You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 585: Five Thunders and Flowers

Chapter 585: Five Thunders and Flowers

Chapter 585 Five Thunders and Flowers

A spirit with quasi-level five monster strength?

Lu Xuan looked at the winking Thunder Ghost Duke and sighed in his heart.

Created in wonder it has no body and can condense and dissipate freely...

Its not very aggressive, so thats better. Theres no need to deal with a level-5 monster.

Well, if you feed me one or two more thunderstorm lotus seeds, maybe I can get a good impression and let it help me get an unexpected harvest from this ancient medicine garden.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and he took out another silver lotus seed.

"Have you been hungry for a long time? Do you want to try it?"

The tone of voice is soft and very bewitching.

This thunder ghost male is not low in intelligence. After hearing Lu Xuan's words, he immediately nodded and his eyes were completely attracted by the lotus seeds.

After it swallowed the lotus seeds, Lu Xuan's mind focused on its body again.

Seems to have a good impression of me.

He felt like he was playing a nurturing game. Through feeding, he was keenly aware that the male reggae spirit's favorability towards him was constantly increasing.

Just when he was about to feed another lotus seed, a rumble of thunder sounded, and the Thunder Ghost Master instantly disappeared from the endless thunder.

Just when Lu Xuan was about to sense it with his spiritual sense, the head of Thunder Ghost suddenly appeared from above his head, as if to scare him.

She really likes to make fun of others.

Lu Xuan sighed with emotion, and the spiritual power of the Kuntu Spirit Puppet on his waist dimmed, and the Taiyi Thunder Talisman that was exposed from the cuffs was quietly retracted.

The Thunder Ghost male laughed and disappeared from Lu Xuan's eyes again.

Come on, come on, one more.

Lu Xuan looked calm and with a smile, he threw a lotus seed in the direction of Duke Lei Gui.

Silver white light flashed, the thunder ghost male pinched the lotus seeds in his paws and swallowed them in one gulp.

After eating three lotus seeds in succession, the muffled sound of the large drum-shaped sarcoma on my waist became more frequent, as if a thunderstorm was brewing.

Im lost on this small thunder island and cant get out for a while.

You have lived here for so long, can you lead me out of these restrictions?

After feeding three fourth-grade thunderstorm lotus seeds in a row, Lu Xuantu saw the situation and asked Thunder Ghost Lord.

Lei Gui Gong nodded, tilted his head and thought about it for a moment, flapped his cyan flesh wings, and motioned for Lu Xuan to follow.

Lu Xuan followed closely behind, slowly moving through the restrictions.

Three lotus seeds will make this local spirit a leader, not bad, not bad.

He thought with a relaxed expression.

Its not that eye magic cant break this restriction, but its more cost-effective to lead the way.

While sighing, his body suddenly relaxed, and the power of thunder that was everywhere before disappeared.

Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness scanned and found no trace of the other four people, so he felt relieved.

His body was like a stream of light rushing toward the center of the island. He looked around, but found no trace of the spiritual plant monster.

Occasionally, there are one or two pieces of wood, but they are all lifeless, dry and charred.

Perhaps it is because the spiritual plants have matured and no new spiritual seeds have been cultivated, or perhaps other monks have entered the island and wiped them all away.

Lu Xuan thought in his heart.

He glanced at the silver-white sand and gravel in the spiritual field, and based on the principle of never returning empty-handed, he swept large pieces into the gluttonous sac.

As the level of cultivated spiritual plants becomes higher and higher, the requirements for spiritual soil also increase. Store more special spiritual soil to be prepared.

Lei Gui Gong may have stayed alone in this ancient medicine garden for too long. When Lu Xuan collected the spiritual soil, he kept appearing and disappearing around him, like hide and seek, and he never tired of it. Lu Xuan was not as vigilant as before and allowed the spirit to play around.

Okay, its almost done. We should be able to lay out a few special spiritual fields.

He stood up and looked at the empty spiritual field, feeling satisfied in his heart.

While they are still trapped in the restriction, you can ask Duke Reggae to take me to other islands to gain a head start.

Thinking in his mind, he took out a silver lotus seed again.

Do you usually like these thunder spiritual fruits and spiritual flowers?

Lu Xuan asked aloud while Lei Gui Gong was tasting the lotus seeds.


With your mind focused on Lei Gui Gong, you can hear the affirmative thoughts conveyed by it.

To be honest, just like you, the former owner of the medicine garden, I am also a spiritual planter. I usually like and am best at cultivating spiritual plants.

If we can get a few thunder spiritual seeds, it may not take long before we can successfully cultivate them.

Lu Xuan said almost explicitly.

When Lei Gui Gong heard what he said, his red eyes suddenly brightened a little, and he suddenly appeared in front of Lu Xuan, with a roar of thunder from his mouth.

In Lu Xuan's perception, it told Lu Xuan that there was a small island that it could enter, with a high probability of finding spiritual seeds, and expressed its willingness to take Lu Xuan there.

Okay, if thats the case, please lead the way.

After they are cultivated, I will bring the spirit fruit and spirit flower over to feed you.

Lu Xuan promised that if he could really find rare spiritual seeds, it would be okay for him to bring some to the Thunder Ghost Lord when they matured. At least the light group reward would be entirely his own.

I dont know whether the thunder environment has an impact on the demonic vine, or because there are too many restrictions on the island. The demonic vine seems not very active, and no aura of spiritual seeds is found.

And this Thunder Ghost Master can not only lead him through the restriction quickly, but also save a lot of time and directly find the spiritual seed. No reward is too high.

Lei Gui Gong appeared and disappeared in front, while Lu Xuan followed closely behind.

After passing through two small islands with nothing, when they arrived at the third island, Duke Lei Gui moved much slower and brought Lu Xuan to a spiritual field.

The spiritual field is filled with subtle thunders of different colors. The thunder may be imprisoned by the formation, and is only active in the sky above the spiritual field and does not escape.

In here?

Lu Xuan asked Lord Lei Gui.

Lei Gui Gong made a sound like thunder and nodded in affirmation.

Lu Xuan let it lead him into the formation, carefully avoiding the various spiritual thunders swimming around. With a thought, a slender gray-white vine quickly crawled out of the cuff of his sleeve.

Come out to work!

Lu Xuan gave instructions to Yaogui Teng.

The gray-white vines of the Demonic Ghost Vine are tall and branching out into tentacle-like branches, burrowing into the silver-white sandstone.

The silver-white sandstone contains a faint aura of thunder spirit, which makes the many tentacles of the Demonic Vine tremble. However, it can't care about that because of the attraction of spiritual seeds.

A moment later, Lu Xuan felt a tentacle of demonic vine rushing towards him with lightning.

Did you find anything?

He thought in surprise, the thought flashed across his mind, his gray-white tentacles stretched out, and a five-color spiritual seed appeared in front of him.

The spirit seed is oval in shape, with five colors of lightning mixed inside, green, white, black, red, and yellow. The light clusters formed by five tiny thunders merge with each other and are distinct, shrinking and expanding as if they have vitality.

Lu Xuan planted it into the spiritual soil, focused his mind on it, and instantly learned the information about the spiritual seed.

Five thunders and flowers, five-grade spiritual plants...

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