Becoming the Luna

Chapter 164

Chapter 164

"Why are you panicking?" Dale asks lazily, sprawling on my bed and staring up at me.

I take deep breaths in to control my oncoming explosion. "Because" I start slowly, reigning in my anger. "Virgil is coming to pick me up in fifteen minutes max and I'm still in a bathrobe! Why would you guys come over if you're not going to help me?" I accuse, glaring at Mae who's sitting on Shana at the other end of the room.

Shana shrugs. "You looked like you were on top of things when we came in."

I throw down the shirt in my hand. "Because I was on top of things!" I throw my hands up. "But then you all came and dissected my fashion choices."

"I liked the grey button up." Dale shrugs, bright green eyes fixed on me.

"Shana called it formal."I remind him.

"He's not going for a bloody job appointment." She scoffs.

"I liked the fitted sweater." Shana calls out, placing a kiss on Mae's face.

"Dale called it slutty." I say again, near tears.

"I simply said it was showing too much skin." He shrugs again.

"That's the whole point!" Shana exclaims getting heated about the conversation.

"Well, I just said I didn't like it, I didn't say he couldn't wear it."

"So I can wear it?" I ask hopefully.

Horror splashes across his face. "Fuck no!"

"Okay, shut the fuck up!" Mae gets up and waves them away. "Both of you, can't you see that you're stressing out Hay?"

They go quiet, avoiding eye contact with Mae who's glaring hard at them.

"This is all Dale's fault." Shana pipes up, giving him the evil eye. "He doesn't want Hayden to look good for his date."

"At least I don't want him to walk around looking like a slut or catch a cold." Dale grumbles in return, glaring at her too.

Mae gives them a threatening glare and they quiet down again. "Why don't you both make yourself useful and clean up this mess you made Hayden make?" 

She walks up to me. "Why don't you go for comfort?" She suggests sweetly.

I take a deep breath and nod, my skin was already crawling from having to wear the sweater Shana had chosen.

"Like this?" I ask for her approval, holding out clothes.

Her eyes lighten up and my erratic breathing calms down. "It's perfect, now hurry up and get in so that I can fix your hair."

I get dressed in the soft grey sweater that brings out the color in my eyes and tastefully washed out black jeans, no rips this time.

By the time I come out, Mae had successfully chased Dale and Shana away, saying they were making me nervous - which they were but I liked their company.

I sit quietly for Mae to fix up my hair, panicking at every sound I hear.

"Trust me, you'll know when Virgil gets here." Mae reassures me. "Hopefully, Dale will get fangs in his shoulder." She adds earnestly.

I just groan inaudibly, it was a weekend and as soon as Virgil had left this morning, I had panicked and called my friends.

I had a date today and I had no idea what to wear!

As helpful as they were, they had stormed into my house, minutes later - Dale inclusive, I hadn't remembered calling him though.

Luckily it was the day for my mom to make her monthly trip to Cone for her edible candles and toiletries so she was spared the chaos.

I had just bathed, for the first time - yeah, you heard me right, first time.

That's how I ended up being late for an 11 am date when I'd been preparing since 8 am, Dale had beelined for me and licked my face, humming appreciatively and asking what kind of soap I used.

I was so stunned that the second and third licks happened before I could shove him away.

I'd planned to simply rewash my face until he grabbed my hand and licked it as well, Shana had tackled him to the ground then and I decided to take an entire bath again.

Dale is actually pretty fast when he wants to be and I end up bathing again for the third and fourth times before finally he cuts the licking out. 

Then the time to pick an outfit comes, and he and Shana refused to agree on anything.

I almost wished I had less clothes because that would mean less things to disagree about, now apparently, Dale has my scent all over him and that's why Mae is expecting 'fangs in his shoulder' unquote.

I nearly choke on my chapstick when I hear loud thudding sounds from the living room and Shana's voice yelling encouragements.

"Yup, he's here." Mae gives me a wide grin. "Ready?" She asks, fluffing up my curls with her hands one last time.

"As I'll ever be." I mutter quietly, my nerves back which is ridiculous but I'm still adjusting to the fact that I do have a boyfriend and said boyfriend is Virgil.

"Go get em' tiger." She flashes her fangs and I roll my eyes at her dramatics, chuckling. "Plus I really want to see Dale get smacked around."

My eyes widen at this, remembering what was going on in the living room. I grab Mae's arm and pull her hastily, hurrying there.

I freeze when I burst out and get a good look at what was going on, Virgil is lounging on a sofa, looking edible in a hoodie and ripped jeans, guess it wasn't only me that went for comfort.

While Dale and Shana are smacking themselves around with pillows, running across the entire expanse of the room and knocking down things.

"Surprised?" Mae mutters to me, disappointment heavy in her voice.

"Actually no." I smile sympathetically.

Virgil gets up when he sees me, smiling so wide that I see his gums, he does that often now and it melts me every time.

"Hi." I whisper to him, throwing my hands around his neck when he steps into my personal space.

"Hi, baby." He murmured, leaning down to kiss me. "You're so adorable." He coos, squishing my cheeks when he raises his head up.

I swat his hands away lazily. "Of course, that's the perfect compliment for your date."

"I'll make sure they clean up." Mae reassures me, waving us out. "Have fun!"

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