Warm Wedding, CEO Loves Me

Chapter 430

One second to remember [Brushstroke Pavilion] www.52bqg.com [Free of charge, read the wonderful novel!]

Chapter 430 - Fifteen!

Xueluo wasn't sure if the usually cold-blooded and cruel Hetun truly liked his son, Linnuo.

But looking at Hetun's laughing expression, it seemed as if he did not need to act all pretentious towards a five-year-old child.

It's just that Xueluo didn't know if there was some terrifying conspiracy hiding behind Hetun's smile.

Actually, Xueluo was still very grateful to Hetun for providing this mother and son with a stable environment for five years.

Free her from shock, free her from suffering, free her from having anything to rely on, free her from wandering around.

Xueluo really didn't want to know about the conspiracy behind Hetun's back. However, every time Xueluo was especially rational, she would have no choice but to analyze what exactly was Hetun's conspiracy.

Sometimes, Xueluo would even think that with how much the Hetun doted on his son, Linnuo, she wouldn't treat the little fellow as a tool to make use of him, right?

However, Xueluo would inevitably be worried: Men like the Hetun, who were exceptionally calm and rational, should be able to differentiate between liking and taking revenge.

Perhaps, in the depths of the Hetun's heart, there had never been any confusion between pampering and taking revenge on Feng Xinglang!

"Fifteen, do you like your foster father?"

Hetun lifted little friend Linnuo above his head, allowing him to ride on his shoulders. No matter how one looked at it, such a doting action was akin to an elder doting on a junior.

"If you do well enough, I can still like you a little bit!"

The little friend Linnuo rode on top of Hetun's neck, using her short legs to hook onto Hetun's neck, and then executed a high difficulty Roc Spreading Wings.

Fifteen, was Xueluo's decision after being forced into a corner.

On the day that Linnuo's little friend turned one year old, the celebration Hetun gave to the little guy could be said to be a completely different story.

The entire Pater Castle was celebrating like his Hetun had married his wife.

The last item was to let Linnuo draw lots for his little friend.

Not to choose a favorite toy, but to choose Hetun's way of addressing and ranking the little guy.

From Boss to Thirteen, they were all within range.

The numbers were written on the paper, allowing Linnuo to choose one of them.

At that time Xueluo was thinking: foster son's foster son had always been ranked from the oldest to the Old Tweleve, so it would be fine if his son Linnuo chose Old Thirteen, but if he chose others, such as Old Four, Old Five, or Old Eight, wouldn't there be two Old Four s or Old Eighth?

Xueluo was unable to stop Hetun from taking his son in.

Perhaps this was one of the important reasons that the Hetun brought the mother and son pair back to the Pater Castle.

At that time, Xueluo had only seen a black cup of wine placed in front of every other foster son. It was only later on that Xueluo found out that the black cup was a nerve poison.

In other words, the Hetun would not allow his own foster son to repeat such a title.

For example, if little Linnuo accidentally chose the Old Four, then the original Xing Si would have to settle this by himself.

The river was cruel and ruthless. All the foster son s were merely tools that he could use.

If he was summoned, he would come at once; if he was waved, he would go at once.

There was also another terrifying sign: Ever since Hetun was' persuaded 'by a certain discipline, Xueluo had never seen Xing San again.

Maybe, the 'hugging a beauty' that Feng Xinglang had promised was just Xing San's unattainable dream!

A one-year-old child, he knew nothing. While babbling in Hetun's bosom, he looked at the numbers written in front of him in a novel manner.

"Little thing, I'll read it to you one by one. If you like that ranking, you can speak to me about it. Do you understand?"

Of course, little friend Linnuo did not understand, he used his meaty little hands to look for toys that would occasionally appear mysteriously on Hetun's body.

"Boss …" Second brother … "Third brother …"

The Hetun chanted slowly, giving the little fellow enough time to react. However, the item seemed to have no interest towards the 'old number' that the Hetun chanted, as it was more interested in the exquisite handgun that was on the Hetun.

The Hetun did not hide it and allowed Linnuo to play around.

To be honest, Xueluo was extremely nervous, afraid that his one year old son, Linnuo, would take out his gun and go on a rampage. It was only later that she learned that the bullets had to be loaded first. And a trigger safety.

In other words, it was very safe for his son Linnuo to play with Hetun's exquisite handgun. This was what Xueluo found out later on.

When he was not aware of this, as long as his son Linnuo pulled the spear out of Hetun's body, Xueluo would become extremely nervous.

"Seventh Brother... "Eighth brother …"

When Hetun said "Old Eighth", little friend Linnuo who was originally playing with his gun suddenly stopped, and then continued to chant non-stop, "Eight …. Eight... "Eight eight eight..."

Actually, only Xueluo could understand that his son Linnuo did not recite 'eight', but 'father'.

After giving birth to the little guy, Xueluo would take advantage of the fact that there was no one around to teach his son, Linnuo, how to use this opportunity to teach his son, Linnuo, his "father", and his "mother".

"Haha …" "Little thing, you like Eighth Brother, don't you?"

The Hetun laughed heartily. The little guy ruthlessly kissed her on the face that kept mumbling '88-88'.

Xueluo could clearly feel Xing Lao's expression unsettled as it throbbed a few times. Then, he slowly reached out and picked up the cup of black wine.

Vaguely, Xueluo had a bad premonition: that cup of black wine was definitely not something good!

"Wait!" I don't like Eight! And I don't like my kid's name. I like. Fifteen! Yes, fifteen! the meaning of a full moon! "

Fifteen, it was Xueluo who had suddenly blurted out. It was much better than what Old Thirteen had said!

The key thing was that he did not need to implicate the other foster son to die.

Hetun paused for a moment, as if he was waiting for the reaction of Linnuo's little friend in his arms that he didn't like.

"Nuonuo, you like fifteen, right? If you like it, you can nod your head.

Xueluo immediately began to persuade his son, Linnuo.

The moment the little guy heard Mommy say that she would drink milk, he immediately hit his head like a rattle and wanted to pounce towards Xueluo's embrace.

Looking at the little thing in his arms nodding, Hetun was so happy.

"Then this little thing shall be called fifteen! Fifteen is good! "

Hetun once again dotingly kissed the little fellow on the cheek again and again. Fifteen... "Kid, in the future, your foster father will call you Fifteen!"

Xing Lao's grip on the black alcohol in his hand slowly loosened. He had almost drifted away from the gates of hell.

Subconsciously, he looked towards Xueluo in gratitude.

Xueluo also secretly let go of his nervousness and returned old man Xing's pale, powerless smile.

She was kind.

Her kindness would make others feel incomparable warmth.

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