Becoming the Luna

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

We get to school in no time and I try to not get a panic attack at the sight of the tall buildings, for the first time since I left in a not so hot way I let myself think about school again.

I hadn't seen Tyrone ever since the incident at the Spring Dance and I know that no one else would bring up his name unless I asked.

That was fine by me, although I have to admit, I'm more than a little curious and I didn't want to bump into him again.

We bump into Dale who isn't as reserved as Virgil and doesn't hesistate to swoop me in a hug, kissing my cheek which reddens instantly.

We go for the usual orientation at the start of every new year and I note that like half of the entire school are totally new people, even the teachers are different.

How many people had actually moved out during the wave of rabid Werewolves?

We get put in our new homerooms and I'm relieved that while Mae and I end up in the same class, Virgil and Dale are in a different homeroom and I figure that we were separated alphabetically.

School was bad enough possibly being the only human, having two 'Alpha' Werewolves constantly fight over you was just pushing it.

I choose the spot by the window again but we had been moved to a different class so my Apple tree is gone but I don't mind, Shana has been giving me the evil eye ever since she found out from Dale that there wasn't any holiday assignments but it's really not so hard to ignore her.

I notice for the first time, the person sitting in front of me. "Nina?" I call in surprise, I hadn't seen her ever since the incident at Honey's.

It was a little hilarious and cute to find out that her last name was actually Honey.

"H-Hi." She says nervously, shrinking behind her glasses.

"It's nice to see you again." I tell her cordially, not bringing up the incident so she wouldn't feel embarrassed.

Her big blue eyes lightens up. "M-Me too!"

Our teacher walks in before I can say anything else and my eyes go wide appreciatively, I'm apparently not the only one who thinks our Homeroom teacher is good looking because whistles and catcalls start up in the class and I hear Shana groan no doubt getting kicked from Mae who sits behind her.

Our new teacher is a petite and curvy blonde, her formal skirt a little too much on the short side, her thigh high socks are too tight and so is her shirt that are a couple sizes too small --- where did they find her again?

"Good morning class." She greets in a sultry voice and the class replies more than a little enthusiastically. "I'm your new teacher, Miss Nate but call me Jhen."

I just watch on with wide eyes, no one else seems bothered that our teacher looks like a worker at a night club --- maybe it's a Werewolf thing.

"I do know some of you but could you all introduce yourself, fangs in, Drew." She calls sharply to some kid at the back who colors up when half the class turns to look at him.

I'd gone to school with him for years and I had no idea he was a Werewolf but wait! D-Did she just say, introduce yourself?

Nina in front of me is obviously having an existential crises too, her hand shaking hard as she reaches in her backpack for a paper bag.

I just cover up my face with my hands, when I thought about final year, all that came to mind was boring classes filled with droning teachers.

If I thought that our Homeroom teacher was eccentric, that didn't prepare me for the first class.

Luckily, she decided to give up on the plan of the class introducing themselves because the first couple guys to start had rattled off their phone numbers as well.

I felt like her eyes had settled on me for way too long but I decide to ignore it, she left soon enough for our first teacher to come in.

Miss Nate I mean Jhen was weird enough but then Lewis stepped in, he wore a hoodie and ripped jeans, a baseball cap placed backwards on his head and I hide a groan --- school isn't supposed to be this colorful.

What is even weirder is that he's a really good teacher and for the first time, Shana doesn't look like she wants to murder everyone with her English textbook.

I keep getting weird looks from each teacher that comes in and I'm starting to get self-conscious, my goal for final year was to breeze through school without attracting undue attention but that was starting to look like an unrealistic plan.

Then the bell rings for lunch break and the two idiots show up, I groan silently again, dropping my head on my desk when the noisy class goes silent and everyone follows their gaze to me --- was it too late to drop out?

Their expressions look downright scary and I don't blame Nina for making a run for it, Dale breaks out into a wide goofy grin when he gets to me, sitting backwards on Nina's chair.

Virgil slides a chair closer with a smile on his face as well and I color up at the both of them just staring at me.

"Of course, ignore me, I'm just thin air anyway." Shana pouts.

Mae moves close to me and throws her arms around my neck. "You're not the one walking around with a lot of 'Benjamins' in your backpack." She says sneakily. "Who's interested in getting a proper brain freeze?!" She chants like a lead protester.

Aaand that's how we end up in Virgil's car with Shana driving and Mae sitting beside her with me in the back seat, hands over my ears and trying to evade Virgil's and Dale's mischievous eyes, while it's allowed to leave the school premises during the lunch break - at least for seniors - I never imagined I'd be doing it as well.

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