Becoming the Luna

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

"Mom!" I exclaim excitedly, hurrying over to her when we all make our way to the kitchen. "Why did you spend so long?"

"Well, we had a lot to talk about." My mom says, ruffling my hair after giving me a warm hug. "Come on, settle down all of you, let's eat."

We all do as she says. "What did he want to talk about anyway?"

"Mr. Everett wants us to come stay at the Pack House, untill the wave of rogue Werewolves calm down." My mom calmly explains, settling down on her seat at the dining table.

I whip my head around so fast, it's a wonder I didn't break it. "The what?!?"

"The Pack House." She repeats.

"There's a Pack House?" I ask in surprise, I remembered that there was something like that in the book I had been reading but the fact that there is actually something like that is just mind-blowing.

"How do you know what it is?" Shana asks curiously, studying me with sharp eyes.

"Oh, I don't!" I say a little too quickly, there was no way I was letting her know that I knew just more than the presence of Pack Houses. "I just figured" I trail off.

"Well, Werewolves really like intimacy so Pack Houses are built to relieve some of the tension of the distance that their human forms force on them." My mom explains, saving me from Shana's prodding. "It's not a must to live in the Pack House and mated couples prefer to have their own houses."

"But the Alpha, Head Beta, Delta, and other positions of leadership are mostly required to stay in the Pack House." Virgil adds. "Although my dad hasn't been in the Pack House ever since I was born."

"Oh." I mutter, understanding what that meant. Virgil's mom must have died in the Pack House or at least while they still lived there.

"So did you say yes?" I prod my mom eagerly, not exactly sure if I wanted to leave my comfy and not to mention private home to go live in the middle of total strangers.

"I said no." My mom says shortly. "Or would you have liked to go?"

"No." Virgil and Dale answer for me and I whip my head around to them.

"What! Why?"

"We've moved back to the Pack House, there's no way I'm leaving you in the same building as Leon or Ian." Virgil explains shortly, his voice dark.

I just shrug, not really minding either way, as long as we were safe here.

Apparently, neither Virgil or Dale have patrols today and it's a little strange that they would both get free days at the same time.

"They choose to have the same day off because they weren't let each other end up staying alone with you." Shana blurts out in her blunt way and I blush down to the roots of my light brown hair.

We all decide to crash in the hangout room, it has been a while anyway and I miss my cuddle partners.

We all move to the living room and find comfortable positions on the sofas, it was still too early to think about moving to the hangout room.

I had just eaten and I knew that if I came within a couple feet of any bed I was going to fall fast asleep.

I end up sitting crosslegged in between Virgil and Dale, it's not really surprising considering they've been sticking as close as socially acceptable to me.

My mom and Shana bicker over what to put on for a while and somehow we end up watching a fashion show but it's majorly Shana and my mom that are engrossed in the show.

Virgil had taken one of my hands and Dale holds the other, if that isn't enough to make me forget that I'm supposed to be looking at the television not through it then I don't know what else is.

Virgil's hand is warm around mine and I try not to think too much of how my hand disappears in his, Dale isn't so nice and I bite my lip when he brushes a thumb over the middle of my palm and pick out each finger just to push them back again, occasionally covering my hand with both of his just for the fun of it.

Well this is going to be a very long night, I think to myself sighing deeply and dropping my head against the backrest of the sofa.

I drift away unconsciously, dosing off without actually sleeping but losing concentration long enough to slide down and rest against Virgil.

"Are you sleepy?" Virgil whispers to me.

I wink open an eye, shaking my head, Dale had moved closer with the movement of my hand and he's also staring at me with interest. "No" I yawn. "I'm not."

"You're yawning." Dale points out steadily.

"I'm not" I start to refuse but all my words doesn't get out before there's a loud sound of shattering glass and then loud growling fills the house.

I jerk in shock, a sound of surprise leaving me, I look towards the origin of the sound and see a Werewolf with red eyes and bloody fangs glaring at us through the shattered window.

The glass had been reinforced with metal but the Werewolf had broken through it effortlessly and was now a short leap away from getting into the living room.

Short high screams come from Shana and my mom who huddle closer to each other at the sights and sounds of what seems like a very huge rogue Werewolf glaring at us from a window.

Everyone freezes in shock at the suddenness of the moment as the Werewolf tracks it's blood red eyes slowly around the room like it had come here for a reason.

After it completes a thorough sweep of the room, it's unnerving eyes settles on me and baring it's teeth with a hair raising growl, it charges at me.

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