Becoming the Luna

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

"How the fuck did you get in my room?" I demand harshly, trying to hide how nervous I actually am, the blonde and blue eyed bitch could be really dangerous.

She steps forward and I take a step back, conscious of the fact that there's nothing but a dangerous window beside me, it might be closed but I wasn't taking any chances.

Elise takes another step forward, blonde hair slightly in a disarray, blue eyes cold. She opens her mouth like she's about to say something but thinks the better of it and does the unexpected instead.

Horror and shock carves it's way on my face but hers remain placid, a little brighter as a matter of fact.

I almost don't hear the shattering of glass and I don't feel the pain either, maybe I'm in shock, my mouth wide open in a silent scream.

Then I'm toppling out the window and falling, head first.

Elise only watches briefly to make sure I was going to hit the ground then makes herself scarce, it would be a perfect crime.

Even if I managed to survive this fall which is highly unlikely, I wouldn't be able to say who pushed me.

Time moves a lot slower when you're falling to your death, either that or my thoughts are flashing by at record speed like they knew that the motherboard was about to crash.

I think I now understand why people look so peaceful when they're falling, gravity is bearing down so hard on me like it is impatient to see me hit the ground, that and the fact that it's really hard to move mid air.

The ground seems to take it's time for me to get to, my thoughts flashing by at hyper speed that it almost hurt.

My mom would be devastated, beyond devastated if I was gone and Virgil

I didn't want to die what the hell was I doing here thinking about dying? My scream had died as my hope is becoming that I almost don't hear it but it's too loud to ignore.

A loud growl rips through the air and there's a distant flash of white light, I get snatched mid-fall hitting the ground with a thud but my fall is softened by a body, arms wrapped around me protectively.

"D-Dale?" I stutter with a trembling voice, peeling open my tightly shut eyes to see his face dark with anger, gold irises staring back at me. "Are you okay?" I ask immediately, he had absorbed the entire impact of the fall so there was no way he could be.

What was he even doing here anyway? This was the side of the Pack House that no one came to anyway, even if my screaming had alerted someone, I'd have crashed to the floor before they could get to me.

"I'm fine, Doll." He murmurs, rubbing a hand comfortingly over my back, something akin to pain in his eyes.

"Y-Yeah." I mumble, trying to sit up. "Just a little shaken and" I feel cool wind on my back. "My sweater is ripped, I guess, thank you for saving me." 

He sits up with me, shirtless and wraps his arms around me again. "I'm so lucky I was close by" panic flashes in his eyes.

I can understand his terror because it reverberates in my chest, if Dale hadn't been around for whatever reason he was, I'd have been a smudge on the ground.

"Do I have to guess who it was?" He asks darkly, arms tightening bruisingly around me. "I never pegged you for the suicidal type."

"I'm not." I affirm, getting pissed as well. I needed to give Elise a proper piece of my mind.

"Let's go get changed, my back stings, I might have a couple slight cuts." I note absently, it was much better than having torn muscles anyway.

Dale doesn't react well to my suggestion because he's burying his nose in my neck and taking shallow breaths like he's trying to get in control of himself.

"Shit, this hurts." He murmurs and I'm pretty sure he's not talking about our fall.

"Dale?" I call in confusion.

"You're right, let's go get changed, then we'll find that Linsel bitch, after that" his voice trails off and gets softer, his eyes cooling to their familiar light green. "We need to talk."

His last words hits harder than getting pushed out a window and my brain works even faster, trying to comprehend what he wanted to talk about.

Dale insists on carrying me up the stairs even though there's absolutely nothing wrong with my legs but there's a slightly desperate look in his expressive eyes, like he's drowning and I'm his air so I let him.

I'm really grateful the rest were out at the moment or the entire Pack House would have probably found out by now, with Virgil and Shana scaling balconies to get to Elise


Her name left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth and I was done putting up with her.

We get back to the apartment and I find the door innocently closed, we step in and see nothing out of place, no shocker there.

My room is an entirely different matter, cold wind blows in and glass shards litter the window side.

We change quickly and it turns out to be nothing but slight scratches on my back, my knitted sweater had taken the brunt of the shattering glass - my mom would be proud of her handmade contraptions keeping me safe.

Dale still insists on littering my back with fruit themed Band-Aids and I let him, it does feel better though and I throw on another sweater.

He dresses in familiar sweatpants and a black T-shirt, his expression unreadable, I couldn't help but feel like the talk would not be fun.

"Ready to pay Linda your first visit?" He asks, taking my hand.

I snicker at the way he never seems to remember her name. "Second actually"

"What?" He looks at me in horror.

"We should pop in on my mom as well." I massage my temples. "Preferably after we confront Elise." I tag on, knowing how my mom could get.

Dale is still stuck on the fact that I had gone to Elise's apartment and I have to tug on his arm to get him moving.

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