Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 165

Chapter 165: You Shouldn’t be So Strong

Like the other Voidwalkers, Baiyi did not believe the lies of the female devil. There was no doubt that Lord Thaas was a very powerful existence but he should have been dead a long time ago. There was no way for him to survive the ordeal that he went through. The female devil was just blowing her own trumpet.

Still, she seemed to be enjoying herself very much at the moment and was still in no rush to attack Baiyi. Instead, she continued to prattle on, “... admire such a person like you very much! Usually, the more powerful a person is, the more despair you’d show me when I’m torturing you! To me, this is the sweetest tonic...”

Baiyi had had enough and raised up his hand to stop her from continuing, “Even though you’re a Tiamat, don’t you think you talk a little too much? If Thaas was still alive, he would never let a person like you become a commander!”

What’s a Tiamat you ask? It was actually the highest level of a mutated succubus, like the one standing right in front of Baiyi. The few spider legs that protruded out from her back was their most distinctive feature. Their biggest hobby was just like what she said... tasting human’s despair. Because of that, this species of devil loved torturing their opponents like a cat who played with its food first before it consume them. Although that was normal behaviour among the devils, it would be stupid to do it on a battlefield and usually, a devil leader who was skilled in warfare would never allow such an idiotic creature to become the frontline commander.

Baiyi’s words seemed to have successfully provoked the opponent. At once, all traces of smile disappeared from Evelyn, the Tiamat’s face as she said coldly, “Looks like you have no idea whoyou’re talking to right now,” Immediately, the devils who were under her command began to charge towards Baiyi.

Faced with the devils who were rushing at him, Baiyi was still standing at the same spot. Lifting up his staff to his chest, his left hand held onto the staff tip and his right hand was placed in the middle. Once again, he struck the pose of a Molochian Druid.

“Oh? You’re a Molochian Druid?” The Tiamat recognized the pose and exclaimed excitedly, “And I thought all of you had gone extinct a long time ago!”

In the face of such provocations, Baiyi’s eyes narrowed as he started to perform the Moloch’s Tanoura. The staff in his hand was rotating at high speed and soon, it once again created mirages of staffs forming an illusion of sphere-like barrier around him. At the same time, the few Cerberus that was leaping up high in mid-air, aiming for his throat was hit by some kind of invisible force. In a few seconds after a series of crisp bone-cracking sound, their heads were all smashed open, their blood splattered everywhere and the few headless bodies were blown back to the Tiamat’s feet by a gush of strong wind, letting her see clearly what had just happened.

A look of shock immediately appeared on her face. Unlike the Gogs, the Cerberus had a very resilient body, especially the head. The skull was often used to make helmets by human beings. She had never expected that the person dressed like a sorcerer would be able to smash them into pieces as if they were just watermelons.

The Tiamat was very certain that even the infamous Molochian Druid in the history would never be able to achieve that.

After all, no matter how awe-inspiring the Moloch was last time, when it came to power, he was still lacking compared to Baiyi who had received the blessings from the Alpine Barbarians’ Ancestors.

Seeing that he had managed to stun his opponent, Baiyi stopped his attack and stuck his Saint Quartz staff back down into the ground.

“Why should I be dead if you have not died yet?” Baiyi remarked together with the Sorcerer in the Void.

“KILL HIM! Grind him into pieces!” Furious, the Tiamat yelled out to her army. It was rare for her to give up on the idea of torturing her opponents.

In a flash, the Minotaurs swung their gigantic weapons and charged towards the seemingly skinny Baiyi. Behind them was a group of Calydonian 1 who were lifting up their shoddy bows and blowpipe, firing streaks of green arrows towards him.

Still, how could those simple attacks possibly stop the Fifth Walker?

Once again, Baiyi resumed his infamous Moloch’s Tanoura and while he was dodging the blades that were smashing down at him, he rebounded the poisoned arrows shot by the Calydonians to the other devils who were much closer to him. The devils did not even have time to swing their weapon yet and they already died in vain from the hands of their own troopmates. It looked like the poisons that the Calydonians took from the abyss’ swamp worked on themselves, too.

Baiyi was certainly not just defending himself. While he was blocking the enemy’s attacks, all sorts of magic could be seen being fired everywhere at the devils. Even though he could only cast low-level spells as he needed to focus more on his Moloch’s Tanoura, but as long as he aimed at the devils’ weak spots, the damage that he inflicted on them would be life-threatening. In just a short amount of time, all of the Minotaurs, who were the biggest among all of the devils, slumped to the ground one by one, leaving the other devils— who were much weaker and smaller than the Minotaur— shocked and afraid of taking another step forward.

The look on the Tiamat’s face turned ugly all at once. She did not expect her opponent to be such a terrifying person! It was already bizarre enough that a sorcerer was able to engage in a physical combat and defeat all devils who were skilled in melee combat, let alone the fact that his feet had not moved an inch from where he was standing

At that moment, a sense of regret slowly crept into her heart. She regretted her action of answering the summon from a few human beings to come to the realm of Isthyre so recklessly way ahead of the original plan. She did not care about the losses of the low-level devils but to see her middle-level army who was also the backbone of her troop annihilated in such a way was a very distressing situation for her. What was more crucial was, the losses did not contribute anything to their plan at all! Worse, they were now facing the danger of being wiped out just because they came slightly ahead of their original schedule.

“All of you! RETREAT!” The Tiamat yelled out furiously. She had decided to enter the battlefield personally. It was not that she sympathized with her subordinates but instead, she could not stand seeing the man eradicating her entire army.

Like being granted amnesty from the king, the devils quickly retreated without even giving a second glance to their dead comrades. All of them were eager to jump back into the crack and return to the place where they came from. The air of arrogance that they exuded before had all vanished without a trace.

That was probably the reason why the Devil despised them so much.

Such a scene had played out in the Voidwalkers’ memories too many times, to the point that Baiyi could even tell how the story would play out with his eyes closed. Casually, he lifted up his right hand that had a circle of red fiery formation at his wrist and snapped his fingers lightly. At once, a huge flame emerged out of nowhere at his feet and burnt all of the bodies on the ground into ashes.

After he had cleaned up the battlefield, Baiyi walked forward like a ferocious demon that emerged from a huge fiery flame, forcing the group of devils to take several steps back as they looked at his fierce demeanour. Only the Tiamat dared to stand at the same spot stubbornly.

The chest of the female devil heaved up and down a few times and when she finally calmed herself down, she told Baiyi, “You’re indeed powerful! Much more powerful than I expected.”

“Oh, no, no, no!” Baiyi shook his one finger, “You guys are the ones who are weak!”

“Tell me who your true master is and who are those human friends of yours. And if you do as I said, I will execute you on the spot instead of letting you be tortured by the Church.”

“Heh, how arrogant!” The Tiamat sneered. Although normally she looked as lovely and gorgeous as a human female, the moment a full smile was formed on her face, her entire mouth were split all the way up to her ears, exposing the rows of sharp teeth hidden inside it. Needless to say, she looked particularly disgusting with that sneer.

“What a stupid man! You know nothing of true power!” The Tiamat roared and at once, the emblem representing Thaas on her chest was set ablaze. Without warning, she vanished into thin air in front of Baiyi’s eyes.

“W-What?” Baiyi was slightly taken aback. In an instance, a screech sounded beside his ear and instinctively, he cast a Mud Wall in front of him. Then, with a powerful leap, he jumped backward as he tilted his head sideways.

What entered his sight next was the Mud Wall that he had just erected a moment ago crumbling down. The Tiamat opened her mouth wide and the snake-like tongue was extending its way towards him. Her right hand that had transformed into a hideous claw was grasping towards Baiyi’s abdomen.

Fortunately, he had foreseen her attack in advance so he managed to dodge her claws and his head was tilted at the correct side, avoiding the disgusting tongue that was about to wrap around his head.

“Urghh, why did you suddenly become ugly?” Looking at the Tiamat whose four limbs were on the ground like a dog, Baiyi asked coldly. Right now, she was no longer as beautiful as she was earlier. Her arms and legs, too, were no longer as graceful as the limbs of a human female. Instead, they had become two pairs of gigantic claws that were gleaming wickedly under the bright illumination of fire. Her mouth was open widely with her teeth bared at Baiyi and the tongue, that seemingly had a mind of its own, was suspended in mid-air with a tiny green needle protruding from the tip.

“Ahh ~ I haven’t moved my body like that for a long time now. Especially like this...” Her voice was no longer the sweet human female voice that she was using earlier. Instead, it had turned rather hoarse and jarring. The dark pair of eyes looked like they were about to shoot out flames at any given moment as they stared fiercely at Baiyi. Without warning, the limbs behind her suddenly pointed at him and jets of venoms, acids and black lighting shot out at his direction.

De novo, Baiyi swung his staff around and created a strong wind with it to blow the attacks away. Some of the acids were sprayed on the devils who were standing behind her watching the commotion and in an instance, their bodies turned black as they screamed and disintegrated.

Seeing that her own attack was of no use, the Tiamat once again vanished on the spot and continued her attack on Baiyi. He had to admit that her speed was the fastest that he had come across ever since he was summoned to this world. Even after he had cast a Boost on himself, he could only barely evade her attacks and there was no opening for him to fight back at all.

By the time the two of them brushed past each other again, Baiyi looked down and noticed the few scratch marks that had appeared on his chest. Although the scratch marks were faint, it emitted an ominous black color on his armor, proving to him that he no longer could keep up with the speed of his opponent.

“You should be proud of this blow of yours,” Baiyi murmured as he cast a fire spell on his left hand and burnt the wound on his chest, getting rid of the poisons ingrained there. It was his first real injury ever since he was summoned by Mia.

“Wait a minute, why is this Tiamat somehow much stronger than she is supposed to be?” Looking at the emblem on her chest, Baiyi could not help but wonder.

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