Becoming the Luna

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

My mom greets us at the door in a thick night robe and bed hair which is a little shocking because it's almost afternoon, she looks surprised to see me.

"Oh? Baby? When did you wake up? Hi, Shana." She greets blearily, stifling a yawn.

"Not long ago, cuffed to a crazy Werewolf's bed." I mutter under my breath but my mom is already waddling back to her room, no doubt to continue her nap.

Shana on the other head easily catches my muttered words and glances sharply at me. "We have much to discuss." She states gravely, closing the door behind us. "Why don't you go on to your room and I'll meet you there with hot chocolate."

"With marshmallows?" I ask with puppy eyes.

"Of course!"

The room seems fine, nothing out of place, I must have been sleeping really deeply for them to sneak in, grab me off my bed and make out with me but as I rub on a faint stinging spot on my arm with a scowl on my face, I can't help but feel like that wasn't what happened.

I'm not sure how the conversation even started but a couple minutes later I'm settled in with Shana on the bed, sipping hot chocolate and listening to her ramble.

"Did you know that Virgil's mom was an Omega?" She asks absently, sipping on her cup of hot chocolate and staring at the wall opposite her.

I blink at this, Virgil didn't talk about his mom much and I didn't push, knowing that he didn't know much about her either and that it was a sensitive topic for him. "No."

"She was and Omegas are a lot more fragile even if they're more fertile and the chances of them birthing a rare Alpha or Omega type is way higher."

I just hum, knowing that Shana wasn't really going anywhere with this, she liked to ramble as it helped ease her when she was feeling tense and I liked to listen.

"Twin Werewolves are pretty rare and very difficult to birth so that was enough to weaken her, it didn't help that not long after that she became pregnant with Virgil." She pauses and glances at me at this point. "I wasn't born at this time, you know, this is just information I gathered."

I hum again, feeling sleepy from the hot, sweet liquid and warm sheets. "Of course I know that, go on." I prompt her, intrigued by this story I had never heard.

"Werewolves are a bit extra when they fall in love and mate so Alpha Everett was a nervous wreck when Luna Lily got pregnant again, she barely held out for the pregnancy term and most people agree that it was because she wanted to give Virgil life that she stayed alive for that long." She takes a sip of her hot chocolate, going back to staring at the wall.

I had long emptied my cup with any talking to fill in the space so I gently place it on a side table and settle in to listen.

"The Alpha was a crazed man when the Luna died not long after giving birth to Virgil which was quite expected but it did shock everyone when he got sent away not long after, no one questioned it anyway and even when he came back a couple years later, no one asked questions either, relieved to see that the child was okay."

She glances at me as if to make sure I'm not fast asleep with how quiet I had gotten, I'm not sure why Shana decided to tell me this, maybe it's just her fatigue prompting her but I wasn't complaining.

"I feel like they only kept their distance because of how the Alpha himself treated Virgil." She shrugs. "Leaders have that kind of power you know and I'm a hundred and one percent sure that if given the choice of who to be their next Alpha they wouldn't hesitate to pick Virgil." 

I glance sharply at her when she says this, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, I guess what happened was that they walked around a pothole on the road for too long and now there's no way to fix things without breaking up the entire road, plus Virgil can be more than a little intimidating, add that to his Alpha genes and you have the recipe for a social disaster."

That would explain why no one said anything to him yet. "But that still doesn't justify the way they treated him." I bite out, anger burning under my skin at the neglect an entire Pack had given one young boy because what? They were too scared to approach him?

"No it doesn't and part of me wants Virgil to move down to a cottage in the woods, the duties of an Alpha are such a drag and I wouldn't want to subject my best friend to that." She sobers up, looking more alert. "But I also want the best for the Pack and I'd sooner be a hobo than let Dale be my Alpha." She ends seriously. "Because the Pack is going to fall apart if anyone else but Virgil takes over, Jax might be a good Head Beta but that won't be enough."

I'm lulled to a half doze with Shana's monologue, processing the meaning of her words slowly. "W-Wait?" I stutter, shooting upright when something clicks in my head. "Do I have to be Luna if Virgil agrees to be the Alpha? Is that even possible, I mean I'm a boy and human."

Shana gives me a wide grin. "I'm pretty sure you're both a two in one deal, if they dared mention that he would have to give you up then he'd be legging it out of their sights faster than they can blink." Her shoulders lift up slightly like she's bragging. "That's the only advantage of ostracizing Virgil, it means he's not tied down by their morals, Dale couldn't do that because he loves and respects his parents too much to outrightly disobey them like that but Virgil doesn't give two fucks."

I hum to show I had been listening, I wasn't sure I would like being a Luna to a Pack full of Werewolves either, I hope it wouldn't have to come to that.

I sleep comfortably, Shana cuddling me, broken dreams of being chased around with a moon studded crown flitting across my eyes.

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