar level as the God of this world, and he was the last piece that would complete this elaborate plan.

Zhang Dong, now privy to these memories, felt a strange sense of empathy. The god’s actions, although misguided, stemmed from a deep sense of longing and despair. The god’s attempts to recreate Earth and manipulate the destinies of countless individuals were driven by a desperate need for connection, a connection that he believed could fill the void within him. The bitterness, the loneliness, and the insatiable thirst for knowledge all became a part of him. In that moment, he realized that the godlike being before him wasn't just a villain but a complex and tormented entity.

Yet, even with this newfound understanding, Zhang Dong couldn't accept becoming a mere pawn in the god's grand scheme. The memories of his own life, the people he loved, and the struggles he faced compelled him to resist. With a surge of determination, he attempted to break free from the merging process, exerting his will against the god's control.

“You can't force me to be a part of your twisted plan. I have my own life, my own purpose!”

Zhang Dong's voice echoed through the desolate realm as he fought against the binding force. The godlike being, however, remained steadfast, the intense aura around him growing stronger.

“You misunderstand, my shard. I don't seek to control you for my amusement. You are the missing piece that will grant me the power to break free from this eternal prison. Together, we shall ascend to heights unimaginable!”

“I refuse!”

“Hah, as if you can… huh?”

The old god tried responding mockingly as before but he felt something, something wasn’t right and he wasn’t sure how it was possible…

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