Valerian, The Legendary

Chapter 191

191 Heart Of The Mind Reader.

Linea flew up to the sky with two people sitting on her back. Valerian and Morgana sat beside each other, their eyes were calm, looking at the scenery ahead. The young boy patted Fortuna’s head gently as they flew toward the imperial capital.

Suddenly, the boy said, “Linea, fly slowly, the convoy is falling behind.”

The thunder falcon slowed down his speed and the Princess asked, “To what do I owe the pleasure of an Imperial Prince coming forward to welcome and escort me?”

Valerian smiled and said, “The similarities we have can be called the reason behind this gesture.”

The princess was surprised and looked at the boy beside her, and asked, “What similarities?”

Valerian smiled, unaffected by her cold voice, he said, “I am also adopted into the family because of my talent. I also suffer from some deficits.”

Morgana’s gaze turned cold and she asked, “Why do you think these two things are similar among us?”

Valerian was confused and cast her gaze, the princess said, “I was adopted into the family when I was born. You on the other hand did not even know the existence of the imperial family for a long time.”

Valerian chuckled at this and said, “Yes, you were tagged as an outsider far earlier in life than I was.”


Morgana was surprised at this remark, and Valerian went on speaking, “Your Highness, an outsider in the Imperial Family is an outsider, no matter what. Whether it is the Lumen Empire or the Centaur.”

What he said was indeed irrefutable. Morgana knew this very well, after doing all that she could for the family, she was still an outsider. Valerian was indeed correct, but she did not want to admit defeat to this guy, and asked, “Then what deficit do you speak of?”

Valerian gazed at her gently and said, “While you are unable to smile, I am unable to cry.”

His words were shocking to the Princess and she asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean to say, I am unable to express sad emotions. I can feel them but I cannot cry to express that sadness inside me.”, replied the young boy.

Morgana was searching for a refute in her mind, when Valerian continued, “Yes, I was born with this deficit, while yours was given to you by someone else. But then again, people with deficits are seen like a cookie of bad luck everywhere. The bigger the deficit, the bigger the judgemental attitude.”

The princess could not help but nod her head subconsciously. Although their expression was calm, Morgana was still surprised that she agreed with him in this matter. Valerian did not say anything much to Morgana, he was just observing her quietly. Morgana was doing the same, when she asked, “I hear that you are a battle mage?”

Valerian nodded and the princess said, “We should spar sometime.”

Unlike his usual behavior, the prince shook his head and said, “I do not spar with people I am not friends with.”

Morgana led out a fake chuckle and asked, “Are you trying to befriend me even after being aware of the situation between the two nations? Should I call you bold or naive?”

Valerian shook his head and said, “You misunderstand me, your highness. I am only telling you that since the situation between the two nations is not friendly, I will not spar with you. However, that does not deny the possibility of fighting for our lives in the need arises.”

This statement was shocking for the princess, she did not expect him to be so casual when betting his life. She could not help but ask, “Are you not afraid that you will end up dying under my spear?”

Valerian said, “Life can end if you sneeze, then why should I be worried about your spear? Though, I will not hold back mine either.”

Morgana gazed at his visage and nodded, “Likewise.”

The two moved ahead in the direction of the imperial capital with a better understanding of each other.


Fragrantia had told Libra about the visit of the Princess and also informed him that Valerian had gone ahead to welcome her on his own. To be politically correct, the Princess of a neighboring nation was coming to their nation, and that too visiting the capital, unannounced.

They could have ignored her existence, but this might have been exploited by the other party and she could have used this ignorance as a chance to disrupt the flow of things in the province. Now that they have taken notice of her and even shown up in front of her, they had to bring the princess inside their palace.

This might prevent disruptions but it will allow the princess to see things at a closer level, and as smart as the Centaur Princess was, she would be able to figure out a lot of things. Fragrantia was worried about the ability of the princess, to read minds was something that could make someone sit on the throne and rule the world.

Libra said, “Fragrantia, you are thinking too much, for all we know is that this news about her ability originated in the Centaur nation, it could be a rumor for all that is worth.”

Fragrantia sighed and said, “You think I have never brushed this thought off? But if you know what was at stake here, you would know that I am not panicking for nothing.”

Libra was confused to see the empress behaving this way. This sort of reaction was not in line with the calm and composed Fragrantia. He asked, “What is it?”

Fragrantia opened her mouth and wanted to say something when she shook her head and said, “Nothing, I will ask Val to go back to the imperial academy and learn whatever that old guy teaches him.”

Libra understood that it was all about Valerian being around the famous Black Witch, but he did not know that Fragrantia was worried that Fortuna’s reality will be discovered by Morgana, and then it will be the grounds to start chaos.

A young dragon was difficult to control, but it was not impossible. She did not want to provide the Centaurs with any other reason for plotting and spending resources. Wars were not exactly a happy-go-lucky period. Things were getting complicated as time passed.

The door of the Emperor’s study was knocked, and the guard said, “Your Excellency, a messenger arrived, he said that his highness Valerian has returned to the palace.”

Fragrantia said, “Tell them we will be over right away.”

The guard replied in affirmation and the couple inside stood up. They sorted their clothes and left the study after a few minutes of discussing and adjusting their states of mind.


In the reception hall, Valerian sat opposite Morgana, while a maid served her tea. The maid was careful in her actions and very respectful. Valerian played the host and said, “I forgot to ask you if you have any special preferences, Your Highness.”

Morgana shook her head and with a dead expression, she accepted the cup and saucer from the maid. The maid looked at her indifferent face and with a bow, she went to stand at the side. Valerian picked up a cookie from the serving dish on the table and dipped it in the milk tea before eating.

Morgana cast him a weird gaze and Valerian said without lifting his head and said, “I prefer eating cookies dipped in tea, they are soft and easily melt in your mouth. You do not need to judge me.”

Her gaze was detected and the boy could even interrupt her thoughts, this surprised her and she said, “You misunderstand me, Your Highness. Everyone has their own preferences so you do not need to mind me.”

Valerian nodded and ate his cookie, till the empress and the emperor entered the hall. Morgana caught sight of the two people and stood up in respect. These were the manners of imperial family members.

The silver-haired boy stood up and winked at Fragrantia. After a few minutes, before the Empress could get closer to the people, Fortuna made a sprint and appeared on the shoulder of the lady. Fragrantia was surprised, but then she sensed Fortuna’s tail rubbing against her back and writing a word.


This made the Empress calm down and she smiled with the gentle and glamorous demeanor she was known for. Morgana bowed and said, “Greetings, Your Excellencies.”

Libra nodded while Fragrantia came closer to Morgana and personally helped her stand up straight and said, “Welcome to Lumen, Princess Morgana. I have heard tales of your beauty, and indeed you are as pretty as a flower.”

Morgana was surprised to see that this lady did not have to give her any judgemental, or abhorring vibe. Fragrantia smiled and asked, “Are you thinking why I am not discriminating against you for your incapability?”

The princess was only thirteen, she subconsciously nodded and Fragrantia said, “Those who suffer from pain, know how to share it and also how to accept someone with pain too.”

Morgana was stunned, she sensed something different from cold and indifference in her heart.

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