Valerian, The Legendary

Chapter 233 - 233 Champions (2).

233 Champions (2).

The day passed quickly, and the news that Morgana was challenged by Noor, spread through the city like wildfire in grasslands. The people were enraged, and they all decided to protest and debunk the aspiring ruler. The masses came together at a short notice and they all marched toward the imperial palace.

The slogans were so loud that the officials were alerted. The entire council and the prime minister were informed. However, nothing they said could calm down the crowd. Noor wanted to come afront and deal with this. The councilmen did not even have time to stop him as he rushed forward and yelled, “What do you think you are doing? I am the legitimate son of Prince Ameer, the rightful heir. You all came here to support her, do not forget I can have your heads on a spike for this blasphemy.”

This statement made the crowd fall silent and then it made them even more enraged. If not for the fact that there was only one gate and the rest of the palace was surrounded by huge walls, the crowd would have barged in and stomped Noor to his death.

This outrage scared the prince, and he looked at Zeenat and the rest of the councilmen to help him, but they all had a look of disappointment. Suddenly, Zeenat said, “Everyone, please calm down, I have summoned Princess Morgana to come and address this issue.”

As soon as the name of the princess resounded, the people calmed down. This effect was so contrasting that even the councilmen were shocked. Not long after, Morgana walked over with poise steps, she looked at Zeenat and the latter said, “Go, address them.”

Morgana nodded and walked over to stand in front of the gate. She did not even look at Noor for a second and said, “I am grateful that you all feel so wronged and angry on my behalf. However, anger is not the solution. It is true that I was born to a commoner, but some part of my blood is also royal. Do not worry, I will not allow anyone to stape on my dignity. I have never asked for the throne, it is the council and you all think that I am worthy of it, and I plan to be that worthy candidate.

Tomorrow morning, there will be a duel held in the imperial arena, which you all may come to witness. I hope you all accept the results of the duel with open hearts. I will win.”

The crowd was surprised by this proclamation, and the councilmen nodded. Zeenat said in a low voice, “This is our Empress.”

The people nodded, the composure, humility, and confidence showed by Morgana far surpassed Noor. In front of Noor, Morgana gave the impression of a titan that covered the sky with her hands. The crowd cheered and they blessed Morgana with a variety of wishes and blessings.


The girl nodded to them faintly and said, “Now, it is getting late, you all return home. I also heard that you all are holding a celebration for me, so I wonder if I am invited?”

The people were shocked for the Princess to take initiative to visit the city for the celebration, and the old lady in the front said, “You are more than welcome, Your Excellency.”

Morgana nodded and said, “Thank you.”

She turned to look at the guard captain, and said, “Captain, please see to it that a few carriages are arranged to take the elders down the mountain.”

The captain stole a glance at the prime minister, as Morgana was not yet the empress, and the former said, “You heard the princess, go do what she says.”

The captain bowed to Morgana and apologized who said, “It is alright, go on.”

The crowd was cleared soon, and Morgana greeted the councilmen before going back to her room. She was not in the mood to indulge with people at the moment, even if she was sure that Valerian had the power and skills to win, she still worried about his safety.


The night passed quickly, and sleep was not something that all the parties included could afford. The only person who slept his way through the night was Valerian, he was leaning against Fortuna’s soft fur and breathing deeply.

Suddenly, the tigress raised her head as she sensed someone approach. The beast that walked out of the bushes was an emerald deer with golden horns. The beast did not look scared of Fortuna and walked closer, then he bowed its head and Fortuna asked, “What brings the king of the woods here?”

The deer shook his head humanely and said, “How dare I presume the title in front of you, Your Majesty. I came here because this child is dying.”

Fortuna nodded and said, “I know that, even he knows that.”

The deer was surprised and asked, “Does he not want to cure it?”

“He does, but the time has not come yet.”, replied Fortuna.

The deer nodded and said, “If your majesty allows, I will give this child a few drops of life dew.”

Fortuna opened her eyes wide and asked, “Why would you do that? And that too, a few drops? Say, did your queen run away and you do not want to live anymore?”

The deer chuckled and said, “Surely, you jest, Your Majesty. The dew I have is procured from the Bloom realm. Her Grace Boo-too asked me to pass it to you.”

Fortuna did not say much and nodded, she said, “Go on then.”

The deer bowed his head once before he approached her and a shiny golden orb appeared between his horns, levitating in the void. The orb floated forward and came over Valerian’s chest. Then a few drops of golden light fell down on his chest, right above where his heart was located.

The effect of the drops was very strong and it rejuvenated his body. Valerian glowed with dim golden light and Fortuna mumbled, “Convey my gratitude to Boo-Too.”

The deer nodded and left the place silently just as he had come. Fortuna mumbled, “What did our parents even do to have the bloomkin treat you with such priority? I hope we are not being targeted as lambs for slaughter.”

Then she rested her head on her paws. The night passed away. Valerian woke up when Fortuna stood up and let his head hit the ground. He rubbed the back of his head while he asked, “What happened?”

Fortuna did not reply and jumped in the air before she transformed into a giant silver bird. She said, “You have a duel to attend.”

The boy opened his eyes wide and said, “Well, you are right. I did not expect to have such a good sleep. I feel so well rested as if the body is brimming with energy.”

Fortuna nodded and said, “Get on, your little lover will be worried otherwise.”

Valerian humped on her back and they flew away. On the way, Morgana contacted him asking where he was and the boy told her that he will be there in a few minutes. He used light magic to change his hair color back to normal.

Fortuna said, “Just a couple of minutes.”

Valerian nodded and replied, “I wonder how fast you are in your real form.”

“Humph, drop that idea before it breaks your heart. You can forget about riding on my back in the real form until you have the acknowledgment of at least one continent.”, said Fortuna.

Valerian sighed and stopped talking about it.


The masses had gathered in the arena, and their eyes were set on the few people standing in the pavilion. This gallery was for the royal family and high officials. At this moment, Noor and Morgana were standing on the left and right of the royal throne, while Zeenat sat down on a chair placed left to the throne.

An official stood in the middle of the arena and said in a loud voice, “Prince Noor has challenged Princess Morgana for the throne. Today they will be fighting a duel with their champions. The winner will be the rightful ruler of Centaur. While the loser will have to stay silent for the rest of their lives.”

The audience cheered, however, most of the chants were Morgana’s name. Noor clenched his fists and said, “How long do we have to wait?”

Morgana said, “You can start whenever you want.”

Noor looked at Zeenat, who nodded to the official in the Arena. The official nodded and said, “The Duel will start soon. The first participant is a brave warrior selected by Prince Noor, a grandmaster from Valkyria. This person is a mercenary and travels all over the continent, his name is Lu, the traveling sword.”

The crowd looked at the trap door on the side of the arena, and they found a tall man with a shredded muscular body walking out. His menacing eyes made the people simmer. The official said, “Next, we call the champion of Princess Morgana...”

The official looked around but did not find anyone, just when everyone was having negative ideas, Morgana said, “Look up.”

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