Becoming the Luna

Chapter 168

Chapter 168

I come to slowly, feeling sluggish from the after-effects of whatever chemical had been used to knock me out.

For a brief second I remember how wealthy my grandparents are but that's ridiculous, no one even knows about my existence.

My eyes are still blindfolded, at least I hope that's the reason I can't open them.

My wrists are tied slightly above me and I'm half lying, half sitting on something soft and cushiony, it feels much like a bed, my bare feet brushing luxurious silk

Well, least whoever it is has good taste.

There's nothing missing or hurting in or on my body so I try to reach out with my other senses to get a feel for the room, it's either dim or the blindfold is really thick, either way when I do open my eyes I still don't see a thing so I just keep them closed.

There's a quiet sound of shuffling feet and I stiffen, freezing up, to get the upper hand - sorta - I should try to pretend that I was still unconscious so I do.

I listen intently, the quiet footsteps getting even closer, I concentrate on slowing down my breathing because my breaths speed up like I'm running for my life.

Warm hands brush the sides of my neck as I feel my blindfold get undone, I still keep my eyes shut not wanting to impair my vision.

I expect something more but the person just walks away and then there's a series of soft sounds and thuds that I can't place.

Slowly, I peel open my eyes, unsurprised to find out that the room is truly dim, my eyes immediately dart around the room, registering absolutely nothing as I look for who could most likely be my captor.

My mouth drops when I finally get a good look at the person that has settled into a chair just opposite the bed, facing me.

I scramble up the bed, wanting to get off and realizing that I'm tied up with I glance at what's holding silk lined cuffs? What the fuck?

"Jaxie?!" I exclaim in disbelief, blinking rapidly like it'll make the image of him sitting hunched on the chair go away.

"H-Hi." Jaxon greets nervously, giving me a little wave, prominent dark circles under his hazel green eyes.

"What the fuck is going on?" I blurt without thinking, just stunned.

He winces as rubs the back of his neck, scratching his wild red hair. "I'm sorry it has to happen this way, I really am, I didn't want to you know snatch you from school and all those other things" He trails off anxiously, looking like a nervous wreck.

I just get even more confused with every apology that leaves his mouth, what could Shana's older brother want me for?

"Ah! Cherry, you're such a terrible actor." Another familiar voice comes from a corner of the room I can barely see, the room is really dim, the bed area just faintly illuminated and I gulp when I see black straps fixed strategically to the bed, the silk sheets a luminous burgundy.

"I told you, you should have let me do it." Ian says in placid tones like his twin brother, his voice coming from another dark corner and I'm just sitting there, head reeling from the turn of events.

"It would have produced better results if it were Cherry, trust me, all he had to do was keep a blank face and threaten Hayden a little bit." Leon insists, sounding disappointed.

Jaxon audibly pouts, crossing his arms. "Stop calling me that, idiot, I simply said I wanted to ask HayHay a favour and you went all out and kidnapped him."

"Erm, sorry to interrupt whatever this is." I cut in. "But would someone mind telling me what the hell is going on?"

"I'm sorry about that"

"Stop fucking apologizing." Leon walks out, in a dark red hoodie and ripped jeans, black ear piercing clashing with his blond hair. "Just ask what you want, I'm already bored." He fakes a yawn, leaning on the backrest of Jaxon's chair.

Jaxon cuts a glare at him, the dark bags under his eyes even more prominent.

Ian just walks into the brightened area, in a fluffy sweater that looks handmade, he's without his glasses this time and looks like the studious version of Leon. "Wake me up when it's time to give him another anaesthetic shot."

I make a choking sound at this, glancing at Jaxon fearfully.

"I'm really sorry about all these Hay and I promise there'll be no more needles" He cuts a glare at Ian at this point who groans in disappointment. "I just wanted to ask if you could convince Virgil to be the future Alpha." He asks, hope bright in his glowing eyes.

I blink furiously again, my foggy brain still a little slow on the uptake because Jaxon did not just ask me to "I'm sorry what?" I splutter.

"I told you, we should have just kidnapped him for real then threatened V, everybody wins." Ian mumbles, his voice muffled from lying face down at the foot of the bed.

I had scrambled up a bit when he first got on which was a little unnecessary because there was a lot of distance between us but my reaction was purely reflex.

"Shut up, Ian oh my fucking God, Shana is going to kill me." Jaxon panics, realization washing over him and I almost feel sorry for how terrified he looks.

"We can always bash him over the head, he won't remember a thing." Leon says lazily and I scramble back just a little bit more, burying myself in the soft pillows.

"Just" Jaxon looks thoroughly frustrated. "Will you help me?" He asks after a deep breath.

I take a deep breath of mine because the entire situation is just more than a little ridiculous and quite overwhelming, of all the things I could have thought would happen, this was definitely not high on my list, as a matter of fact, it wasn't on my list at all and that's saying a lot considering what had been on the list.

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