Your San Value is Zero

Chapter 300: Demon Pet Disturbance

[Pickup Soldier] saw the video of [Turbo Duck], and tested the fit between his talent and weapon. As a result, after removing the influence of his talent and equipped with a crossbow, his combat power dropped by 200, and the value color changed from white to red.

"Damn~ what do you mean? The system thinks that my combat effectiveness with a crossbow is not as good as empty-handed?"

[Pickup Soldier] Recalling the tons of damage she used the crossbow to the Snake King's shield, she stretched out her hand to pat the virtual panel, and passed her hand through it, but she couldn't hit it even if she wanted to.

"Hmph~ What's the comprehensive analysis video of combat power, and the decrease in equipment value has not been detected."

[Pickup Soldier] shut the panel cursingly.

Among the equipment made by the goblin craftsmen, the higher-quality ones have directly increased the combat effectiveness of the players, which is equivalent to giving the dual-development silver-level players the strength to fight against naked gold-level natives.

Over the past few days, the top players have established a relationship of trust with skilled goblin craftsmen, and their equipment grades have been greatly improved.

As for other players, the strategy they use is to exchange a large number of low-level equipment that suits their talents, and then select high-quality equipment to wear. From the statistics, their improvement is much higher than that of high-level equipment that does not match their talents.

In the actual combat test, it did show the player's due strength.

Some of the equipment made by lifestyle players, mainly [Wang Dali], in their own areas of expertise is already on par with the similar equipment that goblin craftsmen can provide at this stage.

This does not mean that [Wang Dali] and others can forge items similar to the top-grade rune armor, but that goblins who are good at forging metal products and not good at forging wooden equipment have achieved neck-and-neck in the weak areas of the other party. grades.

The goblin craftsmen are all defective products that Du Wei cultivated after discovering the gifted Luthor, using his genes to fuse into gilt clay cups.

Even if it backfires, it can only barely improve the talent for making metal products.

The leather armor and bows and crossbows made by them all use metal as the main component, and their portability and accuracy are greatly weakened. Only players like [Pickup Soldiers] who only pursue defense and attack power will buy them. .

Players in the life department seized the business opportunity to overtake, [Hell Cook] and [Shui Shui] opened the magic robe shop, [Wang Dali]'s free craftsman's chamber of commerce was also established, and they made wooden scepters, recurve bows, etc. Products are well received by players.

Many players who have taken the wrong path in the past drastically changed their career plans based on the equipment that matches their talents. Some people sprayed their plans on the game forums, asking why they determined the players' talents without authorization and did not give them the opportunity to choose.

Some persistent players, like [Pickup Soldiers], will never change their weapons and occupations according to their talents.

Some people even threatened to withdraw from the game, demanding to plan to change the game design.

Du Wei is also very helpless, the talent attribute is determined according to the player's own situation.

If you want to change it, unless Du Wei can adjust the rules of the world where Blue Star is located and give those players the talents they want.

But it is difficult to break the barriers of the world, let alone adjust the player's talent.

The three members of [Kaz] who formed the Brotherhood under the Moon built a body of muscles in order to be like the characters represented by their names, possessing extremely strong close-to-hand combat capabilities, but the talents they mastered are more suitable for being similar to [Dawn ] The mage-type occupation.

[Wetman Ackerman], who also belongs to the Brothers under the Moon, is also the same. If he changes his job to a career based on the mystic, how can he show off his ghostly back in front of the enemy.

But think about it carefully, showing the back of the ghost before the battle to bluff the enemy, making the opponent think that he is fighting melee and not daring to get close, and then take out the scepter for long-range strikes, the effect should be good.

On the surface, [Wet Man Ackerman] promised [Kaz] that the three of them would never compromise.

In private, he spent all his belongings to buy the most advanced scepter that [Wang Dali] could make at this stage, and an exquisite robe cut by [Shui Shui].

After wearing it, the combat strength blue character bonus is 800, which is definitely a leader among players who rely on talent bonus and benefit a lot.

Before the battle, he only needs to wrap the magic robe around his waist and hang down to reveal the ghostly back. The magic robe looks like a pair of loose pants, and the eyes of the enemy are attracted by the hideous back muscles. Pay attention to the details of his trousers.

But when the enemy is fooled and wants to keep a distance from him, [Ackerman] has time to put on the robe and show the scepter to catch the opponent by surprise.

Players who have improved their strengths quickly and slowly have also found the reason. Those who upgrade quickly tend to have a lot of weak points, and the weak points that have slow upgrade speeds are not far behind the main item. This is all due to talent.

[Dual-wielding Berserk Gandalf], which mainly focuses on qi training, belongs to the latter, so it seems that my spiritual talent should be good, do you want to transform?

He thought about it, and finally gave up the idea of ​​transformation.

In this way, it is just right to balance the double to become a melee mage with balanced development.

Besides, he decided to take the route of a magic trainer. Of course, he had to stand behind and mainly assist pets. It was enough to have the ability to protect himself, and there was no need to lead the way.

Today, the monster circus has come to the outskirts of Conte and set up a camp.

[Dual-wielding Gandalf] After chatting with the staff, he finally received the task of the magic trainer he dreamed of.

Players with the same needs returned to Vig City one after another, and rushed to Conte City to receive professional quests.

The owner of the circus was stunned. Their entire tour did not pay as much money as this time to teach this group of humans who want to become apprentices of magic tamers.

After [Turbo Duck], [Dual Wielding Gandalf] became the second magic trainer.

Immediately after the third person and the fourth person appeared one after another, there was another upsurge of pet hunting among the players.

A player named [Xiaozhi] came to Du Wei with three kobolds and asked how to soul-bind multiple magic pets at the same time.

Du Wei ignored him at the time, but later he thought, why not add a function to the figure, not only can bind ancient relics, but also bind magic pets.

From the second onwards, all magic pets need to buy figurines before they can be soul bound, otherwise they will die permanently after death and cannot be resurrected.

The sales of the figurines originally put on Blue Star by Asiya were sluggish.

This is great, a large number of local rich players spend a lot of money to bind many magic pets, so that they can have their own army of monsters in the future.

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Du Wei immediately issued an announcement.

Each player can bind up to three magic pets at the same time, which calms down the possible disturbance of the kobold army's tour of the city.

Du Wei believed that if he didn't set an upper limit, there would definitely be local tyrants who would buy hundreds of figurines, tame every magic pet he saw, and bind them all.

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