World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 180

Chapter 180 No. don't change Returning

to Washington DC, the center of world politics and the federal capital of the United States of America,

the headquarters of Arcadia Co., Ltd. has been in a tense atmosphere for the first time in a long time.

“ha ha ha. Greetings after a long time, sir.”

“Long time no see, Alex. Hasn't anything happened here in the meantime?”

“No big deal, but I took care of the little things on my own. We periodically reported related matters via e-mail... have you checked it?”

“Ho-ho-ho. I think Alex handled everything well.”

President Lee Mi-yeon smiles and answers when asked if she has opened the e-mail. But as if he was used to such a reaction, Alex nodded as if he knew that.

“You didn’t even open it. Knowing that, I prepared a brief report on it, so please take a look at it when you go back to Korea later.”

Alex pushes dozens of papers to President Lee Mi-yeon when an employee waiting on one side drags a cart. Seeing him like that, CEO Lee Mi-yeon muttered with a tearful face.

“No Alex. When are you going to finish reading this?”

“I only picked out issues that the boss shouldn’t know about. No matter how much I act as an acting authority when the CEO is absent, since it has been such a long time since I stopped by the head office, you should see the work you have not done so far.”

“Haa... that's why I don't come here often.”

“If you don’t come regularly, I will visit you myself from now on.”

“Please don’t do that, Alex. It's because I'm busy and bothered enough by what's going on in Korea.”

President Lee Mi-yeon sighs and mumbles with a tired face. Looking at her like that, Alex asked with a slightly serious expression.

“There has been a lot of noise internally and externally because of what is happening in Arcadia these days.”

“That’s right...”

“Japan is in a serious situation. Even while the CEO was away, calls continued to come to the head office strongly protesting. A lot of that too.”

Not only the Korean branch where President Lee Mi-yeon is located, but also the Japanese branch, which tried to contact the head office. Considering the situation of the Korean branch, President Lee Mi-yeon said with a slightly apologetic look, thinking that more would be more, not less.

“I’m sorry about that. Even if I wanted to come forward and sort things out myself, it was a difficult situation to do so.”

Alex shook his head with a small smile as if his heart was relieved a little by President Lee Mi-yeon's sincere apology.

“It’s okay if you know. And anyway, now that things have gone this way, wouldn't that mean nothing? Governor Kazuki requested a meeting of the board of directors regarding this issue, so it will be resolved smoothly according to the issues decided therein.”

“Is that so? Still, it's been a long time since I've been in the board of directors. Is this the second time since the first meeting?”

“That's right.”

Unlike other companies where the board of directors is held periodically to deal with various agendas, it is a deformed company in which the board of directors is never convened unless requested. That's why CEO Lee Mi-yeon said with a smile on her face as if she was looking forward to it.

“Still, since I came to the US after a long time, after the conference, I should go around and travel a bit. Can you recommend some good tourist spots around Alex?”

President Lee Mi-yeon is full of thoughts that she will drink sweet water as much as possible after coming here. However, Alex put a condition on her request.

“of course. If you finish reviewing the documents I gave you, I will prepare a course that will satisfy you.”

“Ugh... are you really like this?”

“yes. It will be like this. Rather... I think the meeting will start now, so please go in.”

CEO Lee Mi-yeon entered the conference room, pushed back by Alex. As she entered the room, what she saw were executive director Kwon Myung-han, Japanese branch manager Kazuki, and directors appointed by the three major shareholders. As President Lee Mi-yeon, who appeared last, sat down, the employee in charge of the meeting stood with a nervous face and slowly began to explain the meeting agenda.

“From now on, we will begin the emergency board meeting convened at the request of Kazuki Japan. The purpose of the meeting is to mediate the recent dispute between continents within Arcadia, and the detailed agenda is for users playing in the second continent that is being serviced in Korea...” The

agenda for the meeting is densely written. The requests filled with resentment and hatred from the Japanese branch, including Kazuki, were literally full of retaliatory measures against the Korean branch and the user.

“If you look at the written opinion attached by Director Kazuki, it says that the Korean branch maliciously provided internal disclosure for the convenience of a specific user in order to maliciously interfere with the Japanese branch and users' play... With evidence to prove this, Is there?”

Director Richard appointed by Corporation Argos. No matter how much he read it, he looked at his opinion, full of conspiracy theories, and asked with an expression that he couldn't understand, but Governor Kazuki had already lost his mind in anger.

“Under the circumstances, this is impossible. Crucially, just looking at the item called the bamboo spear, which was given as an event reward for the so-called Jukchang Daejeon, an event hosted in the Korean continent, you can tell how long the Korean branch has been planning and preparing for the terrorist act against the Japanese branch. Besides, opening the content called Continental Shift through the region called Caribbean? In the eyes of the directors, do you think this is easily possible without users knowing insider information?”

“...So you're saying there's no special evidence.”

“Still, there are certainly a number of suspicious circumstances. In the case of this item called bamboo spear, it will not come out unless you intentionally try to create a situation like this... What on earth were you thinking of planning such a crazy event in the Korean continent?”

Unlike Richard, the director of Silicoff has doubts about this situation. Looking at the related conference materials with cold eyes, she looked at Executive Director Kwon Myeong-han, who was sitting in a steadfast posture, and asked.

“Let me explain. I can't accept the Japanese branch's allegation straight away, but I think I'll have to hear the Korean branch's position on this absurd situation.”

In response to her strict request for clarification, Executive Director Kwon Myung-han began to talk about the position of the Korean branch on this situation with a sad face.

“This incident in the Japanese continent has nothing to do with the Korean branch. However, we acknowledge our mistake in the fact that an item with a problem with the balance of bamboo spears ended up in the hands of users, and on behalf of the Korean branch, we apologize to the branch manager Kazuki, Japanese users, and Japanese branch staff. I express my deep regret.”

“...Is that all?”

“That's right.”

“Executive Director Kwon Myung-han! You guys are still there! Are you still denying the truth after coming all this way!”

Executive Director Kwon Myeong-han, who does not admit any wrongdoing except for the bamboo spear. Governor Kazuki reacted violently to his remarks and growled, but then President Lee Mi-yeon opened his mouth.

“What Executive Director Kwon Myeong-han said is true.”


“What is that...?”

At the sudden declaration, everyone's eyes turned to Lee Mi-yeon, the president of the company. And she smiled and continued the story.

“I can’t disclose the relevant user information here, but it’s something I personally checked. From the continent where the user originally played, to the third continent where Japanese users play, and to hunt dragons there. I didn't find any problems in all the series of plays, and they were all the results he got through a legitimate process. In this part, Alice also agreed, so you can trust it.”

“I am not convinced! They just tell you to believe it without providing complete information and play history about the user. Do you know how much damage Japanese users have suffered to go on like that!”

The atmosphere in the conference room turns against President Lee Mi-yeon's words. Because of that, Governor Kazuki, who lost his composure, raised his voice to the point of being rude and argued, but she didn't even raise an eye.

“Ah, I think the information that is open to the general public will suffice. It's a famous channel of Arpendia. Have you seen it? It is said to be the daily life of a destroyer. If you want to check the play information, check out the video posted there. It's pretty exciting, so you'll be watching it without losing track of time.”

Branch manager Kazuki trembles with his whole body, unable to control his anger as if he is being teased. He eventually lost his temper and had to say something he should never have said.

“No matter how Korean the president is, it's not okay to operate in a biased way to favor Korean users!”


Until now, there were thoughts that Director Kazuki had buried deep in his heart and could not bear to bring out. It is a suspicion that Korean President Lee Mi-yeon is deliberately intervening in this situation in a biased way to disadvantage Japan.

However, I knew that I should never express it out of my mouth, so I had been burying it until now, but due to the momentary, uncontrollable anger that rose up, I took it out of my mouth without realizing it.

And with those words, the meeting room froze in an instant.

Director Kwon Myung-han, who was staring at him with a face as if his eyes were about to pop out of surprise, and Director Kazuki, who instantly regained consciousness at the eyes of the director, who seemed to linger in the cold air from the Arctic, said, stammering, unable to hide his embarrassment.

“No, I mean... so... I’m sorry. It looks like you just misunderstood.”

Branch manager Kazuki, who tried to make an excuse for something, but quickly gave up and apologized. However, the reaction of the board of directors had to be cold unlike before because it was impossible to pick up what had already been said.

“Heh heh..... I can't believe the president is biased toward running the company because he's Korean. Is this what a branch manager would say?”

The agent of Ajin Electronics, who had been silent until now, said a word as if scolding him. And the other directors also nodded in agreement.

“It's disappointing. The head of the branch in charge of the Japanese branch is this much.”

“The logic itself is weak. It is said that there are too many protests from Korean users due to this situation.... Why would the Korean branch deliberately do something to insult them? It is foolish to look at this situation through a narrow racist lens.”


A board of directors convened at his request. However, as soon as it turned into a hearing where he was beat up excitedly for saying the wrong thing once, Governor Kazuki was about to die.

“Sorry! I'm really sorry, boss.”

Branch manager Kazuki suddenly got up and apologized while knelt down and togeza. President Lee Mi-yeon, who was watching him silently, said with a smile as if she had decided on something.

“...Considering the chaotic situation in Japan, let's just skip this mistake. However, I will dismiss the agenda of the Japanese branch manager Kazuki Kazuki, who requested the convening of the board of directors this time, in my own right.”


“Do you have a director with a different opinion?”

“No objection.”

“I agree.”

“Heh heh... I agree.”

“Then... let’s end this meeting with this. Everyone has worked hard to come a long way.”

Dissolved meeting with the consent of the three directors. President Lee Mi-yeon approached Branch Manager Kazuki, who was still putting his head down, and lifted him up and whispered with a grin.

“Director Kazuki? It's not the time to be like this. You have to go to work quickly.”

President Lee Mi-yeon whispers to me to hurry up and clean up this mountain of shit. Seeing her like that, Governor Kazuki realized. The fact that President Lee Mi-yeon is also secretly enjoying the current situation.

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