Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 374 Taking On Sun Family

Chapter 374  Taking On Sun Family

" Xuan'er!!" Chun'er!!"

Sun Chen's voice echoed throughout the factory as he and his men entered. However, an eerie silence filled the factory as only a few lights illuminated the vast area.

" Da…d."

" Xuan'er?!"

Sun Chen heard a faint groan as his eyes turned wide. " Xuan'er! Where are you!"

" Sir… Be careful."

Sun Chen got stopped by one of his subordinates as he looked at him, The subordinate shuddered, pointing at some corpses on the ground. Those were the dead bodies of the security guards.

" Daa…dd"

" Uncle…"

" Chen'er! Xuan'er! My son! Where are you?!"

The more Sun Chen heard those groans, the more desperate he became

Suddenly, everyone looked at the ceiling as they saw something fall from above the floors.


A person's body smashed on the ground as his skull almost got cracked. Soon, the ground flushed with blood.

" Sun Chun!!"

Sun Chen's heart chilled in that instant. He was relieved when he saw it wasn't Sun Xuan. But seeing his nephew dying like that still gave an impact in his heart.

" Oh my? Did I scared you?"

Sun Chen and other's eyes turned vigilant when they heard the voice. They saw a handsome young man wearing a dark coat and white shirt walking out of the shadow, along with an old man standing behind him.

However, their expression changed drastically when they heard the bloodied Sun Xian was lying at the feet of the old man.

" Apologized, Mr Sun Chen, But you son is alive… At least for now."

" Bastard!" Sun Chen's eyes turned red when he saw that scene. " You know who am I, don't you? You think Sun Family will let you go?"

" I will shred yoru skin, flay your flesh and grind your bones. Motherfucker, How dare you touch my son!?"

" Tell me, Who are you? I won't kill a nameless bastard." Sun Chen's tone was coldas he walked forward while pulling our a silver machete.

" Who am I?"

A dark brilliance flashed in that young man's eyes as a demonic purple light flashed in his pupils.

" Well, Young Master of Jun Family, Jun Tianyun greets you." Jun Tianyun grinned as he gave a light bow.

shock appeared in his eyes as he looked at Jun Tianyun. However, it was soon replaced with rage.

Sun Chen and other became stunned when they heard Jun Tianyun's identity.

" Ju- Jun Family?" Sun Chen was surprised when he heard that. A shock appeared in his eyes as he looked at Jun Tianyun. However, it was soon replaced with rage.

" Bastards of Jun Family, You think Sun Family fears you?" Sun Chen snorted as he looked at Jun Tianyun. " Years ago, we had been merciful when we let you guys go. Hmph, But it looks like it was a mistake."

" Go, Get that bastard's head in my hand."

" Yes, Master Sun."

Jun Tianyun sighed when he saw the goons charging toward him holding various weapons. " Uncle Xiaguo, Look at this. I couldn't even scare them."

" Hehe, Saying Jun Family survived due to their mercy? That's some serious delusion." Jun Xiaguo snorted. " They aren't going to shed tears without seeing coffin."

As Jun Xiaguo rolled his sleeves to attack them, Jun Tianyun stopped him." Uncle Xiaguo, You are already old. Just rest here and enjoy the show."

" Huh!? Brat, Did you just called me old?" Jun Xiaguo's brows wrinkled when he heard that. However, when he looked at Jun Tianyun, he already charged at his enemies.

" Haha! Look at that. A brat who didn't even grew his hairs charging at us."

" Hahaha! Kill that little fucker and that old bastard together!"

Jun Tianyun's body moved like an arrow that got shot from ths strings. His arms moved in a circular motion as if a dragon coiling around his arms.

" Dragon Subduing Eight Triagrams! Flame Dragon's Dance!"

Suddenly, his arms coiled with dragons made of flames as it landed on the goons. The flames burst out like a flamethrower as his flaming fists fell on the enemy martial artists.


It barely took any time before the expression of the enemies turning pale. Even before Jun Tianyun's fist reached them, the flames already covered their body, making them charged.

Jun Tianyun's palm was like a sledgehammer landing on their body. It snapped their bones like twigs.

" Argh!"

" AHHHH!!"

" My arm!"

Jun Tianyun instantly repelled a dozen of Martial Masters in a single move. His arms were like fiery shots of cannonballs, crippling his enemies in one shot.

" Damn it! That bastard is too powerful!"

" Use the weapons! Use the weapons damn it!"

Jun Tianyun only laughed when he saw the swords and knives slashed at him. His mood turned sour when he realized that his Dark Nebula Sword got destroyed.

" Dragon Subduing Eight Trigrams! Roaring Wind Pulse!"

Jun Tiayun's fish shot out several palms, filled with violent wind energy. His palms pulsed with the power of wind as he easily evaded the weapons. His fists turned swifter and deadlier as he kept pushing back those martial artists.

Sun Chen was shocked when he saw the power of Jun Tianyun. He was able to handle so many powerful Martial Masters with ease. Not to mention, the power of controlling elements, his martial arts already reached a terrifying degree.

" That bastard… Why is he so powerful?" Sun Chen's body trembled when he saw that. " Elder Lei, You need to take action."

" Don't worry, Master Chen. I will kill that brat. Hmph, Let's see if he can fight against a Mid stage Martial Grandmaster who is skilled in assassination." A hooded old man near Sun Chen snorted as he walked toward Jun Tianyun.


Jun Tianyun's energy surged as his dragon blood boiled. He used the special skill of dragon blood,  The Dragon Roar.

Like clap of thunder, the voice almost made everyone near Jun Tianyun paralyze in fear. Jun Tianyun's voice was fueled with his dragon bloodline an Divine Supression.

Some of them felt coughing up blood and some of them got on their kees. Jun Tianyun chuckled when he saw that. " Well? That's it? Come on, I can fight a hundred like you."

However, Jun Tianyun's eyes narrowed as his feet moved and his body twisted in an odd angle. His palm shot out and caught a small flying dagger while dodging another.

" Old man, don't you think your age already passed for such tricks?" Jun Tianyun snickered as he looked at a dark corner. If someone else saw that corner, they could see nothing more than darkness.

However, Jun Tianyun didn't got disappointed when he didn't got any reply. Suddenly, he threw the knife behind him as a noise of metals clashing echoed.

Jun Tianyun's flying dagger met with another flying object in th dark, making it deflected.

" Tch, Old man, It seems your brain also got rotten like your age, huh?" Jun Tianyun laughed. " If you think you can assassinate like me that, you are making the last mistake of your life."

" Hmph, Although you r formidable, there is noway youc an stop me."

The hooded old man walked out from the shadows as he looked at Jun Tianyun. Suddenly, he vanished from his position as he appeared right behind Jun Tianyun.

But suddenly, the old man froze as if his muscles became paralyzed. It wa sbecause Jun Tianyun didn't retracted his Divine Supression yet.

It was same as a fast cheetah jumping into a quagmire, making its movement futile.

Jun Tianyun leisurely turned around and looked at that old mab. " Well? Told you. This will be your last mistake."

Jun Tianyun saw some others peersisten guts standing up as they looked at Jun Tianyun with bloodied eyes. They ate some kind of pills, making their energy soar.

However, no matter how big the ants become, in Jun Tianyun's eyes, they were still ants.

Jun Tianyun's arms moved as even the air around him became supressive. It was like a dense amount of Earth Qi revolved around him.

" Dragon Subduing Eight Triagrams! Thousand Buddha Palms!"

After that, Sun Chen's eyes turned blank as his body splashed with blood and flesh bits.




" Hahahah! KAHAHAHA!"

A  thunderous laughter echoed as Jun Wudao's fists were dripping with blood. There were many peoples lying on the ground as he looked at Sun Chengyi.

" Son of bitch! Why the poison didn't acted!?" Sun Chenyi roared as his eyes turned crimson.

" Well, My dear grandson gave me a candy which got…some antidotal properties. So…" Jun Wudao shrugged as he saw a bulky man appearing before him.

" Hoho, I thought you already died." Jun Wudao recognized that bulky old man.

" I thought the same, Wudao." The bulky old man looked at him. " Can't you spare Sun Chengyi?"

" Nope." Jun Wudao looked at him. " But I can spare you. Just get out of my way."

" Sigh, I can't do that." The bulky old man chuckled. " Let's see if my Golden Sky Bell Technique is still worthy to fight with you."

" It's not, and you know." Jun Wudao sneered as his fist burned with a faint majestic radiance.

" Ever Victorious Fist of Monarch! Thousand Beast Conqueror!"


Sun Chengyi's heart thumped when he felt the violent aura from Jun Wudao. He didn't looked like an old man at all, but his majestic aura made him look like a god of war.

That night, the entire Azure Wind City became restless. Those who were old and knowledgeable suddenly heard the news. In many places, flags with special insignia appeared, making the entire city rumble with undercurrents.

" What? Jun Family raised their Banner of Three Realms?!"

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