Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 157 - Might Be Good For Her

Genson was rather surprised when he had been invited into Zane's office. It was one of the few places in the house that he had expected to never gain access to, yet somehow the princess had invited him in. Interestingly, Samuel was there as well.

"To what pleasure do I owe this summoning?" Genson asked as he invited himself into the office but remained standing in the doorway. He could tell that Zane wasn't pleased with him being there but allowed for his daughter to do as she pleased.

Compared to when he had said the other man before, his aura was much more daunting this time. He hadn't remembered it being so heavy when he had seen around the estate before. Perhaps this time it only felt different because they were in a closed space in rather close proximity to one another. Either way, it helped to remind Genson that the other wasn't a man to be messed with.

Speaking of which, he couldn't help but notice that Lena looked a little worse for wear than he remembered last time he saw her. Was there something else that had been going on that he missed? If her appearance was anything to go by, he would have to assume that the answer was yes.

"I brought you here to let you know that I no longer need your presence at the estate and would prefer if you would leave immediately since it is only the afternoon to go back to work with the original job that I tasked you with." Lena explained as she lounged on the sofa. Despite knowing that she didn't look like she was in the best condition, she hoped that they she gave off her typical indifferent and intimidating aura that she usually exuded around people such as Genson.

"I see, and what about the bonus that you mentioned that I might be able to receive in relation to my additional services?" He asked offering her a charming smile which he hoped would earn him what he was looking for. Zane was the one who cut in at this point however.

"I don't think that will be necessary for you. Considering the amount of information you offered was rather limited during an intense time and also knowing that you willingly left out important details that could've saved more time and trouble, I don't think you earned it." Genson's mouth twitched slightly at the corner as he tried not to let his smile break. Of course that man would be the first one to pick up on the fact that he didn't offer up all the information he knew. Could he be blamed though? It was always wise to hold back a few valuable pieces of information for bargaining purposes.

"I see. I understand while the two of you work quite closely together and I'm sure your input is valued. In this case I was referencing the princess with this question." Genson replied with a level tone. He knew better than to push back too much against the head of the Red Scorpions considering he already knew that the man didn't like him very much and would likely take the first opportunity to excommunicate him and prevent him from ever being able to work in their area again if he so chose to.

"I would agree with my father's statement in this matter. Considering how I expressed the importance of the matter to you yet you chose to willfully not provide your fullest service to me which is a disappointment, the bonus will not be provided." Lena replied, choosing to side with her father. She was actually rather thankful that he spoke up first and made the decision so that she didn't have to deal with the other being insufferable if she was the only one to say he didn't deserve it.

"I see. Well since the two of you seem to both agree in the same manner, I guess there's nothing for it but to take my leave. I guess in the future I should reassess my options if such an opportunity arises again." Genson replied not dropping this fake smile and charming tone as he got ready to leave the room despite the displeasure that was burning through his blood at being deny an extra generous sum of money. Oh well, one couldn't always successfully play all the cards that were present on the table.

"One more thing before you leave." Zane's voice stopped him just as his hand rested on the door knob and he got ready to turn it to leave the room.

"If I find out in the future that you're working two sides of this type of situation. I can promise you that you will not like the consequences that will follow." Oh? This man really was far more sharp then he gave him credit for. As he glanced over to his left where the princess was sitting he could see the rather surprised look that had passed over her face when hearing this. So even she didn't know about that.

"Message received loud and clear. I will be certain to finish my job in good standing since I value the money that's being offered and make sure to not cross paths with you again." Genson replied before he left the room without waiting for any kind of follow up.

Now that he was aware of the fact that Zane was at least onto him, he had to wonder whether it really was worth it to be playing both sides of the field? Marcus was certainly willing to pay a pretty penny for any extra information he could dig up and provide him with, but was it worth making an enemy out of one of the largest mafia groups in the area?

Scratch that, soon it would probably the largest two in the area now that he put together that Samuel must've been part of the Vedova Nera family considering how interested Marcus was in the younger man. It made sense with to go with the bet with his cousin as well.

Marcus was a difficult person to deal with, there was no denying that either. However, the force that could do him him the most harm and make his life harder was definitely Zane or the pompous princess that he was currently working for.

He would have to take some time to think about all of this and determine what the next best course of action would be while he was heading back to work at the office. Was money or his life more valuable to him at this point? That was what the question really came down to. Whatever he decided, it would have to be in the next few days before things became more complicated.


"What do you mean when you mentioned Genson playing both sides of the table?" Lena asked once the other had left the office. Zane paused for a second before deciding to answer the question.

"I don't actually have the evidence to back it up, but I am fairly certain that considering how much that man loves money that he perhaps was giving information to Marcus considering he has worked with the Vedova Nera family before." Zane replied.

"It would be one of the reasons that made most sense next to the money you offered as to why he would be eager to be at the estate. An easy route to any immediate information of what was going on." It made sense to Lena, but she didn't like the implications of what that could be mean.

"Does that mean we shouldn't let him work on this case either?" Samuel who had been quiet while the discussion had been taking place decided to speak up now.

"No, because the money he is looking into has nothing to do with what is going on with this." Lena replied thoughtfully.

"He'll get that job done right because he will want me to pay him in full and he would know better than to try and fudge anything with the system since I would know he's the one to watch out for. In the future though he will just be black listed from working with us again." The princess explained.

"Considering how late it already is, why don't we take break to eat a late lunch?" Zane suggested as he glanced at the clock on the desk. Lena made a face when he mentioned food. She still wasn't feeling much hungrier than she had the night before when Samuel had tried to get her to eat.

"Come now, it would be good for you to eat more. You need it to help you recover." Samuel told the princess as he gently placed a hand over her own not caring about the fact that Zane was in the room with them. The father was actually pleased to see this small display of affection directed at his daughter. He thought that it might do her some good.

If Lena knew what he was thinking, she wouldn't agree with her father. She was not thrilled with such attempts. She had humored her fiancé in hopes of that being enough for him to let her be. Apparently however, she had been wrong.

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