Universal Ascension: Starting with SSS-Level Talent

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Join My Sect, Live Freely Forever

Clang, clang!

Li Chengfeng tapped Angduo’s armor with the sword sheath.

Without its owner’s Qi supply, the armor retracted into large metal blocks.

Li Chengfeng stored the armor pieces into his storage wristband.

A set of level 20 fine-quality battle armor.

This was much more valuable than the level 11 fine-quality battle armor he was wearing.

They were all users of the St. Station.

Angduo also had a storage wristband on his wrist. However, storage wristbands are indestructible.

They could only be controlled by the person they were bound to. Others wouldn’t be able to access the items inside.

Once Angduo died, the contents automatically transferred to the designated heir he had specified before his death.

Although the barbarians retreated midway, Community 88 still suffered from their ruthless slaughter.

The ground was littered with the corpses of newcomers.

When dawn broke, many people were still too frightened to step outside.

Survival of the fittest.

This was the law of this world.

Originally, Li Chengfeng had dismissed the idea of joining a sect, but after witnessing all this firsthand, he changed his mind.

Individual strength indeed pales in comparison to the power of a collective.

If higher-level enemies come next time, or if two come at once, he might not be able to handle it.

Going solo made it too easy to get killed.

Currently, their levels are not high, and they lack the ability to protect themselves.

To develop safely, relying on a powerful collective is undoubtedly the best choice.

Moreover, joining a sect actually comes with various benefits.

Li Chengfeng then sent a message to the old man Ding Cheng:

Li Chengfeng: Senior Ding, we have decided to join the Xiaoyao Sect.

Ding Cheng: Great, that’s wonderful! Welcome, welcome. Where are you? I’ll send Xiaodie to pick you up right away.

Before long…

A luxurious Mercedes-Benz sedan arrived and stopped in front of Building 8 in Community 88.

The cute girl from a few days ago got out of the car.

She waved to Li Chengfeng and Shu Fuyao, who were standing at the building entrance:

“Big brother, big sister, get in the car.”

The two got into the car.

Shu Fuyao was somewhat surprised:

“So, you have Mercedes-Benz cars here too.”

The girl smiled and said:

“Yes, this is the latest Qi-powered Mercedes-Benz sedan. It runs on Qi, and with my internal skills, it can go up to 300 kilometers per hour.”

Li Chengfeng checked the girl’s information to see how her internal skills were.

Name: Xiao Yudie.

Age: 15.

Internal Skills: Level 19.

Li Chengfeng was slightly surprised:

“I didn’t expect you to have level 19 internal skills.”

Local people generally start training at the age of 10.

Rising from level 1 to 10 wasn’t difficult, but the difficulty of upgrading from level 10 to 20 was about five times that of levels 1 to 10.

The further one advanced, the harder it became to level up.

Reaching level 19 in five years was already quite impressive.

Xiao Yudie didn’t hold back and proudly said:

“Of course! I am one of the top ten young geniuses of the Xiaoyao Sect.”

With that, the Mercedes-Benz suddenly surged forward.

The feeling of acceleration was no less than that of a supercar.

After a few hours of driving, the three arrived at the Qin Nation Concession.

It was called a concession because 99% of its territory was rented from the St. Station.

Renting land from the St. Station, the annual rent for 1 square meter of land was 1,000 yuan.

Buying land from the St. Station, the price for 1 square meter of land is 1 million yuan.

Buying land is too expensive, so most people in various countries rent land for use.

The Qin Nation was located in the middle of the human nations.

With other countries buffering against alien invasions, it was relatively a very safe country.

The Xiaoyao Sect, being the number one sect in the Qin Nation, was very grand and luxurious.

The sect occupies an area of 6,000 mu. That was 4 million square meters.

The annual expenditure on land rent alone amounted to 4 billion yuan.

The vast land area brought an exceptionally beautiful environment within the sect.

Compared to the monotonous design of the newbie area, the Xiaoyao Sect was simply stunning.

The garden-style environment within the sect was varied in style, driving through it felt like traveling through a series of beautiful paintings.

Li Chengfeng and Shu Fuyao were both very satisfied with this.

At the Xiaoyao Sect’s recruitment office, the two happily signed dozens of pages of the entry contract.

Then they filled out their personal entry information.

Within the Xiaoyao Sect, there are no distinctions such as junior disciples, senior disciples, or masters.

Everyone’s status was uniformly determined by their position score.

This position score not only determines the monthly salary and benefits, but also one’s status within the sect.

The composition of the position score typically includes: level, achievements, important roles within the sect, special contributions to the sect, and so on.

Old Ding Cheng held Shu Fuyao’s information form, calculating as he reviewed it.

Each level of internal skills equals 2 position points.

Each ordinary achievement equals 1 position point.

“Shu Fuyao, your position score is 21 points.”

After saying this, Ding Cheng took out an exquisite metal token and handed it to Shu Fuyao:

“This is your identity token within the sect. You will need it to enter and exit the main gate. You will also need it to collect your monthly salary. Additionally, with this token, you can command those with lower position scores to perform certain regulated tasks.”

“Oh, thank you.”

Shu Fuyao took the token, which had the words “Xiaoyao Sect” engraved on one side, with a barcode beneath the characters.

On the other side, her name “Shu Fuyao” was engraved, with a screen below it.

The screen displayed “21,” which was clearly her position score.

Xiao Yudie took out an album and said:

“Sister Shu, choose your residence from here. With 21 points, you can probably select a 50-square-meter, fully furnished single dormitory.”

Each page of the album had a floor plan, corresponding to the respective position score required to select it.

With 21 points, there were four types of housing options available.

Shu Fuyao glanced at Li Chengfeng.

Xiao Yudie followed up:

“Of course, if you want to live with Brother Li Chengfeng, you can combine your position scores to choose a better dormitory.”

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