What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 32: Formidable Rival

Chapter 32: Formidable Rival

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In the early morning, sunlight streamed through the window and shone on Xiao Yans face, gently waking him up.


Xiao Yan sat up, stretched his body with a big yawn, and then got out of bed to dress and freshen up.

Today was the Xiao Clans annual coming-of-age ceremony. It was not only attended by the Xiao Clan members but also open to all the people in the city of Utan. The Xiao Clans marketplace would also have discounts and promotions on this day, making it a grand event in Utan City.

After the coming-of-age ceremony today, it will be time for the New Year~

Xiao Yans eyes were filled with vitality.

The New Year represented the beginning of a new year.

The issue that had been bothering him, the problem with Dou Qi, had been resolved, and he even unexpectedly gained a teacher in alchemy. This year was undoubtedly full of hope for Xiao Yan.

But lets put aside these feelings for now. Just then, Yao Chen suddenly appeared and smirked, pointing outside the door. Seems like youre in for some trouble, my boy. Youve already run into it early in the morning.


Xiao Yan raised an eyebrow, about to ask Yao Chen what she meant when suddenly an argument could be heard outside the door.

Why are you blocking Cousin Xiao Yans door so early in the morning? Whats your intention?!!

I just came to see how my fianc is doing. As his future wife, shouldnt I have the right to do so?

Miss Nalan, you havent married into the Xiao Clan yet. At the moment, youre just a guest. Please conduct the etiquette of a guest and refrain from wandering around the Xiao Clan at will.

Hearing the three distinctly different voices outside the door, Xiao Yans previously good mood vanished instantly, and his once hopeful future became full of obstacles.

Hehe~ Good luck, little Yan. The future is still long, you know~

Yao Chen mocked her disciple carelessly and returned to the ring once again. Xiao Yan sighed deeply and opened the door, only to see Xiao Mei, Xiao Xuner, and Nalan Yanran standing at the door in a standoff.

Cousin Xiao Yan!

Seeing Xiao Yan open the door, Xiao Meis angry expression disappeared immediately. She directly pounced on Xiao Yan, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.

Good morning! Lets go together to attend the coming-of-age ceremony!


Xiao Yan nodded lightly and looked at Nalan Yanran.

Little Glutton, did you sleep well last night?

After all, it wasnt a formal occasion, and Xiao Yan wasnt someone who wanted to be constantly vigilant. He could be casual when the situation allowed.

However, this nickname didnt sound pleasing to Nalan Yanrans ears.

I told you not to call me Little Glutton!!!

Nalan Yanran couldnt hold back anymore, her face blushing, and she yelled at Xiao Yan.

And on the side, Xiao Xuner lightly pinched her delicate chin and asked with confusion, Xuner has been curious for a while. Why does Brother Xiao Yan call Miss Nalan a Little Glutton?

Although Xiao Yan didnt use the nickname Little Glutton for Nalan Yanran in front of everyone too often, it was still quite memorable. After all, judging solely from her appearance, Nalan Yanran didnt seem to have any connection with the term glutton.

Upon hearing Xiao Xuners question, Xiao Yan chuckled softly.

Well thats because

Dont say it!!!

Nalan Yanran angrily shouted, her face turning even redder, as if she were about to burst with blood. Her posture resembled that of an angry little cat, looking extremely adorable.

Alright, alright~ I wont say it then~ Dont be angry, okay~

Xiao Yan assured her with a smile, and Nalan Yanrans flushed face slightly eased.

Yesterday, at the gracious invitation of Xiao Zhan oh, no, it should be said that it was at Nalan Yanrans own request, she wanted to stay at the Xiao Clan for a few more days. So Xiao Zhan arranged a guest room for her to rest.

Xiao Zhan was also somewhat helpless about this. Judging from Nalan Yanrans appearance, it seemed she would probably stay until after the New Year.

During this period, Nalan Yanran would inevitably have conflicts with Xiao Mei and Xiao Xuner. However, Xiao Zhan couldnt say anything to dissuade this future daughter-in-law in name only, so he simply gave up.

Let them have their arguments After all, its ultimately my sons matter. Why should I worry so much?

And so, with Xiao Mei clinging to his back, Xiao Yan walked slowly toward the venue of the coming-of-age ceremony while Xiao Xuner and Nalan Yanran confronted each other.

When they arrived at the venue, seeing the bustling crowd, Xiao Yan couldnt help but sigh.

No matter when or where, there were always so many people who loved to watch the excitement.

Oh! Cousin! Good morning!

Xiao Ninglao saw Xiao Yan and the others, waved his hand, and walked over. Xiao Yu followed behind him.

Miss Nalan, good morning.

Xiao Yu greeted Nalan Yanran in a soft voice. As the acknowledged elder sister of this generation in the Xiao Clan, she was impeccable in her manners toward guests. Unlike Xiao Yan, the word casual didnt exist in Xiao Yus personality.

Good morning.

Nalan Yanran nodded gently in response. Unlike her attitude towards Xiao Mei and Xiao Xuner, she displayed the dignified demeanor of a daughter of the Nalan family and the future Sect Master of the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect.

However, although she showed such courtesy on the surface towards Xiao Yu, deep down, Nalan Yanran was always wary of her.

Her womans intuition told her that Xiao Yu was also her competitor.

Although Xiao Yu didnt explicitly declare it like Xiao Mei, nor did she exhibit the opposing attitude of Xiao Xuner, she definitely held romantic feelings toward Xiao Yan.

However, Xiao Yus maturity made her unwilling to cause trouble for Xiao Yan, so she didnt express her feelings directly.

Such opponents were the most formidable, but at the same time, they were also the easiest to naturally disappear.

Not engaging in excessive disputes over emotions is to make it easier for the person you like. If feelings are clarified in the future, it will undoubtedly increase the other persons liking by several times.

However, because of not engaging in excessive disputes over emotions, it is highly possible that the other party may not even perceive ones feelings until the end of the relationship, and the emotions naturally dissipate.

In comparison, Xiao Xuners indirect approach is still relatively easy to deal with. As for Xiao Mei hmph~

A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of Nalan Yanrans mouth.

To put it bluntly, Nalan Yanran didnt care about Xiao Mei at all. In her eyes, Xiao Mei was an immature little girl who couldnt stir up any storms and was not worth worrying about.

Sister Xiao Yu, please take care of Miss Nalan. Ill go see Father.

Xiao Yan asked Xiao Yu for assistance.

As a distinguished guest, Nalan Yanran couldnt be neglected, but as the son of the clan leader, Xiao Yan had to help receive some guests himself.

The other Xiao Clan members hadnt spoken to Nalan Yanran, Xiao Ning was male and not quite suitable, and Xiao Mei and Xiao Xuner were even less likely.

It would be considered good if those two girls didnt start a fight with Nalan Yanran on the spot.

So, Xiao Yan could only entrust this task to Xiao Yu, who was comparatively mature and stable.

Xiao Yu understood Xiao Yans difficulties and nodded gently, saying, Sure, leave it to me.

This is no trouble at all~

Xiao Yan waved his hand and left. As he watched Xiao Yans figure walking away, a hint of delight flickered in Xiao Yus eyes.

This could be considered as Xiao Yans trust in her.

Meanwhile, when Nalan Yanran saw the look in Xiao Yus eyes, the alarm bells in her heart instantly rang.

Her guess was right! This woman was also a formidable rival!!!

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