Becoming the Luna

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

She hurries away after this, casting terrified glances at Dale who keeps his eyes on me and I wonder what's wrong.

"I'm going for the Pancake Pile." My mom announces looking proud and the rest of us slowly raise our heads from our menus to look at her.

"I don't understand." I frown. "For all of us?"

She has a surprised look on her face. "You all want Pancake Piles too?"

"What? No!" Shana exclaims. "We all wouldn't even be able to finish one."

My mom just has a confused expression on her face. "Why?"

We all look at her in awe. "Because it's like nearly fifty pancakes all at once, that's why it's called a pancake pile." I explain to her. "How don't you know this?"

She looks down at her menu with an odd expression. "I do." She mumbles quietly.

We all go quiet and just stare at her.

I'm the most surprised because I had no idea my mom liked pancakes that much. "Mom, you can't finish fifty pancakes at once."

She huddles into herself, her wide necked knitted top making her look adorable. "Because I haven't tried." She mutters, still avoiding eye contact.

"Then get yourself a Pancake Pile." Dale says nicely. "We can always take the rest back if you can't finish it."

Shana and I whip our heads around to give Dale incredulous looks. "What?" I mouth to him in horror.

He gives me a reassuring smile which doesn't ease my apprehension while my mom is on cloud nine staring at Dale with awe filled eyes.

"Too late." Shana mutters when my mom waves Nina over.

I look down at my menu again, I wanted to eat pancakes too but knowing my mom she would hound hers like a mother hen so I'll just order a serving and some fruit, can I ask for milk as a drink?

There was no option for it but I'm sure

"H-Hi again." Nina says cheerfully, clutching her hands in front of her and sticking close to me.

We all give her our orders and then wait for the food to arrive. I had asked for a glass of milk, ignoring Shana's snickers.

Nina had stared at me with wide eyes, the pretty blue orbs starry and said that she could handle that and that she also preferred to drink milk over tea or coffee.

A different waiter brings the Pancake Pile for my mom and I was relieved because I've been worrying how tiny Nina would manage to carry all that all to our table.

Our meals come not long after and my mouth drops open in surprise, Nina might just be shy around our table but that didn't mean she wasn't a skilled waitress.

Somehow, she balances three trays on her hands and effortlessly slides down to our table, so gracefully it almost looked like she was dancing.

She carefully places Shana's food in front of her and she smiles out an excited thank you, digging into her food.

"Thank you, Nina." I say nicely when she drops my order and she smiles happily, going around to give Dale his.

A choked scream makes me look up quickly to see Nine shivering and clutching the tray so hard that it had to be digging into her skin.

"Nina" I start to say in concern but then Dale gets up to rescue the tray from her but he freezes when he steps into her personal space and a whimpering sound starts up from Nina.

I get up slightly looking over at Shana. "What's going on? Dale?"  I whip my head back to him but he doesn't even act like he heard me, crowding Nine.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Shana swears, standing up so fast that she knocks her chair back, my mom too looks worried.

"Shana? What's going on?" I ask, wanting to take a step closer to Dale but the terrifying growl that starts up makes me think twice.

A couple waiters hurry over and try to get close to Dale but he snaps at them and they hurry back to the other side of the table where Shana rounds on them. "Why the fuck would you let her wait tables this close to her heat?" 

They all look guilty and the tray crashes to the ground, dragging out attention back to Dale and Nina. "Would someone do something and stop staring, Nina sounds terrified." I yell at them, I wasn't sure what heats meant for Werewolves but if it did mean what I think then this wasn't a fun situation.

Shana just places her hands on her head. "I'm thinking Hayden, only an Alpha or a much stronger Beta would be able to distract him long enough for us to get Nina out of there."

I try to not get confused by the terms she throws out, luckily the waiters seem to understand too because this was very much a Werewolf thing.

The remaining people in the restaurant just quietly kept on eating so I was so grateful that we weren't scarring anybody with this.

Then she whips her head around to look at me, a spark going off behind her eyes. "W-What are you"

"How did I not realize this earlier?" She asks herself incredulously and my eyes narrow at her.

"Realize what"

She pulls me the rest of the way out of my seat and places her hands on my face, bringing me closer to her.

"Hayden, don't freak out but I want you to walk up to Dale and kiss him." She tells me urgently.

My mouth just slowly drops as I stare at her with dead eyes, how the fuck am I supposed to not freak out. "What the hell! How does that solve anything?"

"Listen to me." She shakes me slightly. "If we waste anymore time, he's going to take her somewhere else and then there's no fixing things but if any of us tries to get even with a couple meters close, we're going to get fangs in our throats not to mention that waves of his dominance are all around, it would be suicide if anyone else tries to get close."

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