Becoming the Luna

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

"What happened today, baby?" Virgil asks seriously when we settle in for the night and I freeze up mid-way through the act of pulling the sheets up.

Glancing at him to see his level blue stare fixed on me and I sigh long-sufferingly unable to lie to him. "Promise me you won't punch anyone."

His eyes narrow, a subtle twitching of his lips like he had been expecting this. "I'm not making any promises." He says bluntly.

I sigh again. "Your twin brothers might have kidnapped me wait, let me get to the end." I add quickly when his eyes start flashing. "For Jaxie to ask me a favor, and for the record, Jaxie had absolutely nothing to do with it." I explain seriously when he looks like he's concocting some cruel plan to make them suffer.

He props his hand under his jaw so he can scold me properly with his blue eyes. "I'll be the judge of that, what favor did Jaxon want?" He asks suspiciously.

I scoff at this point, remembering the ridiculous request, I already knew Virgil's stand on it and I wasn't about to change his mind. "To convince you to be the future Alpha." I say offhandedly.

His aura darkens visibly but he relaxes almost immediately, reaching out a hand to pull me closer. "Did they do anything to you?" He asks gruffly, burying his nose in my hair.

I place both of my palms against his clothed chest and breathe deeply, tangling my legs with his. "No, I'm fine."

Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to draw a conclusion because less than a week later I'm waking up cuffed to the now familiar bed.

"Oh for fuck's sake." I groan, rolling my eyes when the blindfold gets taken off. "This is really starting to lose its charm." I bite out impatiently.

Jaxie hurries inside the room looking even more haggard and more disbelieving than I am. "No, no, this can't be happening." He groans, tugging on his wild hair. "I'm just dreaming, yeah, that's exactly what's happening, I fell asleep at my desk again" He rambles distractedly.

Ian gives him a weird look, sitting at the edge of the bed again. "You drove here."

I just level the twins a look. "Stop torturing Jaxie and get me out of this cuffs, there's something called holding a simple conversation, you know." I scold them.

Leon just stares at me with a blank look. "Strange, it seemed like a really good idea when we thought about this, wasn't it, Ian?" He hums to his twin.

Ian just scoffs, falling back on the bed. "You were pissing drunk and threatened to tase me if I didn't help you."

Jaxon just makes a sound of frustration and stomps around the room to get the keys from the usual cupboard. "Get your ass up, Ian, you're the one driving him back to the Pack House." He orders sternly, coming over to unlock me with apology in his tired hazel-green eyes that are more green than hazel now with how dark they are from fatigue.

"Have fun explaining to Virgil why you napped his boyfriend, again." He continues savagely.

"Fuck no." Ian complains. "I don't want to do that, why can't you drive him yourself?"

Jaxon glares at him. "Because I'm literally dead on my feet, I'm on a caffeine high and I'm honestly surprised I made it here without smashing my car, I'm not driving Hay around in this condition so get the fuck up."

"You're seriously not even going to ask him even after I went through all this trouble?" Leon scoffs.

Jaxon stomps over to him and pinches the side of his neck so hard that it reddens instantly - it's definitely a family thing because Shana pinches just as hard.

"I'm going to deal with you later when my vision isn't doubling." He tags on, voice weary.

I really feel bad for Jaxon but I'm not interested in revealing anything private about Virgil to them or helping them outright. "Just try something different and maybe it'll work out, communication is important." I blurt out on a whim, hurrying out after Ian when Leon's eyes go wide in realization and Jaxon starts bugging him.

I get in the backseat of the car, uninterested in sitting beside Ian for the duration of the car ride.

Virgil becoming the Alpha didn't benefit me in anyway but I did want him to fit in with his Pack, I rub my face in exhaustion

I remember that I had taken a nap before waking up in Leon's Playhouse like some twisted daydream.

We get to the Pack House and this time Shana is there to receive us, I quickly recalibrate on who I thought was the scariest person because the way Shana tackles Ian to the ground doesn't seem fun.

When she's done twisting his arm around his back and making him swear that he'll never nap me again, she lets him go and gives me a bright smile.

I give her an anxious one, waving a little, her hair is a pale blue, red roots showing.

Her hazel - gold eyes are weary but she grins so wide that her eyes turn into slits, slipping a hand in mine and tugging me along. "I came to hang out with you!" She exclaims. "We've not hung out much because Virgil is always all over you." She pouts. "Selfish bastard." She grumbles under her breath.

I breathe easier, letting out an airy laugh as I let her pull me up the flights of stairs.

She was right, we hadn't had much time to hang out after school closed, she still lived at her family house too busy helping out with the baby and reading for her upcoming exams to be around anymore and I had to admit I missed her.

It was getting colder and colder with each day that I know it's going to start snowing anytime soon and even though I wouldn't ever admit it, having their handmade tons of knitted clothes was really helpful.

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