Villain of my own novel

Chapter 54 53. Emergency.


I walked out the gate only to find myself in the middle of a swarm of media taking pictures of us and some goons in red and blue suits.....

'the association?'

"Huh? Who are you?" I asked to confirm.

"What's going on?" Isha asked.


"....fuu.... Who are you?" I asked again.


I raised my right hand, clenched it, and smashed all of the cameras.

CRACK (6x)

"Now, care to answer?" I smiled brightly.

"We are squads from Hero Association." A woman responded as she approached me; she had red hair, black eyes, was 6 feet tall, appeared to be in her early twenties, and was dressed in a blue suit with white pants.

"..." I stared at her silently.

"..... I'm Elise Ryan, second squad captain and this is Seo Hana, first squad captain." Elise introduced herself and Seo Hana.

Seo Hana had black hair, purple eyes, was 5.5 feet tall, appeared to be in her twenties, and wore a red suit with white pants.

".... And? What's the deal with the sh*t behind you?" I asked pointing at the media team, quickly losing my patience.

"...." Elise frowned and took a step forward only to be stopped by Seo Hana.

"..... This is Stuart Pelletier, he had called us because of an emergency." Seo Hana explained.

"Hm? What emergency? And why here?" I tilted my head, puzzled.

"Huh?" Elise looked at me with wide eyes.

"This basta*d..." Seo Hana grumbled with her teeth clenched and glared at me.

"This bit*h...." Isha mumbled.

"Huh? Pfft." I looked at Isha, surprised by the sudden outburst.

"Ahem, hmm...." I looked around for Stuart and discovered a man dressed in a mage's robe dead beside the gate, his limbs and head severed.

"Huh? What?" I gasped, turned to look at the dead man, and realized what was going on.

".... look for the students!" I said to Isha without looking at her.

'f**k, I couldn't smell blood because I, myself am covered in it!' I jumped high to get a better look at the scene.

"Ha. Hahahaha." I looked at the cadets' dead bodies and the bloodied field. Every student's limbs and head were severed from one another, and their expressions were filled with shock and horror.

"F**k! What do you mean 'this class is 'mine'? When I can't even look after them for long?" I roared while in the air.

'F**k responsibility! I pretended to be all high and mighty on the first day, saying I'd take responsibility for them, and now... It hasn't even been a week and I'm finding them dead.' Every single word that came to mind pricked me.

"Hahaha. You!" I noticed Stuart Pelletier standing next to Seo Hana.

'Snowflakes.' I muttered to myself as the air around me chilled and became visibly white. I leaned forward, facing the ground, stepped on the snowflakes to launch myself towards the ground, and shot towards Stuart like a bullet.


As I landed, a crater formed beneath my foot. I lifted Stuart into the air by grabbing him by the neck.

".... What were you doing?" I asked as I stared at him, dead in the eye.

"... Sir, if you don't release him right this instant w...." Seo Hana commanded while holding my arm, attempting to force me to release my grip on Stuart's neck before it snapped.

"Or what?" I asked calmly and looked at her purple eyes.

"...." Seo Hana let go of my hand and took a step back as her eyes opened wide.

"If you don't have anything to say then shut it!" I roared at Seo Hana and turned to face Stuart, who had turned pale.

"Now, answer me." I said calmly.

"W-we wer-were cal-called fu-fu- for a emer-em-emergency me-me-me-meeting b-by our gi-gi-guild mu-master." Stuart managed to finish the sentence despite his severe stuttering.

"Your guild master?" I asked.

"Ye-yes." Stuart answered pissing his pants in the process.

"Hell Fury Guild.. huh..." I mumbled and let him go. He flopped down on his piss puddle before passing out.

"You!" I walked towards Seo Hana, glaring.

She, too, had turned pale and was only able to stand on her own with the assistance of Elise, who was only holding Seo Hana's hand to support herself. They were both trembling as they held each other.

".... Who did it?" I asked, staring Seo Hana dead in the eyes because she was shorter than me, I had to lean forward a little. Her face was only a few inches away from mine, as I glared at her.

"They were 'my' students. It seems you were here before I came out of the gate, weren't you?" I asked.

"Ye-yes." Seo Hana answered, trembling.

"Then, who did it?" I said as I tilted my head a bit.

"W-we just c-cu-came here, we..." Seo Hana gulped loudly and calmed down a bit.

"H-he investigated every single student present, so he should know more than me." She said this after pointing to a man who had a wide grin and mean eyes, dark brown hair and eyes, who appeared to be in his mid-thirties and wore a blue suit similar to Elise's. 'Vere Conner' was imprinted on his badge.

"Hm." I looked at Conner and walked towards him.

"..." Conner made a gulping sound as his smile ceased.

"... What's so funny? Hm?" I asked, glaring at him.

'he dares laugh at someone's death?'

I held his collar with my right, clenched it and raised my left hand above my head.

'I still need answers.'

"..." Conner looked at my palm and my face simultaneously.

"You see this? I need answers." I asked calmly.

"..." Conner started to sweat profusely.


"I. Need. Answers. Hm?" I repeated after slapping him once.

"I-it-it's it's it's..." Conner stuttered as his right cheek turned bright red.


"I-I-I, I, I...." He pointed at himself, his sword, sword's hilt, handle, mage's body near the gate, the guy next to him, at the students dead bodies and their decapitated limbs and heads while stuttering.


"I... Need.... Answers!" I said before slapping him again.


Conner got a cut on his lip while his cheek had turned black and blue. Blood was coming out of his mouth mixed with saliva.

"Thath ghuildh mhashtar..." Conner spoke with swollen cheek.

"Speak. Properly!" I said in a commanding tone.

"Yelsh, Th-the guild master of Hell Fury Guild, 'Matthew Smith,' had called them for an emergency meeting, it seems, and students were all unconscious when it happened, so we have no i-idea," Conner responded without stuttering much, despite his swollen cheek, which was understandable.

"What's going on here?" A bulky man with huge build walked towards me.

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