Becoming the Luna

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

"Don't wave your hands in front of my face, love, I'm driving." Virgil scolds slightly, snapping his teeth whenever my hand comes close to his face.

"There's something on your face." I pout, trying again. "If you would just let me ah!" I snatch my hand back. "Stop trying to bite me for fuck's sake." I scold him in return.

"Well I would hold them down but my hands are currently busy" He chokes on the rest of his words when I climb on his legs, I'm short enough to not obscure his view of the road.

"There!" I exclaim triumphantly, returning to my seat and waving two pillow feathers. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?" I ask smugly, throwing the feathers out the window.

He doesn't reply and I glance at him to see an inscrutable expression on his face. "V? Are you okay?" I ask in concern.

"Yeah." He glances briefly at me. "We're here." He parks the car and before I can get a good look at the quaint restaurant he had chosen, he snatches me, leaning across the car to slip a hand in my hair and another tightly around my waist.

"Wha" He slips his tongue in my mouth, cutting off my confused protests.

I don't even remember to panic that we're in public, trying to survive the onslaught of his lips and hanging on to his shoulders.

He takes my bottom lip between his teeth and I shiver when I peek up and see that his eyes are a lazy gold. "Cute." He rasps, kissing my nose.

I just lean back, trying to catch my breath and sanity while he goes around to open up the door for me.

I let him help me down, avoiding eye contact with everyone else, my ears no doubt a bright red under my hair.

Virgil on the other hand looks unbothered, keeping a hand possessively around my waist.

There were a couple of ritzy restaurants in Pine Creek but they were mostly around the entrance into the town and mostly for visitors or people passing through.

As expected, Werewolves were the major population so I'm not surprised to see that the waiters were all Werewolves as well.

Our waiter is a brown haired guy that looks like he'd be in college, he gives us odd looks, almost like he's wondering what I would be doing with a Werewolf.

Virgil doesn't spare him a glance even though he keeps eyeing him, ordering for the both of us.

If I hadn't known about Werewolves I would probably have thought and be nervous that it was because we were a same sex couple that he was staring at us weird.

"What are you thinking about?" Virgil asks, fixing his eyes on me even though a lot of people are surreptitiously staring at him.

"Nothing." I shake my head. "We rarely come to this part of town." I note.

He glances down self-consciously. "I know, I just wanted to make it a little formal."

I give him a teasing smile. "As long as it isn't the woods then anything else would be fine."

"I thought you wanted a piggyback ride." He teases as well.

I watch him with twinkling eyes. "I can have my piggyback ride anywhere, right?"

He narrows his eyes at me. "I guess, why are you"

The waiter returns with our food, cutting Virgil off and I notice more of that staring.

"Why are people looking at us weird?" I ask, self-consciously huddling into myself.

Virgil's expression darkens and his expels an exasperated breath. "They're not part of either Packs, preferring to stay in this busy but tiny part of Pine Creek without getting involved with the rest of the Werewolves."

I hum, taking a bite of my food. "Still doesn't explain why they keep staring."

He sighs again. "Being a born Alpha can be a pain in the neck sometimes, they're just staring because of that."

I gape, that's how rare born Alpha Werewolves were? Out loud I mumble. "Oh wow." Even more self conscious now.

"Just ignore them okay?" He says seriously.

"Sure." I mumble, wondering what was the reason of the date, we basically spent the entire time together and he's been shuffling around like there's something he's itching to say.

I stand it for the duration of the meal and afterwards we decide to share a pie, then I snap.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I prompt, when it seems like he's not going to just up and say it.

"Yeah." He says, voice steady and calm as he reaches across the table to entangle his hands with mine on the table even though he's swallowing nervously.

I look at him expectantly, wondering what could be so important, we had just been dating for a little over a week, what could be important so soon?

"Will you be my boyfriend?" 

My eyes go comically wide and I just stare at him, stunned - I mean Virgil always finds new way to shock me but this is just

"Oh." His voice and face falls and his hands tangled around mine goes cold when I just keep staring at him and saying nothing. "I mean, if it's too soon or you don't want to" He trails off.

I latch onto it before can pull his hand away, huffing out a laughter of disbelief. "V? We've been dating for a bloody week!" 

"Wha" He splutters, looking genuinely surprised.

"What did you think?" I ask in disbelief, holding back chortles.

He looks stumped, a faint pout on his face, he looks affronted. "I don't know, that we weren't yet"

I burst out laughing, the entire situation so ridiculous. It doesn't help that Virgil looks like a whipped puppy and I end up occasionally bursting into spontaneous laughter on the way back to the Pack House.

Still laughing even when we get there and I insist on my piggyback ride, he grumbles but accepts anyway, muttering under his breath the entire way up.


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