Videogame: I Can Turn Waste Into Treasure

Chapter 174 - 174: Easier Than Expected

Chapter 174: Easier Than Expected

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The netizens watching the live broadcast were thrilled to see Frank’s startled expression and Han Xing’s familiar fighting stance.

“Oh my god, the God of War is back! Star Rebel is so amazing. His performance has stunned the Saint Martin Guild!”

“1 bet even their guild master, Frank, was completely bewildered. How is it possible for someone to unleash their skills like this? It’s inconceivable!”

“Hahaha, 1 bet some haters won’t be able to sleep tonight. 1 recall someone said earlier that Star Rebel and his team would definitely lose, and that they could not measure up to the Saint Martin Guild.”

“That’s right! I thought they were something special, but now they’re speechless. Why aren’t you saying anything? You haters.”

Zhang Wanshan watched the Headless Knight chase after Han Xing, thrashing his scythe. He was filled with sheer delight to see Han Xing in such a disheveled state.

“It seems like Guild Master Star Rebel is in trouble! I wonder if he can resolve it smoothly.”

His words did not catch the attention of the live broadcast audience, but Petite Delicate rolled her eyes. It was clear to anyone with discerning eyes that the guild master had been restraining the Headless Knight. How did the narrative take a different turn when it came out of his mouth?

Indeed, wisdom did not come from the mouths of fools!

Feifei had been observing the situation on the field. Currently, it seemed that the Mad Dragon Guild had the advantage, but if the battle continued like this, it was only a matter of time before the Headless Knight claimed victory.

In the next moment, North Star began to exert his power. After stretching his body, he glanced at Pattering Little Horse.

“Little Horse, I leave the rest to you.”

“Wind of Destruction.”

“The Apocalypse Descends.”

With North Star in the center, a massive purple magic array rapidly expanded. All members of the Saint Martin Guild had a purple glow beneath their feet. They could not figure out what was happening when they saw numerous beams of light rising in the sky.

North Star was bathed in a luminous purple glow, only to vanish in a beam of shimmering blue light. Seizing the opportunity, Pattering Little Horse immediately initiated an area of effect.

Turban Qiaoqiao’s bow transformed into the Red Lotus Bow. She drew the bow, forming a crescent moon shape, and aimed the arrow directly at Frank.

“Red Lotus.”

The other guild members went at it with everything they had and used all their area of effect skills.


All the beams of light found their mark on the members of the Saint Martin Guild. Coupled with the area of effect skills, several players from Saint Martin Guild were instantly wiped out.

Frank could not hide his shock, wondering how there could still be a targeted area of effect skills. He trembled and called out, “Activate defense mode immediately.”

“Shield of Light.”

“Whirling Winds.”

“Blessing of the Archmage.”

■I ii

The Saint Martin Guild summoned various skills, but it was too late. Before the guild’s priest could even heal, the players fell before his eyes.

With no other choice, their hopes rested solely on Frank.

Clutching his magical wand, Frank poised for an attack, only to catch sight of Han Xing, who held spots of light in each hand, each radiating a distinct color.

These were the Lightning Ball and Fireball he had been storing for a long time. “Celestial Worthy of Mechanical, get ready.”

Celestial Worthy of Mechanical had been engaged in defensive battles all this while, having exhausted all his ammunition, and with a lengthy cooldown. Finally, the cooldown was over. He nodded at the guild master’s call, “I’m ready.”

“Watch where I aim the skills, and you follow with the attack!”

With a wave of his hands, Han Xing blasted countless dots of light toward the members of the Saint Martin Guild.

“Look out, dodge quickly!”

Frank’s Headless Knight had already arrived in front of them, wildly swinging his scythe. These skills were futile against the Headless Knight, and with this realization, Frank finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, as the blue and red dots of light hit the ground, a cascade of explosions ensued. The detonations scattered in all directions, defying any semblance of control.

Frank’s eyes widened in horror as he witnessed the Headless Knight, battered and broken in its valiant attempt to protect him. Even one of its skeletal arms was left shattered.

The members of the Saint Martin Guild became anxious and began releasing various skills.

Unfortunately, the defense of the Mad Dragon Guild was too strong. They had Xiao Xin, a warrior capable of both offense and defense. There was also Wind Flower Snow Moon, a priest with exceptional healing abilities.

At this point, their health bars were almost halved, while the Mad Dragon Guild remained unscathed. It was a situation so exasperating that they could tear their hair out.

And it was yet to be over. Just as the explosion from Han Xing ended, Celestial Worthy of Mechanical immediately opened all the gun ports on his body.

In an instant, hundreds of grenades flew through the air. Standing at the forefront, Celestial Worthy of Mechanical was ecstatic as he entered bombardment mode, transforming into a humanoid machine. The members of the Saint Martin Guild did not dare to confront him head-on. They could only use various skills to temporarily evade its attacks.

Double Stream Storm and Fourteen Continents did not stop their assault, sealing off their escape routes with water and frost, turning the vast scene into a cramped space.

Since the players of the Mad Dragon Guild were not their targets, the smaller they could make the terrain, the better. The players from Saint Martin Guild were furious, uttering various curses in frustration.

Han Xing would spare no mercy for them. He exchanged a knowing glance with One Sword Horizon, and along with the other warriors of Mad Dragon Guild, they fearlessly charged into the fray.

The health of Saint Martin Guild was already reduced by half. Their health was dropping faster than it could be healed after the previous round of attacks.

The stage was set for fruitful reaping. Han Xing did not consider Frank as the primary target. With the towering Headless Knight still protecting him, Han Xing focused on his teammates instead.

Turban Qiaoqiao continuously disrupted Frank from the air, shooting arrow after arrow toward him.

Frank was infuriated. Gone was the gentlemanly demeanor he had exhibited. He wished nothing more than to tear the opponents apart.

“Give me a shield! What are you all standing around for?” Frank blew his top, cursing at the nearby priest.

However, when he turned around, there was no sign of the priest. Han Xing and One Sword Horizon had already eliminated them. Now, there were only around ten teammates left behind him.

The Headless Knight had also been worn down by their relentless assault and was no longer able to hold on. Frank was filled with frustration. If it were not for his powerful but limited skills, the Mad Dragon Guild would have long been conquered. How did they end up in this predicament?

“You damn bastards! You won’t prevail against Saint Martin Guild!”

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