A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 99: (1)

Chapter 99: (1)

Riding on the back of Blackie, Kaiyan surged forward, narrowly avoiding the Armis soldiers whose formation had crumbled. These soldiers, unlike the well-armed cavalry, posed an insignificant threat.

First time fighting from horseback Haah!

Kaiyans Aura covered his sword as he swung it towards the flying weapons.


The weapons were sliced cleanly, accompanied by a satisfying sound. In truth, it was easier to kill the soldiers than to cut down the weapons flying towards him.

Why kill innocent soldiers? The real villain is Count Armis.

As a commoner who had participated in the Monster Wave, Kaiyan understood that these soldiers were merely wielding weapons to survive. Observing the knights fiercely clashing at the forefront, he knew that, despite the assistance of the cavalry, it was an uncertain situation. If he hadnt been there

Blackie! Over there! Charge!

[Charge! Blackie!]

Whether the black creature understood Kaiyans words or not, it sped past the soldiers and swiftly approached the front lines of the knights battle.

Die, you filthy dogs of Armis!

Sneaking into our territory before the border battle, you despicable Vyraxar dogs!

Lets kill that one first!

The knights exchanged harsh words as they fought fiercely. This was a place that, in the past, was unimaginable for anyone other than knights to set foot in.

Ordinary soldiers could easily suffer fatal injuries from the clash of Aura created when knights clashed with their swords. Due to the Aura, it was impossible for anyone other than knights to enter.


Enhance Physical Abilities! Breath Control! Focus!

Although Kaiyan wanted to use the power of the artifact, it would be too conspicuous, so he utilized all his remaining strength except for the artifact.

The first opponent to receive his blade was

Hahaha! Pathetic Vyraxar weaklings! Come at me!

An Armis knight swung a huge halberd like a windmill, slaughtering the surrounding knights. As Kaiyan approached and raised his sword high, the knight finally noticed him and chuckled before swinging the halberd.

Powerful Downward Strike!


Upon contact with Kaiyans sword, a powerful shockwave spread, scattering Aura shockwave in all directions.

You could withstand this level of strength?

More shocking than the impact felt through his hand was the fact that the knight, despite facing him head-on, hadnt fallen from his horse. Despite Activating Aura and his own abilities, his strength was on a completely different level compared to ordinary people. Furthermore, he utilized Breath Control and Focus skills for this initial strike.

Ugh! Such monstrous strength! Im being overpowered

Although the knight hadnt fallen from his horse, he seemed greatly flustered.

Regardless, it was truly astonishing that an ordinary knight could withstand Kaiyans strength.

Whats your name?

The knight stared at Kaiyan as if questioning the need for such a question and raised the halberd, which emitted an ominous aura.

Well Conversation on the battlefield is a luxury.


The halberd descended violently, aimed directly at Kaiyans head.

Penetrating Stab!

He unleashed more Aura than before, precisely aiming his sword at the halberd.

Clang! Impact!


[Oh, I hate that sound!]

Amidst the ear-piercing noise, the sword struck the halberd accurately, piercing through it and shattering the weapon itself.

I cant believe it! My specially crafted Halberd!

Im sorry for breaking your weapon, but lets end this.

As Kaiyan brought his sword down towards the bewildered knight, the knight hurriedly tried to retrieve his secondary weapon from the saddle, but then he stopped moving and slowly fell from the horse. Blood gushed from his throat.

Phew Maybe I was too complacent. I never expected someone with such formidable power.

[Thats right! Moreover, you focused on raising your strength stats!]

Ever since becoming a player, Kaiyan had thought there was no one with greater strength than him, but today, that belief was shattered.

Perhaps the knight possessed such tremendous strength that, without using skills, Kaiyan might have been overpowered.

In that case

After briefly glancing at the fallen knight on the ground, Kaiyan turned his head to find another prey.

I need to get stronger.

No! Bavons has fallen!

When Kaiyan beheaded Bavons, there was someone who watched the scene. It was Sir Verane, the deputy commander of the Armis Army.

Hmph They praised Sir Verane as a remarkable individual, but now I see hes nothing special.

Sir Verane looked at Count Armis, who was talking disdainfully next to him, with anger.

Bavons had been the one Verane had personally selected and trained as a knight from a young age. Thats why Verane considered Bavons as a reliable son.

However, starting from this simple battlefield, Bavonss demise made Count Armis think that he was pathetic.


Sir Verane, you probably requested reinforcements for your territory, right? (T/N: Verane is a Viscount as well as a subordinate of the count.)


In response to Count Armiss question, Verane nodded with suppressed anger.

Armiss territory might not have been the same as the Markain territory, but it was very close. Regular soldiers might not make it, but cavalry could arrive in as little as thirty minutes, given the close distance.

As long as the heavy infantry can hold out for an hour, it should be enough. Khehehe!

Count Armis army was being ruthlessly slaughtered by the Vyraxar Cavalry and Knights, but there was a reason he could laugh while witnessing such a sight.

As he said, the Markain territory wasnt Armiss territory, but it was incredibly close. While regular soldiers might not make it in time, the cavalry could arrive in as little as thirty minutes.

Khehehe! Deploy the heavy infantry immediately!

That Theres a problem.

In response to Armiss command, Verane looked uncomfortable and hesitated.

What kind of problem is it?

The heavy infantry is still standing still Seeing that theyre not moving even after I signaled a retreat, I suspect Sir Karian is deliberately causing this.

What did you say?

Armis, taken aback by Veranes words, looked back, and as he said, the heavy infantrymen were really not planning to move from the front of the Markain Castle.

Despite the repeated retreat signals.

What are those idiots doing? Get someone to bring Karian here!

Yes, yes!

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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