Becoming the Luna

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

"Why can't Leon or Ian be Alpha?" I blurt out, not sure if I want Virgil to be Alpha at all, I mean that was how I lost Dale.

"Leon is a sadist and Ian would probably poison the water supply, I'm not risking my neck by being Head Beta to any of these two idiots."

"Always the charmer." Leon mutters dryly, looking unbothered by Jaxon's cruel words.

Something clicks in my head in Jaxon's sentence. "Head Beta? You're going to be the Head Beta?" I exclaim in surprise.

He tweaks his neck. "More like already the Head Beta, Alpha Everett made me skip out on the one year I had to travel around the world to come back and deal with the paperwork, and these two idiots too." He sighs heavily.

"That's because you're too smart, who finishes four years of college in two?" Ian mumbles.

Jaxon just waves him away. "Well, the daughter of the last Head Beta was a nutjob that I take it, tried to kill you, got herself thrown out of the Pack and her parents tagged along so here we are."

I nod slowly, processing the information overload. "Have you tried asking him?" I ask curiously.

They all go blank, Ian raising his head up to stare at me.

"Have you tried asking Virgil if he wanted to be Alpha?" I repeat, raising a brow up.

They all stare at each other for a few precious seconds. 

"We're not suicidal." Leon scoffs.

I decide to not push further, wanting the entire situation behind me. I could imagine that the others would be worried about me now.

"Sure, I'll see what I can do now please let me go." I grumble, unhappy with my vulnerable position. "Where are we anyway?" I ask curiously, disorientated.

"My Playhouse." Leon says absently, going to what seems like a cupboard, hopefully to get the keys of the cuffs holding me captive.

I blink, starting to doubt the authenticity of my ears. "I'm sorry what?"

"Just put on the bloody lights." Ian mumbles, still face down on the bed.

"No, don't your fucking dare." Jaxon blurts looking worried. 

Leon has this upsetting twinkle in his blue eyes. "Why not, Cherry? I mean he asked." He shrugs, leaning forward.

I worry at my bottom lip, starting to think that just maybe I didn't want to know what his Playhouse is aaand I wasn't wrong.

The room gets illuminated and I'm too stunned for words, taking in the room, it's much bigger than the mental picture I previously had, my eyes getting wider as I move from wall to wall.

Playhouse??! It's a fucking sex dungeon! Complete with a human sized, carpeted cage, a wall lined with whips and gags and I really just want to go back home.

At least that explained why everyone kept telling me to steer clear of him.

I gulp when he strides over and effortlessly unlocks the cuffs around my hand, flinching slightly when his hands brush my wrist.

Jaxon just face palms. "See now, you've traumatized him."

"Don't be a prude, Cherry"

"I will legit kick your side if you don't knock that out."

"Feisty." He mutters under his breath, unbothered at the savage threat. "If you ever get bored of stuck up V, I'd be happy to treat you." He drawls to me and my cheeks flush.

"Leon?" Jaxon calls in a warning tone, hurrying over.

Leon glances up at him with hooded eyes. "Jealous? You know you're always welcome..."

Jaxon doesn't hesitate to smack him on the head with a pillow and I choke on laughter when he loses his balance, falling face first on the bed.

"Hard pass, I'm not letting you tie me up and the only reason we're here anyway is because neither Virgil or Shana know where it is." He snorts.

I just fall quiet, eager to be gone from the intimidating room.

"Let's get going, Hay." He takes my hand, helping me off the bed. "Tell Virgil that it was them that swiped you."

Identical sounds of horror come from the twin Werewolves lying face down on the bed and I laugh easier.

"Sure, Jaxie." 

I take Jaxon's advice to cover my eyes while he leads me out of the house and into his car, I really don't want to know where the alleged Playhouse is so I still keep my eyes closed for a good long while and by the time I open it we're driving past the park.

I delve in my backpack for my phone and I'm unsurprised to find it dead, I glance at the car dash and see that it's just half past four.

It's not that late and I breathe easier already thinking of a believable excuse to give my mom, Virgil, and my friends.

I needed to think up a really good one or Jaxon would get jumped.

I glance at him and note how exhausted he looks but he's now the Head Beta so that explains why.

"I'm sorry for all that." He sheepishly apologizes again, looking mortified with all that had happened. "Leon just told me to meet him up at his Playhouse." He rubs a hand down his face. "I should have figured the idiot would try something like this."

I just wave him away shyly. "No, no, it's fine, I'm fine." I reassure him, the Pack House coming into view.

The building of the Dark Moon Pack House had been held off due to the weather, they would continue it next year.

He parks and I barely take a step down before Virgil is hurrying over, how did he know I was back?

"I'm so-sorry for ghosting on you guys." I explain quickly when he pulls me in a possessive hug as soon as my feet touch the ground, glaring openly at Jaxon. "I had a couple errands to run and Jaxie gave me a ride back." 

I have to pull Virgil away so that Jaxon can make his escape before Shana finds him, she doesn't listen to logic when she's pissed and perhaps by association to the twins, he's been branded a shady character so there's a very high chance that she'll jump him if she sets her eyes on him.

I have a lot to explain when I get back to the apartment, especially when Virgil finds the telltale reddened marks around my wrists but their relief and happiness that I'm okay overshadows their suspicions.

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