Becoming the Luna

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

"I need to get a couple books from my locker, I'll catch up with you guys!" I call to them, already hurrying in the opposite direction.

It was the end of the first day of school and the school was rapidly emptying out so it wasn't difficult to lose my friends who would have most likely insisted on tagging along with me.

I wasn't a social butterfly and having so many people's attention on me constantly was starting to wear me down.

I get to my locker peacefully, putting in the combination and reaching in for the books I needed.

"Hi." Elise's voice breaks my concentration and I nearly whack my head on the door of my locker.

I lift my head out to stare at her and note that she's all alone for the first time, her hench girls nowhere to be found.

I roll my eyes and continue searching for the books I needed. "What do you want, Elise?" I ask coldly, very uninterested in a holding a conversation with her.

In my opinion, if she liked Virgil for whatever reason she should have taken it up with him, not trying to kill me or ruin my life at every chance she got.

"N-Nothing! I mean" She stutters slightly trailing off and I slowly take my head out of my locker to give her a look full of incredulous disdain.

"I wanted to apologize." She mutters in a soft voice, looking away at the menace in my eyes.

"You've done that, now go away." I say blandly, not believing her one bit.

She obviously had an ulterior motive and if she thought I was stupid just because I was the quiet type then she had another thing coming for her.


"I don't care for your apology, Elise, just leave me alone." I tell her plainly, giving up on the books and slamming my locker close.

"I wasn't the one that told Alexis about you." She says in a quiet voice, stopping me in my tracks.

I whip my head around to her, scathing laughter on the tip of my tongue which I struggle to hold back. "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." I say dryly.

"I-I mean it!" She insists seriously, stepping forward. "It's some low life girl from Dale's Pack who was heartbroken when she found out that her object of obsession was now gay."

I just step away from her hands that are reaching for me. "Look if I say that I accept your apology will you let me go?"

Her face falls at this but it doesn't take much to remind me to not fall for it. "But do you?" She prompts seriously.

"Yes." I reply, giving her a smile that doesn't reach my eyes. "Bye, Elise." I cut her off when she looks like she's about to protest again, her little presentation was starting to cause a scene that I wasn't interested in being a part of.

Now, what the hell was that all about?

I wonder to myself as I make my way out of the school, I wasn't sure but I had a bad feeling about it.

"What took you so long?" Shana asks unhappily, worry on her face.

"Sorry, something delayed me." I apologize absently, still distracted with trying to decipher the ulterior motive behind Elise's actions.

"Sure?" She agrees with a skeptical look on her face.

We all make our way to my apartment even though we could have easily gone to either Mae's or Virgil's houses, it was just some kind of ritual.

"Where's Apple?" Mae asks immediately she steps in, she and Shana had stopped at the first floor to drop their backpacks and change into more comfortable clothes.

Virgil made his way up to the fourth floor so that left Dale and I alone for a couple minutes before Virgil came back.

"She's down the hallway at Julia's apartment." I inform them. "She'll probably bite my hand off if I try to take her now."

"Oh." Mae murmurs, throwing herself on a sofa.

"I can't believe they're building another Pack House just beside this one." Shana pipes up when we all settle down, it was about time for lunch but we were too lazy to make the trek, we still would, just not now.

"It's a way to bring both Packs closer as well as the most logical thing to do, in the case of an attack or emergency, having both Pack House in a close distance is a great advantage." Mae points out.

Virgil and Dale are oddly quiet about the issue but I don't think it a big deal, its a little weird to know that they'll be the future Alphas of both Packs.

I mean Dale's case is pretty much expected because he's the only child but Virgil has two older brothers so that was less likely, wasn't it?

"Is the Alpha position aristocratic?" I ask curiously.

"Mostly but in the case that there isn't a male child to succeed, someone else gets the spot and the aristocracy moves as well." Mae explains.

"Oh." I nod in understanding.

"Which should put either Leon or Ian in the spot for future Alpha, now let's go eat, I'm hungry." Shana adds, sprawling even more in contrast to her words.

"Not really, children in the Alpha Caste are usually preferred to succeed" Mae starts to say but a blank look from Shana stops her. "Fine, let's go eat but you better get your ass up because I'm not helping you."

"Besides it's not like there'll be a shift in power any time soon, the current Alphas aren't going anywhere yet." She adds when no one says anything, giving us all queer looks as we leave just her standing.

I'm too busy processing all this information while Shana is mimicking a sack of potatoes on the couch, Dale is lying with his legs hanging off another couch, tapping on his phone while Virgil is watching the scene unfold with amusement in his eyes.

"Are we going to eat or not?"

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