Welcome to Hell!

Chapter 268: Woodsorrel’s Circumstances

Chapter 268: Woodsorrel’s Circumstances

Is this an illusion?

No, youre wrong. This is a transformation technique, a secret art known among the demon fox race.

Having transformed into a human-like form, Woodsorrel was now speaking with her own voice, not through telepathy. It seemed like she wasnt just disguising her appearance with an illusion spiritual art; she had physically changed her bodys structure.

Seeing me frozen in shock, Woodsorrel chuckled mischievously like a child who had successfully pulled off a prank. Though she now appeared to be in her late teens, similar in age to Chris on the inside, she might be closer to Leo or Magna.

Wa-Wait a minute!


Woodsorrel, who had been laughing, was suddenly hit in the face by something. It wasnt a piece of cloth. but clothing that was thrown by Chris whose face was now beet red. The reason for this was probably because Woodsorrel was completely naked.

According to the values of the human species, it was embarrassing to be seen naked, and it seemed that it wasnt something that should be shown lightly to the opposite sex, even to ones own comrades. While I knew this as a fact and had adopted the custom of wearing clothes myself, Woodsorrel hadnt considered it which wasnt surprising.

However, Woodsorrel seemed to be aware of clothing. And she slipped her arms into the sleeves of the clothes handed to her by Chris with a slightly annoyed expression on her face.

Chris had thrown a coat intended for the larger members of the former republics demon soldiers. When Woodsorrel wore it, it looked like a connected top and bottom outfit on her, except the sleeves were far too long and hung loose, greatly exceeding her arms length. Woodsorrel began playfully twirling the excessively long sleeves with her hands.

So shes the one in question?

Yes. I never knew she could transform into a Furu race member, but shes definitely an acquaintance of mine.

Chris watched Woodsorrel, who was innocently playing, with a complicated expression. She didnt seem to know whether to trust her or not. This uncertainty seemed to extend to Woodsorrels comrades as well. They exchanged glances while occasionally sneaking peeks in our direction.

As I pondered how to bridge the gap between us, Lappy, yawning and apparently having fallen asleep during her studies, walked toward us. Her steps were unsteady as she approached me, but then she seemed to notice Woodsorrel. With a sleepy tilt of her head and rubbing of her eyes, Lappy made her way to Woodsorrel.

Hmm who are you?

Im Woodsorrel, from the demon fox race! And who might you be?

Lappy is Lappy. Eiiy!

After she introduced herself, Lappy made an attempt to grasp the wildly swinging sleeves that Woodsorrel was wearing. Despite Woodsorrels quick efforts to flick the sleeves away, Lappy, with her superior dynamic vision, effortlessly caught the tip of one.

Hmm, not bad! But I wont lose!

Hmm. Play together.

Perhaps irked by being caught, Woodsorrel became determined, moving the sleeves in all directions, trying to outmaneuver Lappy. Yet, Lappy easily managed to catch them again, leading to a playful battle between Woodsorrels attempts to keep her sleeves free and Lappys determination to catch them.

Though Woodsorrel appeared older, the two began playing as if they had been friends for a long time. Watching them made any sense of mutual caution seem utterly ridiculous. Handing my twin swords to Chris for safekeeping, I approached Woodsorrels companions.

Im Antares. I met Woodsorrel about eight years ago. Do any of you know about her from that time?

Yeah, I know about that, mister.

When I inquired amongst Woodsorrels companions, one of the monkeys raised its hand and spoke up. Surprised that it used its voice rather than telepathy, I kneeled down to meet its gaze.

Have you heard what happened?

I know that she was taken out of the forest. I dont know the details, but it seems it wasnt a pleasant experience.

Thats when I met her before I became like this. Now, discussing this at the edge of the camp might not be comfortable. Please, come this way.

Alright, well follow. Lets go.

Following the monkeys lead, Woodsorrels companions cautiously entered the camp, where it became apparent that the monkey was the groups deputy leader. While Woodsorrel was occupied playing with Lappy, I decided to gather more information from them.

Please, have a seat.

Thank you.

While Woodsorrel and Lappy continued their playful tussle, I led the monkey and the others to a different table. Chris, having stowed my twin swords somewhere, brought over a wooden goblet filled with water and placed it before the monkeys. For the bears and wildcats, she offered bowls of water, perhaps typically used for soup.

A goblet was also presented to me, and after thanking Chris, I drank from it. The water likely conjured through Chriss spiritual arts, was refreshingly cool with a hint of sweetness. It must have been infused with the juice of citrus fruits found in the forest.

In its original state, the fruit was too sour to be consumed directly, but when its juice was diluted with water, it transformed into a refreshing fruit water. This fruit water has just the right concentration for me because Chris was used to brewing it. Perhaps I had grown too accustomed to relying on Chris.

Ah, thats delicious. Whats in it?

Its made from these red fruits.

What? Those incredibly sour ones? No one eats those I had no idea they could be used like this.

The monkey, seemingly impressed, closely examined the contents of the goblet before gulping it down. The delicious taste was certainly a factor, but more than that, the monkey was probably thirsty from running all the way here. Indeed, Woodsorrels other companions were also eagerly drinking the fruit water as if competing with one another.

Seeing the monkey look sadly into the empty goblet, Chris smiled gently, crushed a red fruit in her hand to release the juice, and then filled the goblet using water spiritual arts. She then skillfully stirred the water to mix in the juice. It seemed to be an application of the technique she learned while serving Liselotte.

Much appreciated. Aaaah, that hits the spot. You know, there are always a few kids who sneak out of their territory and just dont come back. It seems that those with the talent to evade watchful eyes just cant help their curiosity.

So, Woodsorrel was one of those with a strong, curious spirit. She mentioned going out to play

Going out with such a light-hearted attitude, most kids dont make it back. Thats why shes one of the few who did return.

Among the demon fox race, Woodsorrel was still just a child no matter how exceptional she was. She would stand no chance against the fierce creatures outside, not to mention the numerous and cunning humans. Indeed, Woodsorrel herself had mentioned being drugged and waking up to find a collar around her neck, a fate many demon fox children likely faced when captured by humans.

In Woodsorrels case, she was fortunate to have the collar destroyed and be freed as a result of a secret pact with me, allowing her to safely return home. But thats probably an exception among exceptions. She wasnt conceited to say otherwise; she seemed really lucky to have met me.

Ive come to understand a bit about Woodsorrels situation. So youre not here to deliver a decision, are you?

Thats right. We rushed out as soon as we heard misters message. We tried to stop her, but she was already here by the time we caught up.

. That must be tough, huh?

. Its nice to know you understand.

The monkey agreed with a tiered expression on his face. The monkey was probably used to being led on wild chases by the free-spirited Woodsorrel. Not just me, but even Chris, who was sitting beside me, seemed to sympathize as well and silently refilled our goblets with more fruit water without a word.

So, what will you do now? Arent you in trouble for leaving your post without permission?

Thats the problem. We need to bring big sister back, but

The monkey hesitated to continue as its gaze fell on Woodsorrel, who was playing around with Lappy. Perhaps it was reluctant to dampen the spirits of someone who played so innocently. It seemed that Woodsorrel was well-loved by her subordinates.

It appeared that I was destined to play the role of the villain. Rising from my chair, I approached and caught hold of the back collar of Woodsorrel as she attempted to escape from Lappy and successfully captured her.

Ugh?! What are you doing!

Maybe its time to go home? You came here on your own, didnt you?

Id like to say its fine but youre right. If we stay too long, therell be trouble. Lappy! Lets call it a draw for now!

Hmm. Well settle this the next time we meet.

In the brief time they had spent together, the two had seemingly come to respect each other as worthy rivals and exchanged a firm handshake. Its probably a good thing that they became friends.

As I released Woodsorrel from my grasp and let her stand on the ground, she did not dispel her transformation art and instead lightly leaped onto the bears back. It seemed she was tired from having run all the way here and then playing with Lappy. She lay face down on the bears back, completely exhausted.

Well then, Ill be heading back for now. Ill report that you were an acquaintance of mine after all. I suppose that might even get you a pass?

That would be helpful.

Oh, and I havent forgotten the promise to bear you a child. Lets go!

With those parting words, Woodsorrel tapped the bears back to signal their departure. Ah, thats right, she said something like that the last time we parted. I had forgotten about it, thinking it was impossible.

As I was recalling this, I felt a prosthetic hand placed on my shoulder. Since it was a prosthetic hand, it had to be Chris but the hand was gripping my shoulder so tightly that it creaked as if it was about to tear off my flesh.

What are you doing, Chris? Thats quite painful

What did she mean by bearing a child? Youll explain it to me, wont you?

I turned around to protest the pain in my shoulder, but my voice of complaint faded away. The reason being I felt intimidated by Chris, who was standing there when I turned around.

Chris seemed to be smiling broadly. However, her eyes were not smiling at all. At that moment, Chris felt more terrifying than even the descendant of god. I found myself explaining the meaning behind Woodsorrels words, almost as if I was making an excuse.

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