World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Lucid Dream (2)

Virtual reality integrated production system Lucid Dream.

It was a device that looked very similar to Arcadia's connector, the Dreamer.

“What exactly is this device for?”

Jaeyoung and Jaekyun look around the device with curious eyes. Seeing the two of them showing interest, the person in charge of the booth was delighted and started talking.

“Hmm... So, you can think of it as a translator that recognizes signals sent from the brain and converts them into signals that computers can recognize.

The staff seems to be wondering how to explain. Even after hearing his words, Jaegyun and Jaeyoung tilted their heads with question marks on their faces, as if they couldn’t understand exactly what he was talking about. Then, the booth staff thought about it for a while to see if they noticed the two of them, and then asked.

“Um... students, have you ever played Arcadia?”

“of course.”


When I said that I had played Arcadia, the staff said with an expression that the story would be easy then.

“You can see this machine as a tool that implements Arcadia.”

“yes....? Really?”

Seeing Jae-gyun's startled expression, the staff continues to explain with a pleasant smile as if it was the situation he was expecting. He started talking by showing some images.

“In the past, the way people expressed their imaginations was limited. Novelists unraveled their imagination through the text of writing, painters through pictures, and film directors through images, unleashing their imaginations into the world.”

No matter how good their imagination is, if they do not have the ability to unravel it to the world, they will simply disappear in an illusion. Therefore, it was the reality of the past that only a few people could show the stories of their imagination to people.

“But through this lucid dream, anyone can freely show others what they have imagined. Anything realized in imagination can be converted into virtual data and stored. Shall we look at an example?”

A video that runs along with the words. It was illuminating a scene in the vast universe. A beautiful figure that makes your heart feel magnificent just by looking at it. However, a number of space ships suddenly began to appear in the empty universe. And two conflicting characters appearing on the screen. They shouted each other with a sad look on their faces.

[Dispose of everything! Traitors of the Empire!]

[Be prepared for death and fight! For our freedom!]

Two camps fighting a fierce battle with those words. Main guns and photon cannons pouring from space battleships. And the melee of small battleships and the moments of life and death. Exciting situations were created that made my hands sweat just by looking at them.

[Kwakwakwang. Quaang.]

The video ends with a scene in which a huge ship that appears to be a mothership is reconciled with a flash of light and exploded. Jaegyun and Jaeyoung, who watched the video without looking away for a moment, were surprised to realize that 15 minutes had passed before they knew it.

“Wow... what is this? The real visual beauty is no joke.”

A video that perfectly depicts a fierce space war that would have cost a huge budget just by looking at it. In addition, the acting of the first actors who felt the sincerity had a tremendous charm that anyone who saw it could not help but fall in love with.

However, at Jae-kyun's question, the employee smiled strangely and said.

“You will be surprised, but this is the work of only one creator.”

“What? Really?”

Jae-kyun shouts in disbelief at the employee's words. However, he tapped the device on display in front of the booth and talked.

“Did I tell you earlier? Through this lucid dream that can perfectly realize the limitless imagination of human beings, we no longer have to be frustrated by the limitations of reality. Any character, any background, any story can be realized and created through this machine. The video I just showed you... is a personal project created by our Arcadia designer team staff.”

At those words, Jaeyoung and Jaekyun saw the banner placed in front of the booth for the first time.

-Virtual reality integrated production system Lucid Dream-

(Arcadia Design & Production Department)

After confirming that the booth was in charge of Arcadia, Jaekyun looked at the staff in charge with bright eyes and shouted.

“wow! This is how Arcadia was implemented. That's really great.”


Like Jaekyun, Jaeyoung also looked at the device in front of him with surprised eyes. A device that can create tremendous added value than you think. Seeing this, Jaejoong thought to himself.

‘Looks like all movie stars and actors will disappear in the future.'

It was truly a formidable technology that could completely devour the film industry itself.

A story that can be created through just one person's imagination, transcending any temporal and spatial limitations, through imaginary characters in the background he wants, without the need for actors, film crew, directors, filming equipment, or any other equipment.

Isn't it like a dream situation for film directors and writers?

“Is this a product you are selling? I don't think I've ever heard of it.”

Jaekyun is very interested in lucid dreaming. However, the employee shook his head in regret.

“We haven’t sold it yet. This is because there is no virtual reality-related legislation yet, so we have not even received permission to launch the product. Currently, it is only used temporarily for Arcadia's development-related work, but if a bill is created within a few years, you never know, then?”

“Um... that’s really unfortunate.”

Even in the United States, Lucid Dream is not even officially released as the ‘Virtual Reality Act' put forward by the Republican Party has collapsed. However, those who already noticed the enormous potential of this device were moving quickly behind the scenes to pass the bill.

“There are very few people who can fully utilize this device than I thought. The human imagination is not that deep.”

“What do you mean?”

“Um... you better see this for yourself. Would you like the student there to go inside the device?”

An employee who encourages Jae-young to experience lucid dreaming. At that, Jaeyoung hesitated for a moment before slowly entering the machine.

“It’s similar to Arcadia, so don’t be nervous. If you hear a guide sound from inside, imagine what you are told to do.”

Wei Ying.

After the lid of the capsule was closed, Jae-young heard a strange high-frequency sound in his ears, and soon a clear guidance sound began.

[I am recognizing the creator's brain waves.]

[Imagine the things mentioned for precise tuning. Cows.... Horses.... Sheep.... Dogs.....]

Guide sound listing all kinds of animals. Jaeyoung recalled and imagined images of them as much as possible. And how many animals did you imagine? Suddenly, an announcement sounded that it had been completed.

[Brain wave tuning complete. Recognize the producer's electronic signals.]

[Implement the production space.]

With those words, Jaeyoung's surroundings changed.

“This is...”

A completely white space.

In this white space where I couldn't even tell where it ended, the guide sound was heard again.

[Please implement the desired background.]

Instructions to implement the background. Then Jaeyoung imagined a green field.

Koo Goo Goo Palace.

At the same time, blades of grass sprouting here and there in the white space. Before anyone knew it, green and lively grasses were blooming all around Jaeyoung.

“It's like this...”

But the grass is not as realistic as I thought. There were holes here and there, and the grass was all similar in shape, giving a clear sense of heterogeneity rather than naturalness.

“It's harder than I thought.....”

The five human senses that can be felt in a field where grass is blooming.

sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste.

There were so many elements that had to be implemented in one background of a field beyond what was simply visible, so Jaeyoung soon felt the limit.

“Ha.... this isn't it.....”

Jae-young, who realized a character. However, he continued to change the face of his creation (?) to see if it wasn't the appearance he had originally thought of, but he muttered in frustration as he watched it gradually become more and more bizarre.

“Oh no Give up, give up.”

There was nothing he wanted to envision, so Jaeyoung, who quickly got bored, shut down the system.

[Are you sure you want to close the production system?]

[Save the work so far.]


When the system was shut down and the capsule lid was opened, Jaeyoung felt extremely tired and dizzy.

“Ugh... It's the head.”

Jaeyoung felt like someone had hit him hard. Looking at him like that, the staff nodded as if they were all like that.

“This is a task that consumes more mental power than expected, so if you use it for a long time or overdo it, you may experience some dizziness. You will be fine if you rest a little.”

An employee handing over a bottle of water. Looking at Jaeyoung, who took the water he gave him and drank it at once, Jaekyun asked with curious eyes.

“how was it? fun?”

“...It's harder than I thought.”

“really? I was watching it on the monitor, and there was a person making a man in the field. Is it very difficult?”

Jae-kyun was watching all of his demonstration videos on the monitor installed outside the capsule. In response to his question, Jaeyoung gave her honest impressions.

“It is not difficult to roughly implement it, but there are too many elements that need to be imagined and set up to achieve a level similar to reality.”

Jae-Young has so much imagination that he has to pour into each inanimate object, so he can't even fathom the imagination needed to embody the lively characters. The employee strongly nodded and said, as if he strongly sympathized with his words.

“That's right. This device is harder to handle than I thought. Even in the design team that develops Arcadia, imagination is thoroughly a domain of talent, to the extent that there are separate people dedicated to implementing it. Not only is the efficiency low with the imagination of ordinary people, but only works that are too crude to be shown anywhere are created.”

A machine where imagination is more important than any other ability. While Jaeyoung was thinking that imagination would become an important evaluation index in the future when lucid dream is commercialized, Jaekyun asked the staff member with bright eyes.

“Can I try it too?”

Jae-kyun sends eyes full of desire to experience it once. The employee smiled awkwardly at his excessive gaze and nodded.

“Oh sure.”

Jaekyun entered Lucid Dream with a smile as if excited by the employee's permission. After starting a procedure similar to Jaeyoung's, he entered a pure white space.

“Now, just like that friend saw, keep an eye on the students, how many things can be realized with imagination.”

The appearance of Jae-kyun reflected on the monitor. He began to look around the white space with a curious expression on his face.

“A lot of people say that they get tired after making just the background, but this guy is... What?”

A background that suddenly changes rapidly on the monitor. The employee's eyes widened when he saw it.


[Doo-doo-doo-doo. Avoid immediately!]

[Damn, there are too many of these bastards!]

The background quickly changed to the middle of a city in ruins. Inside, a scene was being staged in which a few personnel engaged in a fierce gunfight with monsters crowding around.

“What is this?”

Characters whose names you don't even know. A series of suspenseful scenes in which they put on desperate expressions and engage in life-and-death battles with ferocious monsters. The face of the employee who looked at it was stained with astonishment.


[Damn it...

We're done.....] At the end, a giant monster that appears to be the final boss the size of a building appears, roars, and shows the despair of those who have lost their will to fight. Looking at it, Jaeyoung realized.

Jae-gyun, who has been living alone since he was a child, and has been lonely in school, spreading his imagination.

That the moment when his talent, which he had worked hard for 20 years, finally shines, is right now.

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