Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 158 - Displeased

The next three days passed in rather the same form as the first one after Lena had decided to come out of her room. Samuel was push her about eating and taking care of herself, half of the time she wouldn't listen to him though as she was still annoyed by everything that had been going on.

Her father wouldn't let her go back to work until after her injuries were healed and she had spoken with Jovani. She didn't think that her injuries should've affected her ability to work, but her father didn't like her leaving the estate in such a state after everything that had happened.

At least Clarice had come to visit one of the days though she wasn't much better than the rest about fussing over the princess and even Samuel whose injuries were mostly healed aside from his sprained wrist which Clarice determined would require another two weeks to heal adequately before he would be able to go back to training again.

Jeff had also finally regained consciousness that evening. Though he was still rather bad condition, the doctor said that it was a good sign he was awake and should hopefully recover rather quickly from that point moving forward. He would need to stay in the hospital for an additional two weeks before he would be ready to leave however. His brother had refused to leave him the entire time except for the few hours he had to work or sleep.

The morning that Jovani was supposed to come over was when Lena's mood was worst of all. She didn't really want to see the other again and wasn't sure that she was going to like what he had to talk about either.

Samuel was actually probably the one who wasn't having a hard time with it. As he had phrased it to Lena- there was no reason to treat someone guilty until proven innocent. Even though he was a strange person, that didn't mean that he was a bad person or not on their side.

In order to try and smooth things out though, Samuel decided that it would be best for him and Clive to go out and greet Jovani first while Lena waited inside with her father and his mother. He only included taking Clive with him as he was certain Lena wouldn't want him to go out and meet his cousin on his own after what happened.

The princess reluctantly agreed to this, only though because she inwardly swore to shoot the man if he ended up laying a finger on Samuel again. He had done enough already and she wasn't about to take another risk on him if he at all seemed like he was going to step out of line.

Upon entering the estate, Jovani didn't seem Samuel to let him know to expect things to be less than friendly, he could stiff atmosphere as soon as he walked through the door. They agreed to meet in the greeting room near the entrance of the door since there really was no reason yet for Jovani to make himself comfortable at the estate until they learned more about the true intentions behind his actions.

One of the first things that Lena took note of was the way that Jovani made sure that he was standing a half pace behind Samuel, almost as though he thought that the other was some type of protection between him and the princess.

"My, my. I can certainly that even after a week away feelings haven't changed all that much." He commented offering a small smile even though he knew that it wouldn't be returned.

"I don't believe that there has been any reason given for me to change my feelings towards you." Lena replied rather coldly.

"I don't even think that the proper amount of retribution has been given in response to what you did." Even though she saw that his nose still had a bandage on it from where she had broken it, it did little to diminish her anger. Jovani let out a small laugh in response to this as he wiggled the fingers on both of his hands.

"Dear Princess, come now. I certainly hope you don't mean that. I'm sure that you can understand that I need to keep possession of all my digits for important reason in the future regarding Samuel here." He told her, hoping she would understand if he phrased matters that way. He placed his hands on the younger man's shoulders before he continued speaking.

"All ten of my fingers are very important if I'm going to making sure to keep this rather valuable young man, my cousin and your fiancé safe." Samuel tilted his head back to look up at the other as he said this.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" He asked before Lena had a chance to. Both Zane and Evalyn were choosing to remain quiet as they waited to see what was going to go on. Clive had also excused himself to attend to other matters once he had helped escort Jovani inside with Samuel.

"Exactly what it sounds like. Sam here is part of the Vedova Nera family. Though perhaps not part of the direct line, he's still seen as someone important within the family." Jovani explained.

"It's rather complicated to explain, but as such it means that he's granted and required to have a body guard or companion however you wish to see it accompanying him at all times. And with everything that has happened, it was determined that I was the best choice." He finished explaining causing Lena to narrow her eyes at him.

"Determined by who exactly because I can't say that I would agree with that choice." She didn't miss the small knowing smile that passed over Jovani's face when she asked this question. Was he trying to bait her into shifting the conversation into a certain direction.

"That's something that I'm not actually allowed to disclose right now, but I can assure you that you will be finding out about that soon enough." Jovani replied as he stepped back from Samuel.

"Would that person be the head of the Vedova Nera family that you're referring to?" Zane asked cutting into the conversation.

"Indeed, but he's not ready for you to meet him quite yet. He will be though before the engagement party. At least I assume that you two are still planning on getting married despite this change of events with the permission of the head of the family?" He asked looking between Samuel and the princess.

"That's what the intention is. I high doubt whoever the head of the family is would be willing to say no all things considered." Samuel replied as he looked over to Lena. He presumed at least that they would still be getting married. The princess had said as much to him and hadn't made any indications that she had changed her mind.

"Well then that leads us to another point of dilemma that I know you won't be pleased about Princess." Jovani said, as dropped his lighthearted demeanor and suddenly became more serious.

"I know that you won't be all that pleased about this, however with the recent change of events I need to borrow Samuel for a few days." Lena wanted to immediately say no, but waited for Jovani to finish his piece before speaking up.

"It'll only be for three days at most and you'll be able to be in consistent communication with him as much as you want. I swear on my life no one will hurt him while I'm there, not only because they listen to me but because he's part of the family and they no better than to hurt anyone with the Vedova Nera blood running through them regardless of how long they have been in this world or not."

"And why should I trust you to do this after what just happened? Can't whoever it is come here?" Lena asked, challenging what the other had requested.

"Not exactly, plus unlike Samuel who would be going into friendly territory- asking the head of a family to go into uncertain territory brings too many risks along with it. How about I make a compromise? You can send one of your men with him if you wish who I promise will be safe or even his mother who I presume is sitting there could go as well to make sure I'm not lying since she is also family."

Lena didn't like either one of the options that was presented to her, but she knew that she was going to have to make a choice on one of them if things were going to move ahead with her engagement to Samuel by the sound of it.

"I need some time to think about it before I make a decision." She replied. She was displeased with how things were playing out, but it wasn't like she had many other options to work with. Jovani had made a point that she couldn't argue with.

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