Becoming the Luna

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

I had pushed my luck too hard because Dale and I bump into my mom and an unhealthy pause for suspenseful reasons Alpha Everett.

"Hayden?" My mom calls in surprise, cutting off whatever she had previously been seriously explaining to Alpha Everett. "Why are you back from school so soon? Is something wrong?" She asks curiously, worry tinting her voice as she steps closer.

"Elise pushed him out the window." Dale blurts out before I can figure out a way to break the news delicately to my mom and I note belatedly that he gets her name perfectly this time.

The files in her hands crash to the ground as she closes the distance between us, Alpha Everett's eyes widen fractionally, a vein ticking on his neck.

"Excuse me, what!" My mom exclaims, throwing herself on me, horror in her face. "Are you okay? Oh my fucking what happened?" She panics.

"I'm fine, mom." I say, my voice muffled against her chest where she hugs me tightly. "Dale saved me."

A flip switches in her and I remember why I don't like my mom getting mad. "Excuse me a while, Alpha Everett." She requests stiffly, taking my hand. "I need to address a little situation."

"You're excused, Renee, as a matter of fact, I'm coming along." He near growls, obviously upset.

Alpha Everett knocks on the door and Mrs Hall opens up her irritated expression melting to a seductive one in the space of seconds. "Oh? Alpha, how nice of you to pay me a visit"

"Can it, slut." My mom bites out, her eyes glowing. "Where is your homicidal kid?"

Mrs Hall frowns believably. "I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're on about, Elise is at school."

"Uh huh." I mutter dryly, noting the brief look of terror that flashes across her heavily made-up face when she hears my voice and sees me. "And her twin just tried to murder me." I comment sarcastically.

"We'll be coming in, Amy." Alpha Everett says, brushing past her, he hadn't even batted an eyelid at her hip thrusting and boob pushing.

"B-But" She splutters, protesting in a panic when we all walk in.

My mom still has her arms wrapped tightly around me while Dale hovers close.

"I can smell her so you either get her down here or I'll go up and drag her down myself." Alpha Everett says coldly, hints of dark growls under his tightly bitten out words.

He seems to be getting visibly upset with each passing second and I see Mrs Hall go as white as a sheet, whimpering softly as she mumbled a 'yes Alpha' before dashing off in the direction of what had to be Elise's room.

Alpha Everett curses under his breath, pushing a hand through his perfectly parted hair like he was just processing the details of what happened.

"Now tell me what the fuck is going on because I'm about to lose my temper." He growls when they show up, cowering under his silver gaze.

"I'll do it." I offer. "I came back earlier from school today for some reasons and Elise sneaked up on me in my room and pushed me out of the window, Dale saved me and now we're here." I say bluntly, already tired of the confrontation, I just wanted to nap.

"Well, what do you have to say about this?" He asks blandly, with a tone that says, I know you can actually do this so choose your next words wisely

They remain quiet and Alpha Everett sighs. "I sincerely apologize for this, Hayden, Renee, considering I was the one that invited you to come over to the Pack House." He starts politely. "I can promise that I'll make sure they get their due." His voice deepens at the end and Elise crouches closer to her mom.

"Renee, please call up Doug, tell him to come with cuffs, I need to have a word with Sam." He whips out his phone with a glare at Mrs Hall and Elise.

My mom faces me. "That's the Sheriff." She explains to me, "...and I'll call up someone to come fix the windows, okay." 

"Sure, mom." I accept, hugging her and letting her kiss my cheek. "I'm going to take a nap." I tell her plainly, already going out.

As much as I dreaded the 'talk' with Dale, I would rather not be here anymore, at least something would be done about Elise because I was done with having my life sabotaged at every turn I made simply because she was gold digging for her future.

We settle on a couch and I rest my head on Dale's legs, letting him play with my hair.

"You didn't come to school today." I comment absently, my eyes heavy.

"Yeah." He says thickly. "My mom came back from the city, she stayed behind to clear up the legalities with Nicole's case." He explains.

"Oh." I mumble in surprise.

"Yeah." He says again, his voice sounding off.

I flick open my eyes to look at him in worry. "Dale? Are okay?" I ask in worry, reaching out a hand to touch his face.

He holds my hand to his face and I note his eyes go glassy with panic. "No, Doll, I'm not."

I sit up in a flash at his words, crawling into his lap. "What's wrong?" I ask worriedly, looking into his immensely sad eyes.

He pulls me into a hug, tucking my head in his shoulder and I let him, noting how fragile he was at the moment.

My mind races with what could have possibly gone wrong, his mom came back fine, right? Was it something to do with her?

"I'm going to be the future Alpha of my Pack." He says in an emotionless tone, rubbing my back again in that comforting way.

I hum softly, letting him go at his own pace.

"And, I-I" He chokes, voice soft and I grab onto his shirt, a sinking feeling dropping low in my stomach, like ice. "I can't be with you." He says in a strained whisper and I feel my skin crawl.

He laughs wetly. "How did I not see this coming?" He asks rhetorically, sarcasm heavy in his voice. "I told my mom I'd adopt and she looked like she was going to have a stroke, impressing on how important keeping strong blood in the lineage is fucking bullshit." He curses and I make a sound of despair.

My eyes stings as our anatomical differences rears its ugly head, I couldn't have kids and even worse, I'm human...

"Oh." I mumble in a dead voice, feeling ice run through my veins. I was going to lose Dale without ever having him, without telling him I loved him in return.

"You should take that nap, Doll." He murmured close to my ears, leaning down to kiss my cheek. "I'll be here when you wake up."

Desolate tears run down my face and I know I'm going to soak Dale's shirt through but I didn't have it in me to care at the moment, my eyelids slipping shut but the tears don't stop, trailing down my cheeks.

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