Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 191 - A Good Start

Chapter 191: A Good Start

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The cold mist had covered the evening peace in the apprentice town, but the underground market was still bustling with people in its eternal light.

The base of Sky Tower was exceptionally crowded. People had gathered in front of a giant screen while patiently waiting for the schedule of Three Levels of Death tomorrow. Among them, there were also mortals who came here to pass the information to rich apprentices who employed them — Information on possible interesting matches and participants.

“I wonder if Fox Master has any matches tomorrow. I love his style. He looks so cool and composed!”

“Composed? The fake blind bastard only knows how to act all cool. None of his moves got any senses. He can only bully people at the lowest of the three levels.”

“You sound as if you’re stronger. How about you go up there and prove it?”

“Well, I’ll never watch some unranked guy, thank you very much. I hope those in the top places can come tomorrow. I haven’t seen them fight in a long time.”

“The matches between the tops always got announced three days earlier. They won’t come here all of a sudden.”

“I’m just saying! Geez.”

Eight bell strikes announced that the time was now eight in the evening. The information on the screen was updated.

“It’s here, tomorrow’s schedule!”

The beginning of the match list was a recommendation from Sky Tower:

[The Ripper VS Eternal Rest, Level 15, Match 5]

“Not what I expected. The Ripper’s one of the bottom ones on the ranking list of Level 15. And who is Eternal Rest? Never heard of him.”

“Forget it. The Ripper will tear his enemy apart in a minute. Let’s not waste time.”

Since the recommended match was not good enough, people moved their sights down to see if there was anything worth noticing.

“The Wailing King is up. But he’s going against Lady Nightowl. The match will end pretty quick.”

“Gargoyle and Vampire Vamp... I think I’ll check them out. Vamp almost reached level-3, and she’s a lot better then Gargoyle, who just became a level-2 apprentice. But her fangs aren’t going to get through Gargoyle’s Stone Skin easily. Their fight might be interesting.”

None of the onlookers were good enough to join the fights themselves. Yet they were all discussing the abilities and weaknesses of the participants like they knew everything; as if they could all hold their own grounds on the arena.

“Nothing in particular in Levels 14 and 15. Let’s check out Level 13.”

“I’d vote for Fox Master of all people in Level 13. He had the best look! Don’t you say otherwise!”

“But Fox Master doesn’t have a match tomorrow. Look, none of the top ten guys are on.”

“We can always go watch the new fighters then. Hey, look. Baron Milk, zero points. This noob’s going to fight Wasteland Warrior and Twilight of Night in one day!”

It was a woman. She had just noticed Baron Milk’s name and spoke to her boyfriend.

“Wasteland Warrior in the morning and Twilight of Night in the afternoon? Man, he got guts. But he’s too stupid. Wasteland Warrior’s gonna waste him for good, and Twilight will get three points for free.”

“Don’t be so sure. Something told me that Baron Milk might win.”

“You’re not a Prophet or Astrologist, so don’t give me that. It’s just your delusion.”

“Come on, women have good six sense. You’ll never understand.”

“If Baron Milk wins, I’ll strip myself clean and run around the Tree Spirit Garden!”

The couple “quarreled” while still holding each other’s arm affectionately.

Another gentle voice joined their conversation.

“I agree with the lady’s instinct. Baron Milk will win in the end.”

The couple turned to look at the newcomer. The man frowned. “Who is it? And what’s your proof? Are you Baron Milk?”

“No, I’m not.” The newcomer was still smiling. He showed the couple his profile card. “My title is Earthen Bear. Or you can call me White Bear.”

The man in a white bear costume spoke in a joyful tone.

“As for my proof... Fate has already told me. Baron Milk will not lose.”

“Fate?” The man snickered. “Okay, another fool who believes some kind of religion. If you all believe your fates and instinct whatsoever, let’s get a ticket and go watch the match.”

The couple went to purchase tickets. So did White Bear. He held his ticket firmly and revealed a determined expression.

“The fate told me that only by stepping on the path of supernatural could I get away from my life of suffering.”

“The fate told me that the path of the supernatural is filled with great challenges until I meet...”

The voice of White Bear disappeared in the distance as he walked away. In the end, it could be heard that he was talking about someone who could change his life.

“That bear guy looks so odd. Could he be a real Prophet?” The couples looked at White Bear’s direction and muttered.

“My six sense told me that he probably is.”


The Month of Lingering Rains had given its place to the Month of Wildfire.

Angor’s first match in the Three Levels of Deaths was scheduled on the first day of the Month of Wildfire. If he only considered the order of months, this day should be the Children’s Day on Earth. The wizarding world had nothing special going on on this day. To Angor though, today was special because it was Leon’s birthday.

Leon was his only close relative ever since they lost their parents. Naturally, Angor would remember the birthday of his most beloved brother.

It had been one and a half year since Angor left home. Leon should have inherited his title and was now leading a glorious life in Grue Town. Maybe the war against Heylan Imperials had ended?

And when could he finally return home?

Angor came to the Sky Tower in a mild state of homesickness as he thought about his brother.

He did not really feel any stress. Probably because he already went through a good number of matches. Combined with that fact that the birthday of Leon distracted his thoughts.

It was only when he stood on the stage and realized the audience around were all cheering loudly that he finally collected his spirit.

The glass screen above his head showed the names of the fighters and a countdown timer.

The names were placed aside portraits. Angor’s portrait was there, but it only showed someone covered under his hood.

As for the portrait of “Wasteland Warrior”... Angor did not pay much attention. His opponent was already standing across of him, so he might as well look that way.

“Baron Milk... Unlike the others, I know about you,” said Wasteland Warrior. He was a bulky male who wore a khaki-colored armor. “Surely you know who ‘Battle Horn’ is?”

“Umhmm.” Angor did not know who that was. But he was Baron Milk now, so he needed to pretend.

“He’s my buddy. You beat him before, so I know well about all your skills. Nice alchemy weapon you got there, but it won’t penetrate my defense.”

Angor slowly recognized the name “Battle Horn”. It was a prayer user back in Level 11, who buffed himself with all kinds of spells and attacked his opponents directly.

“I thank you for not killing my friend. Today, I’ll make an exception and let you live,” Wasteland Warrior spoke in a way as if he was giving Angor some honorable gift. “Nevertheless, I still need to imprint terror into your mind for going against me!”

“Baron Milk” remained silent as he maintained his distant and arrogant character’s persona. However, Angor had already begun to complain in his mind: This guy’s talking too much. Wasteland Warrior? How about calling himself the Waste-Word Warrior?

Waste-Word Warrior kept talking nonsense until the countdown reached zero.

Angor immediately cast an ice wall to protect himself, then used the chance to gain more distance while applying various defensive spells on himself.

Waste-Word Warrior, on the other hand, did not move at all. The man thumped his chest confidently.

“Come on, shoot. Right here. I won’t try to dodge!”

Angor could not help smiling: Okay, I was wrong. He deserved to be called a warrior.

The novels in Jon’s tablet were so true. People could actually get THIS stupid!

“Ha! I hope you don’t regret your words,” said Angor as he gave his opponent a big smile. He already planned to use his secret weapon, but now he did not need to.

Angor lifted an arm. While his robe was flipped up by the wind, Wasteland Warrior noticed a golden glimmer coming from Angor’s sleeve.

“So that’s your hand crossbow? It ain’t getting past my shield!” Wasteland Warrior triggered his mana and the blood of Earth Salamander in his body. His already bulky body grew bigger. Blood vessels pulsed on his skin.

“Perhaps one bolt won’t do the trick. But how about ten?” Angor said.

He did not tell his opponent that he was using ten enchanted bolts, not ordinary ones.

Angor took the time to get a good aim at Wasteland Warrior. Since that guy was foolish enough to stand there like a striking dummy, he had enough time to set a plan for where each of his rune bolts was going to.

The three Freeze Bolts would hit the ground to the left in a triangle formation. Even if Wasteland Warrior managed to step left and avoid the bolts, the ice would cause him to fall off the stage. The three Flame Bolts would then go for the right in a straight line, making it impossible for Wasteland Warrior to dodge the fire. Another two armor-piercing bolts were aimed at Wasteland Warrior himself.

Angor carefully calculated the angles for the bolts.

When he was done, he warned Wasteland Warrior, “I’m coming!”

“Do it! Right here! My body’s ready!”

The previously excited spectators all grew quiet at this point. Why did that conversation sound so... terrible?

The innocent Angor did not feel anything wrong about what they just said in public. When he received an answer from Wasteland Warrior, he even nodded at his opponent politely. Next, he held his breath, triggered his mana, and released all ten enchanted bolts at the same time.

Wasteland Warrior intended to terrify this arrogant Baron Milk guy by using the superior defense capacity of an Earth Salamander. However, when he saw the bolts aimed at him, he suddenly received a terrible sense.

Something’s wrong!

Beasts were naturally sensitive to danger. Wizards who fused the blood of beasts also inherited such instinct. Now, Wasteland Warrior only felt as if a giant thundercloud had covered himself up.

No matter which direction he evaded to, the lightning released by the thundercloud would get him!

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