A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 3.5 Chapter 8: Designs

Volume 3.5 Chapter 8: Designs

Volume 3.5 Chapter 8: Designs

"I don't buy it," Carolyn remarked. 

Keith definitely did something to cause him to be like this. Keith scoffed, "Why am I always the culprit? And why did you even get lunch?" 

Keith noticed Carolyn coming back with food.

"That's because I went to get it," Carolyn declared.

"But you mooch off of me?" Keith questioned. This woman wasn't even eating it. She was eating his lunch instead. 


"..." Keith had nothing to say. He sighed and took out his lunch, 

"Did you make sandwiches again," Carolyn tilted her head. 

But Keith shook his head, "No, I made eggs benedict. I made some extra for lunch,"

"New dish?!" Carolyn and Tristan's eyes sparkled when they saw the dish. But for Sarah and Gabriel, it was the same surprised expression. 

"Let me get the sauce out," Keith stated as he took a cup out of storage. Keith poured it on top of the egg and took a bite. Everyone could hear the crunch from the muffin.  

"So good," Keith smiled. But while he continued to eat, "Keith, can I have some?" Carolyn asked. Her eyes were glued to his food. 

"You can eat your lunch," Keith stated as he continued to munch his food. 

"Please, halfisses."


"I will tell my dad about you!"

"About what?"

"About how you took advantage of me!" Carolyn stated with a huff! 

"What? How did he take advantage of you?" Tristan's expression changed when he heard that.  

"...Fine," Keith sighed and split one of the egg benedicts with her. Julius would probably end him if he heard what happened. And when she ate it, 

"So good!" Carolyn stuck out her tongue as she said this.

"Sister! How could you finish it so quick without sharing!" Tristan was shocked by the speed as she finished it. He was going to ask her for some. 

But she finished it in two bites!

There was no room for bargaining. Maybe if I talk with Keith. When he turned to Keith, the man finished it all! 

"So delicious," Keith stated with a smile.

"..." The three had nothing to say about what he did. How fast did they eat? 

After class finished, Keith decided to return to Dalen's workshop. He needed to do something. When he entered Dalen's shop, the customers gave him a dirty look. They were all dwarves. Keith could care less as he walked to the counter, 

"Yo, Skar!" Keith raised his hand at the dwarf. It was the same dwarf who attacked him. 

"I need to go meet with Dalen,"

"Go," Skar didn't look at Keith as he allowed him to go up the stairs. Keith walked up to Dalen's office, 

"Good afternoon, Dalen!" 

"What's up, Keith!" Dalen gave Keith a big smile. 

"What do you need?"

"I wanted to ask if you sell stone tabletops and cabinets?"  

"Mmhmm, we do sell those. Are you looking to buy right now?" Dalen questioned. 

Keith shook his head, "Not right now. I'm looking for the materials," That was what Keith wanted to do. He wanted to see what kind of materials he could use for his kitchen. 

"I see," Dalen nodded, "Then follow me. I'll show you all the stones we have." 

Like that, Dalen and Keith walked down. Keith was led over to another store. 

"Look around and check what materials you want," Dalen stated.

"Thanks!" Keith nodded as he started to look around the store. There were so many different materials from his previous world. Some were a beautiful blue color. Others were like emeralds. 

While Keith looked through what was there, a dwarf questioned Dalen, "Boss, are you sure we should allow a human to do this?"

"Of course! He's my brother's benefactor!" Dalen remarked. He didn't care about what others thought. They seemed not to understand who this person was.

Orin had told him about this. He was none other than the Boss of the White Forest Bakery and White Owl Merchant Group! The two of them were something. 

Those two were created a few years ago. And they were still growing at a rapid pace!

And said person was right in front of him!

"All these materials look good. Also, can I ask for custom countertops?" Keith questioned. 

"Of course. You can get a custom countertop. But we need the measurements and the cuts if you want a sink," Dalen stated. 

"Understood," Keith nodded when he heard that. It would make things simpler. 

"Do you have a draft of the design?"

"How did you know?" Keith tilted his head.

Dalen explained, "That's because Orin told me about how meticulous you are. You usually have a plan before you decide on the materials."

"Heh," Keith scratched his head. He took out the designs, "This is what I'm planning to make my kitchen look like,"

When Dalen saw the design, he was surprised, "Orin was right, you were really meticulous with the idea."

"Thank you,"

"What do you guys think?" The other dwarfs looked over Dalen's shoulders and stared at it, 

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