Becoming the Luna

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

I don't make sense of half of what Shana is rambling on about but the worrying sounds from Nina makes me nod my head and agree to do it.

A take a step in their direction and my heart thumps in tandem - what the fuck have I gotten gotten myself into? - I think in horror as I take another step forward.

My mom looks horrified and is whispering something frantically to Shana who's trying to reassure her, I gulp at that but keep my gaze forward, going around the table so I would come from the side.

I look up from the ground when I get to eye level with them and I nearly stumble at what I see, Dale had blocked everything out so we didn't know what was going on but wow! I'm supposed to step in between that, and kiss Dale? Wow!

Dale has Nina pulled flush against him, so tight her back curves, they had stepped away from the spilled tray and Nina tilts her head so far to the side that I'm worried for the state of her neck while Dale sniffs at her neck?

Well, well, Hayden I mutter to myself mentally. You wanted to know everything huh? And now you're going to kiss a Werewolf who looks like he's about to eat someone else.

Well it couldn't possibly get any worse, unless he takes her and makes away so I had to stop them before that happens.

I take in a deep breath and clench my fists, my kiss better be distracting enough or I would end up being eaten or worse.

Although I get a boost when Dale doesn't notice me or snap at me when I move closer, the growling sound is still constant and I get close enough for his face to come into focus.

His eyes are blazing gold and his fangs are freaking long! I want to glare at Shana but I'm scared of looking away, I didn't want to be put at a disadvantage.

I step even closer and either Dale is playing pretend or he's too engrossed in whatever he's doing because he still doesn't notice.

Slowly, I lift my hands which are trembling so hard I doubt they'll do what I need them to and then I just do it, I grab his face from Nina's neck and gently join our lips, I try to not think of his fangs that could rip into my lips at any moment.

I feel quick movements around me, most likely the rest pulling Nina away from him and taking her away, I heave a sigh of relief at this.

I wasn't the biggest fan of PDA so I was more than a little uncomfortable at my current situation, I break off first when I'm sure that Nina is safe.

My eyes widen in surprise that I actually got it done and a smile of relief paints my face when I turn around to give my mom and Shana a thumbs up, I don't get my fingers all the way up because Dale snatches me off the ground and makes his way out of the restaurant.

A strangled sound leaves me at this and I hear my mom scream shortly, the pattering of their feet following behind us.

Dale just opens the door of the backseat and slips in, settling me on his legs so he can bury his face in my neck and I remind myself to breathe.

"Are you okay baby?" My mom asks breathlessly from the driver's seat.

"Y-Yeah? I think." I mutter to her, Dale obviously still hadn't gotten himself back.

He throws his arms tight around me and I can feel him trembling? Slowly I bring my hand up to his hair to offer comfort and his trembling calms down a bit. What exactly is going on?

My mom sighs heavily and closes her door and I wonder where Shana is, then she opens her side of the door and carefully gets in.

I can't see behind me because of my position but I hear soft words of appreciation from a much older lady, most likely Nina's mom and then the sweet aroma of food fills the car, apparently they had packed up our orders to go and handed it to us for free for helping out and as an apology.

"I'm dead." Shana says in a blank voice, her voice muffled no doubt by her hands which are over her face. "If Dale doesn't kill me when he gets himself back then Virgil will when he finds out." She groans miserably.

I want to ask a lot of questions but I didn't want to disturb the tranquility that currently surrounded Dale, his growling had long ceased and I couldn't feel his sharp teeth against my neck so that was gone as well.

"If Virgil doesn't kill you, I'll hang you upside down out my room's window." My mom threatens in a subdued voice, driving the car out of the restaurant.

Shana just makes more miserable sounds. "But it was the only option at that point." She tries to argue.

"I know." My mom says in a muffled voice. "But try explaining that to either of them, all they're going to hear is that you put Hayden in danger." She mumbles around a mouthful of something, most likely pancakes.

Shana groans again and there's a thumping sound like she whacking her head against the dashboard and my mom sneezes, I just smile softly, shaking my head.

I still couldn't lift my head up so I just relax into Dale's cuddling, resting my head on his shoulder to give more room for him around my neck.

I close my eyes and just listen to his breathing slowing down, the trembling fading out of his arms.

My mom and Shana bicker in the front seats, Shana is asking for her credit card so that she can run away from the country while she still could but my mom is telling her to eat pancakes, and forget about her worries.

I'm just glad that no one turned out hurt and even though I'm still a lot confused right now, I'm not bothered because I knew I was going to get answers.

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