Becoming the Luna

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Virgil is gone before I'm awake which is unsurprising as I nearly sleep in, my mom still isn't so hot on the idea of me returning to school so soon after the event with Alexis but I didn't want to sit and just do nothing all day.

It's no surprise either that she doesn't hurry to wake me up, something she would have quickly done on an average day.

But I manage to make it in time, dressing up in record time and running a brush through my hair, there are slight dark circles under my eyes which is no surprise because I can't seem to stop overthinking last night.

I see my mom munching on snacks while watching TV and I blink in surprise. "Hey, mom? Um, you aren't going in to work today?" I ask with a hint of worry. "Did you make paper planes with important files?" I ask in exasperation.

"Nope." She grins with her mouth full. "I got the day off, where are you going all dressed like that?" She asks curiously.

"School?" I reply dryly, raising an eyebrow up at her. "My friends haven't come over yet?" I question in worry, it was unlike them.

"They did." She shrugs, returning her attention to the TV once more. "I told them you would stay home today." She says, an adamant expression creeping in her face and I know there's no way to convince her otherwise.

"Just for today, okay?" I tell her seriously.

She grins goofily at me. "Of course, breakfast is in the kitchenette if you're hungry." 

"Sure." I mumble, dragging my backpack to my room again.

I spend the day lazily, slipping in and out of sleep, overthinking and freaking out in between.

It's enough of an incentive to get up really early the next morning, running away from Dale who wanted a kiss before I'd brushed my teeth which was a no no.

The minty and fresh taste of kissing after brushing was starting to burrow under my skin, Virgil still slept over and even though he acts absolutely normal, my misery grows with each passing day, although technically I didn't turn him down, my brain just melted.

An average day of school is waking up to Virgil or Dale and walking down way too many steps, school itself wasn't half bad but then there was Elise who still tried to be friends with me at every chance she got.

I wasn't a horrible person and after weeks and weeks of her just being generally nice, I gradually start to cave and that's how I end up having a playdate date with her.

Shana had to go back home to spend some time with her mom who says she misses her and to help out with the baby, her Aunt had given birth recently.

Dale was busy with his dad who was trying to induct him in the ways of being an Alpha and Virgil ghosted a lot, I figured that just because I had moved into the Pack House didn't change things.

He was even a worse introvert than I am and it wasn't because he had social anxiety or anything like that but he just didn't fancy people, well most people.

I talked to Mae about Elise, one of the many warm afternoons we spent alone, together, poring over homework and today is no different.

"She invited me over for a visit and didn't even give me a chance to say no." I complain to Mae who's unsurprisingly a really good listener.

Mae hums, rolling around a bit on my bed. "I don't like Elise so my opinion might come off biased"

"That makes two of us." I mutter to her, unhappy about the way I would have to spend the next hour.

"But if she's truly turning over a new leaf then it would be just cruel of us to ignore her, how about I tag along with you." She offers.

My expression brightens at this. "Yes please, I would rather not spend an hour all alone with her and this is definitely the last time I'm getting roped into doing something like this." I pout, getting up to brush my hair so that I at least look presentable.

"If you do, just know that you're in it alone and telling any of the rest would just make Elise get scolded in a not so very nice way." Mae points out, getting up as well to get ready.

I groan inaudibly, it was exactly the same reason I had opened up to Mae first, if I had told the others I'd just be told to stay away from her and Elise would get three mad friends in her face, that wasn't fair to Elise if she was truly being nice.

The journey to the fourth floor is horrible and it's not just because the last flight seems steeper and ridiculously hard to climb but because of the reason why I'm making the journey.

I really wasn't interested in being friends with Elise, not after all she had done but I could forgive her I guess, if that was what it took to save someone else from her claws.

The fourth floor is obviously different from the other three, it was pin drop quiet for one thing and the hallways were spacier, the decor much fancier.

"Hayden? Mae?" My mom bumps into us, an armful of files in her hands. "What are you both doing here?" She asks curiously, not really bothered.

"Um, Elise invited us over for a visit." I tell her shyly, evading her eyes.

"That sneaky little witch." My mom bites out unhappily. "She has been unnecessarily nice to me and it all stinks of fish." She complains seriously.

"Mom, the term is 'fishy' like something fishy is going on." I correct her, Mae choking back laughter.

"Sure." She agrees blankly. "Just be careful around her okay and tell her mom to lose my phone number." My mom grouches, hurrying off.

"I told you, something's not right." Mae huffs self importantly.

I just roll my eyes, feeling a heavy weight settle deep in my stomach. "Wait till it's all over before you scold me, please." I plead. "I'm already nervous enough."

"It's sure is going to get worse when I tattle on you." She mutters darkly.

I throw her a glare, praying that I don't bump into Leon or anyone else that could question me.

Well, the person I do bump into makes me wish I had bumped into Virgil or Leon because honestly that would have been a whole lot better.

"Oh, shit." Mae mutters under her breath.

'Oh shit' was right.

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