A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 3 Chapter 13: Returning

Volume 3 Chapter 13: Returning

Volume 3 Chapter 13: Returning

What they saw were cages. Inside were a bunch of females. Seeing Keith and Gabriel there, they screamed, "Please help us!"


"Save us from this place!"


"Were you guys captured?" Keith questioned. 


The prisoners yelled, "Yes! We've been captured by those bandits!"


"Everyone move away from the door," Keith raised his sword and sliced the locks. Looking at them right now, they looked hungry and tired. 


"Here, eat this." Keith quickly took some bread out from storage. The prisoners didn't hesitate as they ate the bread. They were starving. 


Gabriel was surprised, "You have a magical storage item?"


"Mmhmm. It's really nifty to have," Keith decided to have a ring. That way, he could hide the fact he could use void magic. Keith asked the captives, "Do you know where they kept their items?" They should have their loot around here.


"It should be farther in the back," A prisoner answered.


"Understood," Keith nodded as he walked to the back. And there was so much loot in the back! It was filled to the brim with coins and other stolen goods. 


"Help me find a carriage," Keith turned to Gabriel. The latter nodded, and the two got to work. 


"Keith, I found it!" Gabriel shouted. Keith looked in his direction and saw the carriage, 


"Good! We can bring them with us with this!" Keith wanted a carriage to carry all the captives to the royal capital. 


"Let me take all of this," Keith quickly stored all the loot in there before turning to Gabriel, "Let's return."


"Mmhmm. I'll bring the carriages out." "Gotcha," Keith quickly pushed the carriage out of the cave. He hooked it to Barton and Gabriel's horse.


"Please get on. We'll bring you to the royal capital," Gabriel declared. Hearing that, the prisoners quickly jumped onto the carriage. The two horses pulled the carriage back to the others.


"There were so many prisoners?" The coachman was surprised. 


Keith and Gabriel nodded, "I've fed them. But we should bring them to the royal capital quickly."


"Understood." Like that, the group set off again. 


The journey was smooth as the guards dragged the bandits from the back. Keith and Gabriel talked with one another, "Gabriel, how old are you?"


"Oh, I'm 15," Gabriel stated. Keith blinked his eyes, "I'm 15 too,"


 It was a surprise to see someone the same age as him. Gabriel blinked a few times,  


"I'm going to be rude by asking this question, but how are you 15 with a body like that?" Keith looked more robust than him! What was more, his height was much taller than the normal standard. He didn't look like a 15-year-old. Keith's attitude was mature. Not only that, his instincts were that of a veteran. 


He should be a few more years older. 


"I get that a lot," Keith scratched his head as a laugh came out his mouth. People had always assumed him to be much older than he should be. 


There was even one time when someone thought Laura and Leon were his kids. Derek laughed,


"Then, are you planning to enroll at the academy?" Gabriel's eyes brightened when he asked. 


"Mmhmm, that's why I was traveling to the royal capital," Keith grinned and stated, 


"I'm lucky to make a friend here."


"Same here," Gabriel shouted. 


But then he scratched his head, "Sorry about that. I was a little excited. I thought I was going to be alone." 


"It's fine, I'm the same too. I'm glad to make a friend," Like that, the two of them continued to talk about many things. Keith learned a lot about Gabriel. He came from the northeast region. He headed to the largest city in his region to hitch a ride on a carriage. 


"What about you? Where did you come from?" 


"I came from the northern regions,"


"You came from the northern regions?"


"Mmhmm," Keith nodded.  


"Then have you heard about the legendary northern saint?" 


"...The rumors had gotten to there as well?" Keith chuckled. At this point, there was no point in denying it.


"Of course! I think everyone has heard about him. After all, he created the White Forest Bakery and the White Owl Merchant group." Gabriel chuckled. 


"Have you tried the bread ?" Keith questioned. 


Gabriel shook his head, "I haven't tried the bread. But I will once I enter the royal capital or academy. From what I heard, the bread is inexpensive," Besides the bread being tasty, it was cheap.


"Yeah, it's not that expensive," Keith stated. His prices had never changed over these last few years. And he was content with this. The coins kept rolling in like no tomorrow. 


"Have you tried it before, Keith?" Gabriel had an eager look as he stared at Keith.


"Mmhmm. It was okay," Keith chuckled. 


"I will take your word for it," Gabriel laughed as they continued to talk about many things. It didn't take long before they arrived in front of the gates. The guards stopped them,


"Halt, we need to see some identification." Keith and the rest nodded as they showed their identification one by one. 


"You're-" The guard saw Keith's identification. But Keith shook his head, signaling him to be silent. The guard understood. 


"What is going on in the back?" The guard questioned. He noticed the tied bandits.

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