Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 34 Sounds Like A Plan

A bright light engulfed the whole forest and the people who were supposed to be there disappeared, leaving no trace behind. A few minutes just after the spell was activated, one man appeared from behind the woods and looked at the empty space.

His expression remained neutral but the glint in his eyes said otherwise. After Ezio was abducted, he followed closely behind and saw everything before they disappeared.

"The capital city, I haven't been there ever since we came to this world." He chuckled and started to walk around that empty area.

"Are we going to follow them master?" Mr. C asked. After he was knocked down and the Grand Mage grabbed Ezio, he stood up like nothing happened and followed behind them. Like his master, he also kept his distance since he had no way of hiding his presence.

Cygnus stopped walking to look at him, "Well, yes, of course! We can't pass up this great opportunity!" He exclaimed followed by a crisp laugh that echoed through the forest.

Mr. C sighed and shook his head. He could not understand his master, he said he wanted to live like a normal human being but here he was still plotting his next move.

Cygnus saw the disappointed look on his butler's face. His eyes involuntarily narrowed in his direction, "What? Why are you sighing again?"

"Master," this time ye butler looked conflicted, he wanted to say it but at the same time he can't.

Cygnus was starting to get annoyed by how his butler was acting, "What is it? Just say it now!"

The butler sighed again, "I was just thinking that when we came here, you specifically told me that you wanted to settle down peacefully and yet, you've already planned your next move."

"Have I said that?" Cygnus feigned ignorance and even tilted his head a little bit to the left to look innocent.

The butler could only look at him in silence. He lost all words to say. He should not have been worried about this matter since his master has always been fickle ever since he had met him. There were even times that he could not understand him at all, not his words nor his actions, and this was one of those.

"Are we going to use teleportation magic too?" Mr. C decided to ask instead since he did not have the power to stop his master from whatever he wanted to do.

Cygnus grinned, "No, let's take our time."

"I understand, then I will leave first to prepare for our journey," Mr. C bowed his head and left.

The grin on Cygnus's face disappeared after the butler left. His gaze went up to the sky with his hands behind his back.

"They must have known what your ability was," he whispered and only the breeze of the wind answered.

He knew from the beginning that Ezio was not a normal child. There must have been a reason why Jagan was protective of him thus he became interested. Then people from the Magic Tower appeared and he learned that the child was actually named Constantine.

At that thought, Cygnus laughed. Constantine, a name time had forgotten but he had not. It was a bit unexpected to here such a name in this world where he decided to settle down. The butler was right, he wanted to stay as a commoner for the rest of his life but fate had something else for him.

"No matter what, this is a great opportunity to pass time," he spoke again then he started to walk. "I will thoroughly enjoy it."

A capital city was a good place to start and he might find a worthy opponent where he can test his powers. He suddenly stopped walking, "Speaking off, it has been a long time ever since I used my full strength, will I be able to use it here?" He once again spoke but as usual his surroundings remained silent.

He started to walk again as he started to hum a tune that seemed to haunt the whole place. It sounded eerie and cold yet he did not notice the effect it had on his surroundings.

Mr. C returned to the inn and saw that Astrophos was already awake and recovering with a healing potion. Nina was as energetic as she could.

"Where is he?" Nina asked in anticipation at the butler who just entered.

Mr. C adjusted his expression and appeared to be sad as she shook her head, "We weren't able to catch them. When we reached the place, the teleportation was already done and there were no traces of them left."

"They must have teleported to the Magic Tower," Astrophos commented with a frown. It would be difficult for them to get Ezio back now that he was taken to the Magic Tower.

"And the master? What did he say?" Nina asked again while looking behind Mr. C but she did not see Cygnus.

"He told me to prepare for a journey. We will be going to the capital and knock on the tower's door," the butler casually answered. Although the master only said to prepare for the journey, Mr. C was sure that the capital will not be peaceful thus he added the last bit of information for them.

"Are you sure? The Magic Tower at Lamier is practically untouchable because of the power they have. We can't just barge in and take Ezio. We can't even get a glance at him even if we wanted too!" Astrophos was doubtful at the butler's statement. Yes, he saw that these people were actually good at fighting and that the master has actually power, but they are no match for the Magic Tower's forces.

"Mr. Astrophos, you do not have to worry about that. I'm sure that my master has a plan once we reach the capital." The butler was unaffected by the man's statement.

Astrophos was already used to it, the butler seemed to have no fear and the other person in the room was exuding an excited aura. One could even see pink hearts coming out of his eyes. Instead of thinking of this as a problem, she was instead looking forward to it.

"Alright! Let's go and prepare then!" Nina exclaimed with so much enthusiasm. It was her first time to travel and it seemed so fun that she couldn't wait any longer.

Astrophos looked at these people and the unease in his heart slowly disappeared. When Cygnus appeared looking the same as always, he felt oddly comforted and that everything was going to be fine.

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