World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 416

Chapter 416 Interns are too strong (7)

Perfectly embodying the five human senses, and not enough, allowing us to experience various things that are impossible in reality... A virtual world that is more realistic than reality.


The virtual reality technology used to realize this virtual world was rapidly spreading all over the world through Arcadia Co., Ltd.

Fantastic Universe.

league of legends.

war ground.

Dream Office.

blockbuster cinema.




Starting with the game industry and tourism industry, which had been sluggish, we are promoting a project to produce various contents and services by forming technical cooperation with various companies and countries. It was one of the main tasks of Arcadia Co., Ltd. to expand not only Arcadia but also various virtual reality services through this technical cooperation, which is extensively carried out in branches around the world.

-League of Legends 3000% increase in sales in the 4th quarter compared to the previous year. Extra-large earnings surprise.

- Virtual reality makes money? Companies that have been professing to create virtual reality services.

-Trend virtual reality of the latest future strategies of global companies.

However, starting with the League of Legends, Miznisa's Fantastic Universe made its appearance and reached its peak historically, hitting a huge jackpot.

And as a result, Arcadia Co., Ltd. came up with a guideline.

[Building a new virtual reality service is a difficult task that takes a long time even for Arcadia's talented creators and developers. Unfortunately, we cannot accept all proposals from all companies. Through thorough and fair screening, we will select and adopt the most innovative, novel, and innovative business ideas first

. And as a result, they were able to rise to the position of absolute power in relationships with other companies.

[This is too tricky and hard to implement. Let's leave this system out.]

[Ha..... It's not very realistic. Can you supplement it again?]

[Hmm..... I know what you want, but it will take at least another year to make it that way.]

Each company aims to carry out as many projects as easily and simply and efficiently as possible. They were the ones who unilaterally cut off the unreasonable demands they wanted, but they couldn't bear to do that now.

“So... I'm going to make it like this by supplementing the existing plan a little more.”

Jae-young brings a plan that is incomparably more complicated than before with a bright smile. After listening to him explain the changed plan, Manager Yang Min-hyeok opened his mouth with a pale face.

“To the real-time translation system... Let’s add an artificial intelligence NPC to replace the sales force...?”

“yes. When you want to make a purchase, we make payment and order delivery all at once. If possible, it would be nice to be able to link it with Arcadia's account and enable payment using gold.”

“Even linking accounts with Arcadia...?”

“The last time I saw it, it didn’t seem like it was technically impossible... Isn’t it simpler to implement than I thought?”


Jaeyoung's story is no different from the absurd and absurd demands made by the ignorant person in charge. Normally, Manager Yang Min-hyeok would have said it was impossible without hesitation in this situation, but he couldn't bear to open his mouth when he saw him smiling confidently as if he already knew everything.

Jae-Young, who led the entire department as a de facto general manager in the League of Legends remake in the past design & development team. He was the one who knew more about Arcadia's inner resources and circumstances than anyone else, so Manager Yang Min-hyeok couldn't try to escape the current situation even with lies.

“Jaeyoung...? Did KG Electronics ask you to make something like this?”

That's why Manager Yang Min-hyeok gave a glance at Manager Park Jin-tae, who was watching him with a nervous face, and asked just in case. Contrary to his expectations, however, Jaeyoung shook his head as if he was not.

“no. I just refined the plan because it looked too clumsy.”


Yang Min-hyeok looks confused at Jae-young's reply that he did it voluntarily. He tried to overturn this plan by driving KG Electronics to exploit his friendship with Arcadia Co., Ltd. as an intern, but he sighed deeply and spoke frankly.

“Haa..... I can't stop it..... First of all... it's not technically impossible. Even in the Fantastic Universe, there are cases where real-time interpretation and translation systems have already been applied, and they are not provided due to various legal issues, including job loss, but... It is not impossible to implement a salesperson using artificial intelligence.”

“Is that for real?”

“Well... it's not that high-level conversation, but it's possible to have an algorithm that responds to customers who just buy things. Of course, if the questions exceed a certain level, you may feel a sense of difference, but it will not be too much of an annoyance to general consumers.”

General Manager Park Jin-tae is surprised to hear that it is possible. To him, Manager Yang Min-hyeok sighed and explained the related content.

“The problem is... that no other company has applied this level of technology because the production process is very complicated and takes a long time to implement.”

A technology that has never been provided to Mizuni, which invested billions of dollars in Arcadia Co., Ltd. and entrusted production. It was clear that enormous sparks would be scattered all over the world if it was possible to replace the labor force with virtual employees using artificial intelligence right away.

‘Why do only those bastards do that?'

‘Let us do it too.'

‘Don't discriminate between companies! Make me the same as KG Electronics.'

A situation that could be an excuse to make them lie down and make ridiculous demands, asking them to do the same. Since he couldn't set a bad precedent that would cause him to rot his head down in the future, Manager Yang Min-hyeok put down the plan with a slightly serious face as if it was difficult and talked to Jae-young.

“I’m sorry, but I think this will be difficult for me, Jaeyoung. There is a risk of causing various controversies, and the matter of linking accounts with Arcadia is not a matter that the executive director can decide.”

Arcadia's personal information is managed in complete secrecy. Since everything was restricted by extremely strict security so that anyone could not easily view anything without legitimate authority, Manager Yang Min-hyeok waved his hands as if he could not help it.

“Then... if it's the boss, can it be possible?”


However, as if he had no intention of backing down, Jaeyoung smiled and stood up from his seat.

“Do not worry. I'll talk to the boss. Are you up there now?”

“Jae Jaeyoung! hey! Jaeyoung!”

Manager Yang Min-hyeok calls Jae-young with a confused look on his face as he picks up the documents and leaves the meeting room as if he is going to a friend's house. However, the door to the tightly closed meeting room did not open again.

“Haa... It's ruined.”

Manager Yang Min-hyeok sighed as he covered his face with both hands. And Manager Park Jin-tae, who hadn't figured out the situation yet, just blinked his eyes with a stupid expression.

* * *

President Lee Mi-yeon's office located on the top floor of the Korean branch of Arcadia Co., Ltd.

On the elevator heading there, Jae-young suddenly remembered that it had been a while since he had met her, and muttered to himself.

“Come to think of it... is this the first time since that conversation...?”

She told Jaeyoung to see the ending of Arcadia. Then, he tried to motivate Jae-young by telling a meaningful story that he would learn the great hidden secret of this world, but it turned out to be the worst move.

“There hasn’t been a lot of noise in Arcadia these days.... Why aren’t you asking why we don’t play games?”

President Lee Mi-yeon, who seemed to have a strong sense of not wanting to quit the game somehow. However, after hearing her words, Jae-young, who has the temperament of a tree frog, had not played the game for almost two months.

Now that I think about it, Jaeyoung thinks it's a bit awkward to ask for something like this. So I thought about going back, but the door to the elevator that had already reached the top floor opened first.

“uh....? Student Jaeyoung...?”


Two people looking at each other and opening their eyes wide as if surprised. And soon, in a very awkward atmosphere, Jaeyoung opened his mouth first.

“Are you busy? While I was at the company for a while, I came to see you and play...”

And at that, CEO Lee Mi-yeon said with a clear expression of embarrassment.

“Oh no. I have work for a while, but... I'll be back soon, so would you like to go inside my office first?”

Jae-young nodded at President Lee Mi-yeon's request to wait. However, a child with a mischievous smile who looked like a middle school student standing next to President Lee Mi-yeon asked.

“Who is this older sister?”

“Yes....? Just like a friend you know.”

That moment.

Jaeyoung tilted his head at the sound of a voice he seemed to have heard somewhere.


It sounds familiar, but I can't remember exactly, but it's a very familiar voice.

Jaeyoung stared at the child with a sense of deja vu, as if he had met him at least once. And then he asked with a worried face.

“Have you ever... met me somewhere?”

“Hmm... you've never been like that before?”

“ it so?”

A child who smiled when asked where he had seen it before and said he had never seen it before. And Jaeyoung, who was staring at him like that, had a long snowball fight with the kid who didn't avoid his gaze at all.

And in the middle of the fight, President Lee Mi-yeon intervened and said with a really urgent face.

“Ah, maybe it’s because I’ve seen it on TV before? My nephew is more famous than I thought. Say hello... This is Jaeyoung.”

chance meeting.

However, as if she didn't really want that meeting, President Lee Mi-yeon introduced Jae-young to the boy with an indescribable expression.

And the child looked at Lee Mi-yeon and smiled as if he knew something, then reached out to Jae-young and greeted him.

“You said you were friends with my older sister, right? nice to meet you. I...”

“My name is Kim Min-soo.”

An unidentified child who calls CEO Lee Mi-yeon her sister. However, when he smiled brightly and shook his hand saying that he couldn't spit on a smiling person, Jaeyoung felt something awkward, but soon introduced himself by holding hands.

“I am Yoon Jae-young. Nice to meet you.”

“What is it... older sister! A guest came, but I'll just go. Don't wait and come in.”

“Yes....? Will you?”

“I’ll come back to play later. see you next time what Then I'm good enough.....”

He smiled and waved in the elevator, then disappeared from the sight of Jae-Young and Lee Mi-Yeon.

The true owner of Argos Ajin Electronics Sillicorp, one of the three largest corporations in the world, including Arcadia Co., Ltd., secluded in the shadows, driving numerous changes and transformations around the world, and eventually dominating the world. is a huge black screen, the worst villain, and the craziest guy in the world.

Kim Min Soo.

Asura, the chief manager of artificial intelligence Alice and the owner of the Black Mist that existed in the mythical age of Arcadia.

That's how Jae-young met him for the first time without knowing his identity at all.

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