Becoming the Luna

Chapter 152

Chapter 152

"Are you okay, Hay?" He asks in worry, walking towards the bed.

I just snuggle in closer, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I thought you were mad at me." I murmur, my voice coming out muffled from where my face is buried in his shoulder.

"What?" He exclaims softly, it's late after all and I can clearly hear genuine surprise in his voice. "Why would you think that?" He asks, settling on the bed with me still with him, he smells freshly, most likely just coming out of the shower.

I huddle into myself, avoiding his piercing gaze, the room is dim but my eyes are adjusted. I still don't reply, not exactly sure what to say.

"Nothing." I mumble, biting into the sleeve of my sweater, now that I know he isn't mad at me, I can't seem to remember what I was so worried about.

He places a gentle kiss on my head and I burn up, it's crazy how Dale could kiss my breath away and I'd still be able to respond to the kiss but all Virgil has to do is glance in my direction and I'm combusting.

It's a really scary feeling because he's always so cool and calm while I'm about to explode from the sensory overload.

He hums and silence engulfs, there's so much I want to ask --- 'do you like me? Are you okay? But I don't, instead we settle in for the night, my words heavy on my tongue.

I lie down stiffly, wanting to roll over to Virgil's side of the bed but too self conscious to, he doesn't make a move to come closer either which is unsurprising.

I'm usually the one getting in his personal space and instigating cuddle sessions but things were different now, right?

I eventually fall asleep albeit unhappily and wake up to find the world upside down. "What the fuck?" I mumble, going rigid when I realize that I'm halfway off the bed, my lower body lying on the bed.

"Finally awake huh?" Virgil's gravelly voice alerts me to his presence. "You've been kicking all night like you were on fire." He comments drily.

I color up but make no move to correct my position, it's not like I don't feel blood rushing to my head and making me feel woozy but that any wrong move would make me fall to the ground face first.

"And you didn't stop me?" I accuse.

I hear shuffling sounds like he's shrugging. "I don't know, you looked like you were having a lot of fun." He says, amusement coloring his voice.

I want to glare at him but my position doesn't allow this so I settle for crossing my arms which turns out to be a not so good idea because I slide down a bit more. 

"Eek!" I exclaim in fear. "Just pull me up, Virgil." I request him.

"What do I get for that? I spent the entire night getting kicked in the guts anyway." He says nonchalantly like I wasn't sliding off the bed to a definite concussion and probably an early death.

"I don't know!" I say in a panic, trying to hold on to the sheets. "What do you want?"

He makes a show of thinking and I feel the sheets get dislodged under my grip. "Ah!" I squeal as I start the inevitable slide to the ground.

He catches me effortlessly with one hand, the other hand placed against the ground to hold us up and I roll my eyes at him. "Show off." I mumble kicking him.

Well that was dumb

We tumble to the ground when he loses his balance and while I'm whisper-screaming my head off because it's actually still really early, Virgil is laughing so hard he nearly crushes me under his weight.

"You're a piece of work." He mutters, getting up to get comfortable on the bed.

I look at him incredulously, still sprawled on the ground. "Aren't you going to help me up?" I demand in disbelief.

"And get another kick? No, thanks." He says nonchalantly, fluffing up his pillow.

I smile sneakily. "Well, you wanted something for helping me and you didn't specify so I just went with the flow."

He glances in my direction with a dark look on his face. "Alright." He replies, playing along with me. "What do I get for helping you up?" He asks again, an oddly serious look on his face.

I gulp, feeling like I'm about to bite off more than I can chew but there's also no way I'm backing down."I don't know, what do you want?" I repeat softly, feeling my heart thump.

He moves closer to the end of the bed so that he can study me and I end up looking at everything but his stormy blue eyes, the thin cotton shirt riding up to blind me with an eye full of his abs.

"A kiss." He says clearly, eyes fixed on mine.

My brain briefly short circuits --- I mean I had expected something like that and at the same time I hadn't, more like I had hoped for it and yet

I realize that Virgil has been waiting for my response and I cut off my jumbled internal monologue to glance at him, gulping loudly. "F-fine." I agree, swallowing back a scream when he swiftly comes over and helps me up.

We settle on the bed again, Virgil just rests against the headboard, an unreadable expression on his face while my hands are shaking so badly that I grab the sheets to steady them.

'Come on, Hay!' I pep talk myself. 'This is what you wanted right? It's just a bloody kiss so get off your ass and get to work!'

The pep talk just rolls off my back and I stare at Virgil with wide stricken eyes, feeling like a fan who has waited years to see their idol and when they finally do, go frozen in shock.

After a long while of just staring at each other with me sweating buckets all the while and visibly trembling, Virgil chuckles, an empty sound and I suddenly feel drenched in guilt.

"Come on, let's catch some shut eye before we have to get up for school." He invites, tugging me down to the bed.

I wrap my hand around my neck, feeling like I can't breathe, I want to explain but the words stick to the inside of my throat. "I-I..."

"It's fine, Hay." He says goodnaturedly, ruffling my hair. "Breathe a bit for fuck's sake, you're going blue." He teases.

I don't need a horoscope to tell me to roll to his side of the bed and I finally take a deep breath when he lets me snuggle, wrapping his arms around me.

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