Becoming the Luna

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

A scream builds up at the back of my throat in horror but in that split second that the Werewolf makes its decision, Dale snatches me out of the Werewolf's line of sight, cradling me on his legs protectively.

At the same time, a blinding flash of white light surrounds the room briefly then Virgil's magnificent white wolf is attacking the rogue Werewolf poking it's head in my living room.

Dale holds me really tight but when Virgil goes out through that window filled with jagged glass around the edges at a rogue Werewolf that looks like a monster in the nighttime, I don't know when I wrench myself so hard from his hold that I end up on my hands and knees on the floor screaming Virgil's name.

Dale is quick to catch me before I run up to the window that's most likely surrounded by broken glass with my bare feet.

Dale is saying something but I'm too caught up in the horror of the moment, was this what they did on their patrols? Was this what happened when Virgil turned up badly hurt on my front lawn?

A flash of the image of that day has me opening my eyes wide in terror only to see Dale trying to get my attention. "He's fine, he'll be fine okay." Dale reassures me.

I nod furiously, my ears still ringing from my loud scream earlier. My mom and Shana had gotten up to go clear up the pile of broken glass, we would have to board up the window tonight so more Werewolves wouldn't get in.

There's nothing but silence from outside the house and my terror and worry mounts. "Why aren't you outside helping him?" I ask frantically, unable to calm down.

"Because he's going to rip my head off too, I'm not about to test the limits of my rapid healing." Dale says, still keeping a tight hold on me which is probably a really good idea because there is the highest chance that I would hop out the window at the first chance I get.

I blink in confusion. "W-What? W-Why would h-he do that?"

"It's a little complicated." Dale murmurs succinctly. "Stay with Renee and Shana while I board up the windows." 

I look around to see my mom and Shana hovering over me, they had finished cleaning up the glass shards and I didn't even notice but I wasn't getting distracted.

"I don't think he would do that." I explain earnestly to Dale, cupping his face in my bid to get him to believe me. I'm straddling Dale with my knees on both side of him but I'm too wrung up to notice or remember to freak out.

"You're right, he'll claw out my heart as well and chew off my legs." Dale says with a straight face that I get blindsided again, placing his hands over mine on his face. "Please keep a tight hold on him, I wouldn't want to lose my temper when Virgil starts screaming heads off because we put Hay in danger." He adds, letting my mom pull me off his legs and into her arms.

I'm just lost so I let let my mom hug me but even her warm hug isn't enough to dispell the terror beating a tattoo on my heart.

"He'll be fine okay." My mom says, settling on a sofa and pulling me down with her while Shana sits beside us worry in her eyes.

I wanted to scream at them, that they shouldn't worry about me but for the idiot that just jumped through a glass window at a literal monster.

Virgil's the one in real danger here, yet they seem to be more worried about me which is ridiculous but I didn't have the presence of mind to scold them.

The front door swings open and how I manage to hear it over the pounding of Dale's hammer is a miracle but I do and faster than either my mom or Shana can react I'm jumping out of their middle and dashing for the door.

"Virgil!" I call out in worry, ignoring the rest that are calling my name behind me.

He stands quietly in front of the closed door with his head down, he's drenched in blood and I'm so jittery that some of the blood might be his.

I slow down when I get closer to him, the rest keeping a far distance from him and I don't blame them, he might be in his human form but he's still menacing enough.

"V-Virgil?" I call out hesitantly, taking a step forward.

He raises his head up to look at me, his eyes flashing a blazing gold, the enchanting eyes unfocused.

"Virgil?" I call out in a more softer tone, taking another brave step forward.

His eyes snap into focus, electric blue replacing blazing gold. "Hayden? Are you okay?" He asks automatically, moving forward in concern.

I heave a sigh of relief, throwing myself at him. "I can't believe you're asking that."

He tries to step back. "I'm messy, you'll get blood all over you."

I shrug off his complaints and take his hand, he's shirtless and his pants are tattered but that's no big deal even though most of his body is covered in so much blood that I can only see bits of bare skin.

"It's just blood." I say bravely even though I'm starting to feel a little light-headed, there is just so much blood. "You need to clean up so I can check if you're hurt." I explain to him impatiently, tugging his hand as I walk past the rest who are slightly gaping at me.

"Virgil will clean up in my room." I tell them since no one seems to be up to doing any speaking. "We'll meet you guys at the hangout room."

I assist Virgil up the stairs after this, keeping a firm grip on his hand even though it's slippery with blood.

Virgil is oddly quiet but I just shrug it off to the fact that he had just fought a huge ass rogue Werewolf.

I find Virgil's silence a little disconcerting even though he's not exactly the talkative type, maybe it's because I keep catching him looking at me with something like awe in his wide starry eyes but I'm not going to think too much about that now, I need to make sure that Virgil is okay so that my heart can return to it's regular rhythm.

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