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Chapter 344: important pass

Back to Victor County.

The old spies were dead and caught.

The intelligence agencies of each family dared not send anyone to Victor County. Those who want to find out Du Wei's truth can only spend money to hire a professional spy organization to collect information.

And those espionage organizations have already received the wind. Currently, within the territory of the Three Kingdoms, the commission charged for dispatching spies to Victor County is the highest.

With no one available, even the adventurers of the Adventurers Association have become the sweet pastry bought by various forces. They casually provide information about the movement of Victor County, and they can exchange a lot of money in Doron, the capital of the Houliwater Kingdom.

Some organizations seized the business opportunity and sent elite espionage members to Victor County. Before they arrived, [Seven Blades Royal Soul], [Ma Guidance] and others put the materials for making the teleportation altar into the warehouse connected to the magic silver bracelet, and they had already set out as the first batch of advance teams towards Gray's folder.

Afterwards, a legion of nearly ten thousand players also began to march towards Grey's Clamp. However, due to the uneven strength among the players, the army quickly spread out in a ladder shape according to the strength of the players.

When they first left the city, the spies who came to spy on the information were really frightened by the majestic army. But as the players showed a sloppy attitude and loose military regulations, the awe that the spies had at first disappeared.

They found that there was no leader who could control the overall situation in this so-called legion. Some people even deviated from the route while walking, and ran to nearby scenic places to visit mountains and rivers. Where is the posture of going to the battlefield and seeing death as home.

Seeing this scene, a young spy who looked down on death for the sake of a high commission completely overturned his understanding of Victor County.

He looked at the captain beside him, "These people are the troops sent by the Victor family? Didn't you say that they are as cruel as beasts and cunning as wolves? Seeing their lazy appearance, they are really as evil as in the legend? Let's get closer Listen to what they're saying."

The captain grabbed the young spy who was sneaking close to the gathering place of the players, "Silly boy, don't be fooled by the appearance. A real hunter will pretend to be the prey, and when the prey relaxes its vigilance, it will strike like lightning! Kill with one blow Life!"

The young spy was frightened into a cold sweat by the captain's words, and he was indeed an old man. If you go out on a mission alone, you will be fooled by the appearance and continue to move forward. Maybe tomorrow morning, his body will appear in a dark, stinky ditch.

Grey's Pinch is located at the northwestern tip of the Holywater Kingdom. It is like a sharp knife obliquely inserted into the kingdom of Perilet on the west side, dividing it into two.

Later, due to the rise of Warcraft, the three kingdoms signed a peace agreement. The border line was fixed in this way, and now the Kingdom of Perillight is also called the Kingdom of East Perillight and the Kingdom of West Perillight.

Although it is divided into two parts, it is still a whole. It is equivalent to the United Kingdom composed of four countries on the blue star, and its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The same goes for the Kingdom of Pelilet. Self-government from east to west, and with the west occupying a wider territory as the main body, it will be compared to England in the United Kingdom. Its northern border is all bordered by the World of Warcraft area, while the Eastern Palilight Kingdom is surrounded by the Grey's Clamp and the Kingdom of Friedenel, whose land is shaped like a cauliflower.

The corolla part of the Kingdom of Friedenel faces north, fanning out and bordering on the territory of Warcraft, and bears more attacks from the beast tide.

The East Palilight Kingdom was caught in the middle. Although it seemed extremely safe, there were actually undercurrents surging inside. At the same time, letters of request for assistance were received from the Kingdom of Friedenel and the Kingdom of West Palilight.

Originally, in this situation, the Eastern Kingdom must have sent troops to support the Western Kingdom first. However, half of the borders of the Eastern Kingdom are bordered by the Kingdom of Freeden El. Over the past hundred years, they have had frequent exchanges and trade with them, and half of the nobles and even the royal family in the country have been secretly divided, resulting in two factions, the Pro-Western faction and the Pro-Western faction.

At this time in the capital of the Eastern King, many ministers, generals and the king are discussing the issue of reinforcements in the royal court council hall.

Below the council hall, a picture scroll of the human territory is laid out in the middle. The ministers and generals are divided into two factions standing on the left and right sides of the picture scroll facing the throne.

"Cough~" The middle-aged king Felwood-Jold, who was sitting on the royal court, coughed twice, "Now both countries are being attacked by a large wave of beasts. , we should support the Western Kingdom first. But the problem is that if the northern border of the Kingdom of Friedenel falls, our country will face the beast tide. The two sides have lived in peace for a hundred years, and the border fortifications have not been strengthened for decades. If at this moment Facing the beast horde, the northern land will surely burn people and cry all over the land. Therefore, I think it is necessary to increase the number of troops to help the country first, so as to ensure the internal safety of our eastern country."

A red-armored general with a height of more than two meters stood up below the council hall, "Fuguo is the kingdom with the strongest fighting power among the three kingdoms. Their national strength is enough to withstand the attack of this beast tide. But the coast of the West Kingdom has always been We have to bear the intrusion from sea beasts and alien races. The land is even more flat. If the border is breached, we will be like a woman who has retreated, helpless. At that time, with the national strength of our Eastern Kingdom, we will not be able to compete with the other two kingdoms. The end will be the same as many small countries hundreds of years ago, has been eroded by other big countries."

The middle-aged king raised his hand and hesitated for a moment, and finally slapped it on the handle of the throne. "My country and Fuguo have been relatively good all year round. Besides, an alliance contract was signed a hundred years ago. As long as the monsters are not destroyed, the Three Kingdoms will not be destroyed." There will be renewed fighting."

General Hongjia smiled contemptuously, "Hmph, that's because the three countries check and balance each other. If one side is weak, it will definitely become the target of encroachment by the other two."

Before the king could refute, another general with a scar on his face stood up, "The territory of the human kingdom is now less than 10% of what it was hundreds of years ago. We can't lose even a single corner of the land. Everything depends on the degree of disaster."

This person is the most famous neutral general in the Eastern Kingdom, Rogers Mundy. He is famous for his powerful ability to command troops, and his rank has reached the legendary epic level. Although he is only at the beginning level, he is already one of the few powerhouses among the three kingdoms. Even if the two major factions dislike him, no one dares to touch him.

"I..." the king swallowed his saliva, and said in a relaxed tone, "It is based on this principle that I consider sending reinforcements to Fuguo first."

Rogers turned his head to look at the territory, "Then why ignore the location of the invasion of the beast hordes, but instead repeatedly emphasize the harm caused by the loss of the two countries."

He raised his hand and tapped the location of Grey's Gap twice, "According to the report from the scouts, the monsters flocking from Grey's Forest to Gerry's Gap accounted for a quarter of the total. Although this gate is small , but gathered the most powerful army of monsters. Don't underestimate this hole, if the monsters break through here. Once the Kingdom of Houliwater falls, we will send Lilaite Kingdom, and everything will be surrounded by monsters. This is where we Now we need to focus on guarding the key points. Although other places have invaded a wide range, they are only attacked by small groups of monsters."

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