Chapter 354 354. MADISON

'Why should someone be this skilled!' Noah thought as his figure sped past a number of about ten arrows, his guild-mates dodged the arrows and when they struck the ground their materials unfolded into powerful explosions.

'She's getting serious,' Noah commented directly running through a building, with the others following closely behind him.

He planned to cause a distraction that would force the black-haired lady into confusion. It seemed she still wasn't capable of following his movement, only those of his guild-mates.

They had the potential of being of help, but for now, they were basically markers of his general position. Noah however moved to deal with that issue.

His figure burst forward till his knees were unable to move any faster, and his environment turned into a blur as even his guild-mates lost sight of him.

Noah already knew the lady's position, but he made a quick curve into another street before running for the building that held her figure.

His feet landed on the walls of the building and he didn't hesitate to sprint until he reached its top.

Unfortunately, the lady had her consciousness already unfolded and she had been capable of noticing the unclear figure speeding into her range, and immediately knew who it was.

Noah met a barrage of seven explosive arrows flying towards him, and to his shock, they detonated before they even crossed half the distance to reach his figure.

Everything within the range of his sight turned into orange flames at that point and the building's roof found its structure being invaded by the power contained in the explosives.

Noah realized that he had nothing to stand on, but that didn't matter since he was already being pushed away by the explosion's power.

His figure crashed into a building's roof and he directly smashed through it until he reached the ground and dug a few feet into it too.

A curse escaped his mouth at that point, but rather than care about his practically naked state, he stood and shot out of the building, bringing it down with his violent exit. The explosion had left him unhurt.

Noah's world became a blur, but he remained able to map his movement properly.

Fury burnt in his eyes, but he turned into resolve, he had to win that fight. It had become personal.

A series of explosions reached Noah's ears, and he immediately knew where they were coming from.

His figure sped towards the area and a street unfolded in his sight. However, a thick black smoke stood in its middle and he caught sight of his guild-mates flying out of it. Fortunately, he was perceiving things in slow motion.

He ignored them when he saw that no one was fatally hurt, and didn't think twice to burst into the thick smoke. Noah had his consciousness unfolded so he could immediately tell where his target was.

Her injured figure appeared in his sight and both individuals seemed to stare at each other, but Noah was moving faster.

She had her whip out, and he had his arms raised.

Cuts suddenly began to appear on Noah's skin, but he stopped caring. He executed the first form when he saw fit, and in less than an instant, the black smoke cleared as a result of that execution.

A powerful explosion of sheer force enhanced as a result of the barrier of force the lady had set up; spread out in the environment with a ground-shattering bang.

A shock wave carrying the fullness of Noah's physical strength swept the environment and the buildings on his side found their lower portions being blown in. And some of them began to crumble.

The scenery changed to reveal that Noah had stayed in one position, but the lady that had been in front of him was nowhere to be seen.

The ground before him also featured a linear portion that had been shaved off about 2ft deep and spanned for more than 10m before him.

Noah coughed a mouthful of blood, however, but his arms never left their position.

"You're incredible," a feminine voice found its way to Noah's ears, and he glanced to his right and found a bloodied black-haired lady leaning on the walls of a certain building.

Her figure featured even more wounds than before and she barely had her eyes open.

Noah could immediately tell that most of his executions power had been deflected, but the little that had touched her was enough to leave her in a significantly worse state than before.

She slumped to the ground in evident weakness and her breathing was loud and irregular.

"After all that and not even a sign of fatigue. You're impossible." She gave a soft laugh without looking at him. He had won, even if she wasn't out of the field yet.

She had utilized the rest of her stamina to create that barrier but it had only been enough to keep her alive.

Noah lowered his arms and heaved a soft sigh. He noticed his approaching guild-mates but focused on her instead.

"Get rid of me already. I'm too embarrassed to find that I have been out bested," the lady announced as her breathing began to stabilize.

Noah raised his arms at that point, ready to utilize the first form on her again. He would probably end up killing her if the teleportation wasn't quick enough.

The thought of borrowing a weapon crossed his mind, but all their weapons were too lethal. 'Except his spear,' Noah thought glancing at Liam.

"Can you lend me your spear, or does anyone have a knife here?" Noah called out, finding a knife more suitable. All three nodded. But Illiana was the first to react, and Noah caught the blade she threw at him.

Arriving in front of the clearly exhausted lady, he swept his gaze on her figure. "You were troublesome," he clicked his tongue, kneeling before her.

"What's your name. In case I meet you out there?" Noah asked, taking note of her facial features. Ignoring her bloodied state, he managed to see how pretty she was.

A smile shone on her face at his words, for she silently admired his face. "I'm Madison." she replied and Noah nodded, before his expression turned cold.

With a set of rapid hand and wrist movements, Noah embedded the knife in her gut at the same time a loud buzzer reached his ear.

Needless to say, he expected her figure to disappear, but she didn't and she even looked in deep pain.

"Well done you are the winners of the Tournament of champions!" A loud masculine voice reached the ears of all that were still in the town, but Noah felt confused.

"It seems I'm part of the winners," Madison grunted before passing out, then a magical circle expanded beneath her and his feet, and beneath the other eight survivors. After which they vanished from that abandoned settlement.

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