A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 98: (2)

Chapter 98: (2)

Come here.

When Kaiyan turned his head at the dignified voice coming from behind, he saw Viscount Vyraxar, who appeared quite old but had eyes that sparkled with the energy of a younger generation, gazing at him.

Yes, Viscount.

You, Vyarolf, stay safely in the rear. Although youve created such a splendid situation, we cant ask you to help in the bloody war that will follow, can we? Hehe.

Viscount Vyraxar, unaware of Kaiyans abilities, suggested that he should remain in the rear.

Its okay. I

A multitude of soldiers cheered in agreement and the fierce intensity of the battlefield where they killed and were killed.

If its a fierce battlefield, Im familiar with it. In fact, Im looking forward to it to the point where my heart is pounding. I cant afford to stay behind.

Is that so? Someone as young as you is familiar with the battlefield quite unusual. So, is that why you were able to come up with such a plan?

As Kaiyan looked at the somewhat awkward glance from Viscount Vyraxar, he wondered if he was reminded of the old knight.

He shook his head and looked ahead again, noticing that Armis army, which had initially been perplexed when they saw the Vyraxar army, was changing their formation.

It seems theyve realized that the problem isnt the Markain. Well

With over ten thousand troops suddenly appearing from behind, continuing to target Markain would be nothing short of foolish.

But why arent they attacking?

Yeah, why arent they attacking right now? It would be the perfect time!

Just as Rieka mentioned, it was indeed the best moment to launch an attack, yet Viscount Vyraxar patiently waited for Armis army to form their ranks, as if there were some procedures to follow before the war began.

As they waited for a moment, Kaiyan noticed that Armis army had finally formed their ranks to face the Vyraxar army at a very close distance.


The voice searching for Viscount Vyraxar echoed loudly across the battlefield.

Theyve used magic.

As if to show that they were no less, Viscount Vyraxar also summoned a magician to cast a spell and then spoke.

Yes, its me, Armis!

Vyraxar, are you finally going mad? How dare you interfere in a territorial battle acknowledged by the Empire! You wont just sit quietly in the capital!

Hmph! Are you the one whos gone mad? The Markain and Vyraxar families have officially formed an alliance! Therefore, my participation in this war does not violate the Empires laws!

Viscount Vyraxars words were indeed true. In order to intervene in territorial battles between different families within the Maraeon Empire, it was necessary to go through the procedure of forming an alliance beforehand. In that regard, they had already formed an alliance before the territorial battle was acknowledged in the capital.

Stunned by Vyraxars words, Armis fell silent for a moment before speaking again.

Even so, this isnt a war you can interfere in! This is solely revenge against the Markain family, who slaughtered the nobles of the Armis! You must know that much!

Kaiyan thought, I knew it.

When Count Armis attempted to instigate a territorial war by sending assassins, Kaiyan had already confirmed it through the administrators. In cases of territorial disputes caused by the killing of nobles from other families, no matter how strong the alliance, outsiders couldnt interfere.

Kukuku! Who do you claim was killed? Youre not talking about Vyarolf of the Armis family, are you?

When Vyraxar brought Vyarolf forward, the Armis soldiers noticeably trembled. After all, everyone in the Armis territory knew Vyarolf, who enjoyed showing off from the moment they first met.

That scoundrel must surely be dead Vyraxar! What kind of trick did you play? That guy is not Vyarolf!

Tsk. It seems theres no need for further conversation. Lets put an end to the tiresome war between our two families, Armis!

As Count Vyraxar canceled the magic and raised his hand, the knights and cavalry behind him immediately drew their weapons and tightly gripped their reins. In response, Kaiyan, who had summoned his trusty steed in advance, mounted it and drew his sword.

Bring that arrogant Count Armis in front of me!

Kwung! Kwung!

As Vyraxar lowered his hand, the thunderous sound of drums reverberated across the battlefield. The knights and cavalry standing ready behind him rushed forward in an instant.

Knights! take the lead! Attack!

Attack! Waaaah!

Vanguard formation of the First Cavalry Brigade!!

The excitement was overwhelming as if just witnessing it sent shivers down the spine. A relentless charge reminiscent of a battlefield that had experienced monster waves.

Over a thousand cavalry and knights rushed forward, covering a short distance in an instant, charging toward the bewildered Armis forces who raised their shields in panic.

Lets go too! Hyah!

Kaiyan had been worried that his little companion might be frightened by the intensity of the battlefield, but it seemed he had greatly misjudged.


Seeing the excitement in the little one, Kaiyan couldnt help but smile.

Now, lets clash.

With his high agility, Kaiyan looked ahead, seeing the cavalry leading the charge and colliding with the Artemis forces, who had just desperately launched an arrow barrage.

[Wow Its really amazing! The Armis forces are powerless!]

Of course. Viscount Vyraxars forces have been preparing for war with the Armis forces from the beginning, while the Armis forces simply thought they could occupy Markain castle.

The result of the clash between the two armies was undeniably brutal.

The front-line soldiers of the Armis forces couldnt even exert their full strength and were overwhelmed by the cavalry.

The formation used by Vyraxars cavalry was the Vanguard, a formation that Kaiyan had seen frequently during the monster waves. It showed its maximum effectiveness when piercing through formations like those of monsters that lacked proper defensive formations.

[Kaiyan, if the Armis Knights all fall before we arrive, what should we do?]

We cant afford to let the Knights fall! Blackie, lets go faster!

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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